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universal6 star tag team

The Legacy ppv #3 or #4

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 04:31:57 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:29/08/2010 8:05 PMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Legacy.jpg The Legacy picture by pegasusfeds10
|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy&The Infection/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ RP three or four.  Not even sure. damn cold medicine;-) ||
{{{The Legacy enters the arena, each of them have sunglasses slipped over their eyes.  Interesting thing is that Katana is with them and despite the over protective ideas of her father and some of their friends they are mostly gone.  The only people not signed to an SEF contract are Jayson Rage and Jake O'Bannon.  Jake is on the phone.  He rolls his eyes and stops}

Jake O'Bannon:"Guys, {he first motions to the monitor where Lacey is ranting in the ring and then to 'who sent the package, wasn't me} "She's right.  My dad tracked it down.  Oh, don't get me wrong it was a family member of mine who sent the package and Dusty's car WAS seen at the Fed Ex place, it wasn't Knox or Dusty that sent you the package.  {shakes his head} "Tate."

{Grace and Maegan roll their eyes}

Grace:"Someone is trying to gain brownie points with Dusty and Lacey."

Jake O"Bannon:"Apparently.  {he then returns to his phone call} Look Dad, if Aunt Lacey sent her to stay with Knox for a few days or weeks, its because she can't handle her, and really with all of the times the Colonel kicked Uncle Talon out....yes sir, I know.  If it comes down to it, I'm sure Justin has a plan.  Dusty and Lacey are bitches but not stupid.  They'll leave Katana alone physically.  Okay, we got this. Bye.  {he turns to the rest}  "I'm going to take Katana to your locker room, it looks like someone is trying to get your attention."

{They leave and Samantha sends him a flirtatous smile.  He winks at her and walks away.}

Samantha:"So, why do you think about Lacey's tantrum?"

{Justin chuckles and turns to his cousin and sister}


Gracie:"Lacey, you want an off camera brawl?  Well, I know where Lance lives and I'm sure Bret can give you the address.  I will certainly oblige you in a street fight.  As for a brawl tonight?  {she smirks} A tag match? Duh!  Did you not here us talk about it?  We cut more than a promo hyping our TAG match!  You've done a couple yourself.  Funny Knox and Dusty are somewhat quiet.  I'm sure they'll say something tonight when they realize that we've gotten under your skin enough for you to throw a tantrum."

Maegan:"Tantrum, {laughs} Seems as if you've picked up a thing or two from being "Auntie Lacey."  You are taking on the traits of a spoiled three year old.  You are not acting like a grown woman who is capable of giving us the match of a lifetime, instead your acting like a spoiled brat who is rarely told no and in the case of Emily, she's only told no by her father....Knox is the only one who knows or gives a damn about discipline.  I'm surprised he hasn't told the two of you to grow up.  So I'll say it.  Lacey Daniels, GROW THE FUCK UP!  Stop pretending like we're the bad guys here.  All we do is meet you and cut you off at the past.  You're sneaking in where you find an opening you say and we retailiate, never ever do we initiate.  You start something and we are more than willing to finish it.  You are pissed because unlike your previous victims like Jayden, we are not laying down and taking it.  You have convenient memory loss.  You may be on a tear where the Dynasty Divas and Knox have won several in a row but you forgot that we have taken out Aspen formerly known as a chick to old to be the real Jade Hart, but some damn decent plastic surgery and Hayden....The Legacy and the Infection have given your former friend Lucas more than a handful of beatings but none like the ones that came at the hands of Shane Mack.  He threw a tantrum and fled like a bitch from SEF because he would rather be a quitter than chalk up the losses as learning experiences.  Things like losses and the ability to pick your ass up no matter what the situation causing the defeat are just as much fundamentals as claiming that you drove for hours in the snow and slept in school gyms with no heat.  They also serve, {she smirks} as things to use to get under the skin of opponents who have this air of supreme arrogance.  You are both stubborn and arrogant that nothing we say is going to matter.  You're going to twist it or its going to piss you off."

