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A Real Dog Fight

Started by Jake Voss, October 02, 2023, 04:07:05 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:28/08/2010 8:24 PMCopy HTML

So last Sunday it was Diamond Dogg picking up a win over Ares after a match that spilled all over the ring, up the aisle and into the back, damn near outside. Both men were still fighting and clawing their way through security showing that their war is far from over. Diamond Dogg won last weeks battle, but this Sunday is a different night and Ares has nothing to lose, nothing to win, just a chance to beat the ever loving shit out of some washed up, horse fucking bitch. We find the foul mouthed bastard that is Ares, that is the TV Champion sitting on a lawn chair in the back of his black pickup drinking a Natural Light with a cooler in front of him. His feet are propped up on it and were just in the parking lot of the MCI Center, camera fixed on him and Ares sneering as usual. He slams down his beer and tosses, drops the can and now gets himself a new one, cracks it and guzzles some down. He puts his bare feet up on the cooler again, sports blue jean shorts and no shirt and now says.
Congratulations Dogg, way to go, nice win ya picked up last week, hope your savoring the victory, but ya best forget all about it because tomorrow night inside that fucking building me and you boy, were gonna be tied up neck to neck and this ain't gonna be no pleasure cruise like your used to when being hog tied to a fucking horse taking turns with a little sodomy ya sick son of a bitch. You claimed you'd be fucking me huh, well how you got was an ass whooping and I admit it, ya dealt it out to and ya even won, so again, congrats bitch and here's to ya mother- I mean horse fucker!
He slams down his beer after raising it up and drops the empty. Ares grabs a new beer, puts his feet back up and takes a drink. He sets the beer on the cooler and grabs an ol' ceramic jug from under his chair, pulls a cork from the mouth and tips it back taking a slug. He pops the cork in and sets the jug down, then grins with that sneer of his and says.
You pitiful liquor pales in comparison to some good ol' homemade whiskey, corn whiskey or moonshine, whatever ya want to call it. But what kind of alcohol we each prefer means shit when it comes to this match tomorrow night. What matters is who is left standing at the end of the match, well, the fight cause what were in is a real dog fight. Not to knock that fucking brutal DOGG Fight, but this Dog Collar fight were in is gonna set the stage for event, I mean hell son, it's the first match, SEF knows what their doing which is why Johnny Camaro can talk out his ass all he wants. Well, his narrator or whatever, Johnny is still the stupid son of a bitch behind what gets said in his promos, so fuck him. He wants a fucking fight at DOGG DAZE, then I'll be happy to oblige, hell, he and Nikky Venom can bring their worthless asses to the ring or to the locker room or right out here and fight me, c'mon ya punk bitches, I dare ya to step to a real fight!
He grabs his beer slamming it down, drops the can and grabs a new beer now, cracks it and drinks some down. Ares looks pissed and says.
Diamond Dogg, your gonna be a worthless piece of coal when I'm done with your ass, a fucking pile of shit, a lump of it like when I get done in the bathroom, your gonna be a pathetic little nigger. You got a lucky win over me last week, way to go, like I said congrats, but tomorrow night I'll make sure your left laying regardless of who gets the win this time. And I don't care what any GM wants to say, you algot a TV Title shot, so anytime ya want one, next week on Extreme, whenever, ya got it, but your still getting the shit kicked out of you boy. Tomorrow night right here in this piss hole I'm gonna slam you around, slap you down, beat you silly, hit you so hard your mom's gonna cry her eyes out and then maybe I'll pay that cunt a visit and whip her ass to for letting such a piece of shit like you enter this world. The whore shoulda stayed off the streets, she should never fucked all those farm animals and gave birth to your ass cause this world doesn't need you and I'll be more than happy to rid it of you. Come DOGG DAZE I'm gonna choke you out with that chain connecting our throats, I'll whip the shit out of you and break your fucking neck, break your back, break you in half, I'll break you plain and simple you no good slacking sack of shit!
Ares slams down the rest of his beer spilling a little and drops the can. He pulls the jug back out and pops the cork out guzzling down some of the moonshine, holy shit he's taking a big drink, oh, finally he stops and pops the cork back in. Ares sets it down and grabs a new beer now, sets it on the cooler and stands up stepping to the side of his truck and turns away from us enough, then unzips and starts pissing. He looks back with that sort of smirk and sneer of his, looks away and says.
Ya know something Diamond Dogg, it's a good thing your not around right now or you'd probably try sucking my cock, be getting all turned on and lusting after me like that fucking two bit tramp Lacey Daniels was before I whipped her little ass and took her title. Now she has a new title and stays away from me cause she knows better, she knows I ain't one to be fucked with. I may have found her hot, but she was nothing special and so whip her ass I did with not a single bit of hesitation. You Dogg, I don't have any attraction you unlike your sick sorry ass, so the beating is gonna be far more brutal, the blood that flows will be thick tomorrow night. May be hard to tell who's blood is who's but I can guarantee you that most of it will be yours. If I have to I'll drag your sorry ass out here and run ya down with my truck cause this match doesn't state ya have to be in the ring to end it. Granted we'll be chained up, so maybe instead of running ya down, I'll just slam the door on the chain with outside and drag ya all over this fucking capitol, burn through the white house lawn and drown your ass in that big ass fucking pond by the Washington monument or whatever the fuck all shit it is. I don't really care for it or you son, I don't give a fuck if you live or die and if I go to prison for your death, so be it. I been there before and I whipped every niggers ass that tried to get in mine. I been stabbed and I stabbed many of them bastards, so I got no remorse in me for anything I do!
Ares has stopped pissing and just stands there with his back to us staring off into the distance. He soon zips up and turns sitting down, grabs his beer cracking it and takes a drink, then says.
I dare ya to kill me son, I dare ya to try, I dare anyone, Camaro, Venom, any one of you sacks of fucking shit on this roster in SEF or anyone from anywhere in this world watching, come get me, come try to beat my ass down, I fucking dare you. I'll make sure it's a mistake that every, single one of you worthless cock suckers pays for dearly, with your career, your life, whatever, like I said I don't give a fuck cause were entering a real dog fight here Diamond Dog and your damn sure gonna be the bitch dog in this fight! Now get the fuck outta here before I whip your ass!
He jumps up to his feet slamming his beer and the view is backing off quickly now. Ares just throws the empty our way and grabs a new beer. He cracks it and sits down taking a drink, then is seen pulling the jug out, then the view pans around moving inside the arena and fades to black.

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