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Dogg Daze RP#1

Started by The Sandman, October 02, 2023, 04:31:06 PM

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The Sandman

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:6
  • Posts:6
  • From:USA 
  • Register:13/08/2010 1:50 AM
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Date Posted:29/08/2010 4:08 PMCopy HTML

A camera opens up to reveal a shot of Diamond Dogg. He looks into the camera and speaks.

So, Diamond Dogg didn't get the win via submission like he had hoped. So Diamond Dogg had to win via a pin. Well that's ok, because tonight at Dogg Daze, Diamond Dogg gets another chance at choking Ares out. Tonight, Diamond Dogg will try harder for the win and the choke out. Tonight Ares, we'll see if you can escape from tapping out to the Beast Choker like you did on Extreme. Diamond Dogg promises to fight even harder tonight then he did last week on Extreme. You had better fight harder too Ares, or you'll end up a two time loser to Diamond Dogg.

In your promo, you gave Diamond Dogg complement for winning. But Diamond Dogg doesn't need your complements Ares. Your a insect in Diamond Dogg's eyes. Tonight, Diamond Dogg will put you back in the garbage where you belong. But knowing you, you'll probably crawl back like the cockroach you really are.

Come to think of it though. Diamond Dogg is pissed that he got fucked by management again. Diamond Dogg was promised a shot a your SEF Television Championship if he won, but Diamond Dogg now has to face you a second time in a non title match before he can get his promised shot. So tonight Ares, Diamond Dogg will be looking to put you in the hospital. Diamond Dogg is furious that he was robbed of his promised shot. Win or lose tonight, Diamond Dogg is going to take your TV title and wipe his ass with the straps of it tonight to show everyone how pissed off he really is.

Diamond Dogg doesn't care that you've faught Nicky Venom or Johnny Camaro before. Diamond Dogg has wrestled and beaten them both. They are nobodies. Just like you. And just like Diamond Dogg did with them, Diamond Dogg is going to put you away too Ares. Tonight, Diamond Dogg will try again to tap you out. Diamond Dogg hopes your ready Ares, because Diamond Dogg most certainly is.

Fade out...

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