Gracie:"I like pissing her off but that's because she chose to get into something that was personal between Dusty and myself.  You think the family turned on Dusty simply because I showed up?  Let me enlighten you, Lacey.  I lived with Justin while we both went to Duke.  He was at law school and I was working on my undergrad.  If you look at the archives, yes I am throwing your words back at you, you'll see that Dusty managed Justin while dating Corez when the majority of the time that they were in SEF previously.  Funny, how Dusty, Maegan, Ash, and Matt were in SEF working as a team while I stayed in Raleigh and studied.  Yet, I show up at SEF a few weeks ago in the midst of Lucas forcing Dusty and Knox to choose where their loyalties lay.  They CHOSE not to have anything to do with our family in the offtime.  Dusty and Knox even cursed at Justin for calling to give them the benefit of paying their respects to the only grandfather Knox ever respected, despite the fact that our younger sisters, Payton and Gabby called numerous times.  Dusty chose not to answer their calls or even to listen to their voice mail messages that they left for her, trying to tell her what happened.  She stopped answering any calls from Texas.  Apparently they even bought his mother a special cell phone so she'd be the only person who could contact them because she's taking care of their child.  She's barely even taking care of her own child when she's in Texas unless Knox makes her.  Shows how much you even care about your friends.  Dusty would rather go party with you or go do whatever appearances that you have.  Funny, I used to think my mother was busy and despised her growing up for hiring a nanny.  At least she kept Justin and I with her.  {she sighs} Even Maegan and Ash have a nanny.  Once I got to old to be my father's ex-girlfriend's life size doll she tried to have me shipped off too.  {she looks down for a second and then her eyes are a deep blue} "So yeah, I take this very personal Lacey.  I bet you thought she was spending her off time playing house with Knox.  Wrong.  So why don't you ask Dusty why she doesn't answer anyone's calls.  She probably assumed Justin was calling to look for you so he wouldn't get in trouble with Katana when she opened the cell bill to see who he's been calling.  Silly bitch.  Who do you think pays the bills?  Katana.  She's the one home the most.  She's also the most organzied.  Justin, like so many of us, suffers from attention deficit disorder, true a lot of people, not in the medical profession believe its a bullshit prognosis.  Even so, Justin and I, the twins, {motions to Maegan} Maegan and her brother, we busted our asses to focus on a few things to keep from needing any kind of medication."

Maegan:"So yes, Lacey, you were right, I did more than just wrestle and go to school.  I specialize in Dietics for children who have been diagosed with ADD and ADHD.  I know you think I was just some rich girl who got bored with things easily but for all your hard work to get to be a star in one thing, look at what I claim and yes, I say claim because it doesn't matter to wrestling as anything other than something to annoy the hell out of you with.  I did get on a junior national soccer team and left high school when I was 15, I also took that and used it to get a scholarship to Duke University where I ultimately recieved a graduate degree in Nutrition.  I didn't have to use a dime of my family's money to go to school.  {she smirked} Neither did my brother, Gracie, or Justin.  I do know how to work hard.  For grad school, I got into a program that allowed me to teach a couple of classes every semester and then I didn't have to pay tution, in fact, they paid me a stipend every semester in order to do it.  So Lacey, I may not be better than 99% of the people in the world but yes, when it comes to you and Dusty, yes honey, I know I am better than you.  Tonight, we will show you that we know how to work as a team as well.  Gracie and I have known each other our whole lives.  Ash and I have the ultimate partnership as I know Knox and Dusty do as well.  You have three people who have a partnership that has existed for years.  You are going to claim victory based on your skills and every underhanded trick that the three of you can come up with?  Please!  Just wait until we can get you in a cage and yes, a Hell in A Cell match is in our future.  See, I did what was suggested.  I unoffically asked Sly about a Hell in A Cell, he said we couldn't do it for Dogg Daze because there wasn't enough notice, but trust that first thing Monday morning I will be on the phone, or even sometime tonight, I will make an official request to have a Hell in A Cell Match or even an Elimination Chamber match with the three of you, because tonight is just another epic battle in our war."

{Ash grins and slowly takes his sunglasses off.  He tucks them into his Polo shirt.  Then looks up with a smirk}

Ash:"I think the girls covered just about everything, Knox.  Yet, I'm thinking what you have on your mind.  You like to lay back and wait.  You and I, neither of us like to talk much unless something important comes up and then we can make even the most pious and patient priest to tell us to shut up!  I'd be interested in hearing what you have been up too.  I'd be interested in hearing what you think of what Gracie said about the information that the little sisters have told her all about your dear little wife.  I'm sure that you are probably not happy.  Then again you're rarely happy but your family used to be one of the few things that would cause you to even consider cracking a smile.  Lacey calls me a kiss-ass, but trust me when I say, when it comes to kissing anyone's ass, {he pulls Maegan to him} Hell, I'll admit it.  I'm whipped.  There are a few times that I've even caved to her whims when I've wanted to lay back, relax, and watch the fireworks.  Coming to SEF would be one of those, well two examples of those times.  She has this sense of battling injustice.  Justin was surrounded by a bunch of bastards who were coming at him every which way.  I am pretty sure he would have climbed out of the pit to just exactly where he is as the number one contender without any help.  Here, {he gestures with his arms out} I am.  I was interested in watching Justin get his ass handed to him but Maegan thought we should come and get in on the fun.  He is my best friend and I know what he is capable of.  Just like you, Lacey.  You have this supreme confidence in Dusty that is based on only a few months of working with her, where I have almost a decade of our spilling each others blood, spilling other people's blood, and fighting each other and other people.  Once upon a time Knox used to be Justin's best friend and now they hate each other.  I used to hate Justin for the same reasons that Gracie and Dusty do not get along.  So you guys do have that advantage.  Knox knows Justin and Dusty knows Maegan.  No disrespect to Camaro but he works best with Venom and always has.  Gracie and Maegan work best together and always will.  Tonight Knox, I'm here to neutralize you because of the fake little belts your girls like to wear.  They want to call themselves the tag champs, well meet your mirror image.  They could take the titles from you if they were real.  However, Lacey, since you are so interested in taking on men and trying to use your body as both a physical and sexual weapon, why don't you try that shit on me.  Only put your International title on the line.  {He smiles} What do you say?  There is no past romance with us and since my ex-wife hates wrestling even more than she currently hates me, you have nothing that you can hold againist me."

{Justin raises an eyebrow}

Justin:"Oh and you think that is the only reason that you think I lost the International title?  I seem to remember Maegan and Lacey having a fued that has been going on since we were kids.  Yeah, I also took a step back and I didn't give it the 110% that I normally give in a match.  I'd like to say that I've given more to training for this match, a match for the title of all titles againist Rick Reynolds than I did for my match with Lacey.  Since this match isn't mired in controversy and personal drama then I can focus on just how to beat Reynolds for a title that he is refusing to defend except at the last minute when he is forced to defend the title or risk being stripped.  Now Reynolds he tried to insert some bullshit into this match.  He wanted to talk about name dropping and how he was trained by Mack, but he disrespected Mack.  His very presence is disrespectful not just to his trainer but to wrestling and SEF in general.  In fact, I'm surprised he hasn't made a play for Lacey.  They seem to have similar mindsets about how they can twist truth to fit their needs.  Now, as for the SEF heavyweight title, I am not going to be cocky and gurantee victory because of said drama with The Triad and with Knox and his Dynasty Divas.  This won't be my only shot at the Heavyweight title.  I'm young and hungry.  Unlike my older brother, I don't waste opportunities when I win them.  I don't give half ass performances and then throw myself down kicking and screaming when I am defeated.  I certainly do not disrespect the gender of my opponents by claiming that they can't beat me.  {Maegan giggles.  He grins} "Maegan has beaten me in the past and I've seen so many women both in my family and in federations all over the world compete againist men, yet not to the extent that SEF is known for.  SEF was the innovator for destroying the gender barrier.  One day one of my sisters may come calling on me to try to defeat me for a heavyweight title contendership or title shot, but I don't see it happening in the near future." {Gracie pinches him.} "OW!  Fuck that hurts!"

Gracie:"The winner of our six person tag match tonight gets a shot at the champion at an upcoming extreme."

Justin:"That's no reason to pinch me, shit, I know that you have it in your mind to be the first Fox female to win a Heavyweight title but I also expect Knox to be a dick and make sure that even if the Legacy wins tonight that he'd do anything to make sure that Dusty is happy.  You know as well as I do that the one thing that will make Dusty happy is to make sure that you are miserable Grace.  I expect that if things go there way they'll want me to face Lacey again.  They think that she has my number because she defeated me for the International title.  It's true she beat me but I also didn't account for how much Knox and Dusty hate me.  Lacey could very well, possibly, have beaten me clean, but they do not have respect for anyone other than themselves.  Which is why I wonder why they haven't joined up to make a super faction with The Triad.  They have the same m.o.  They have mutual respect for the others, which is what was lacking when Lucas called himself leader.  Reynolds, though, I don't even think he respects his team.  I think he just surrounds himself with people with similar goals.  If it came down to it, he'd cut their throats just as he would anyone else to get the win.  So I am actually glad we are in a dog fight.  We can cut out all of the bullshit and beat the holy fuck out of each other.  Win or lose we are going to both be feeling the pain in the morning.  If you guys aren't feeling some pain in the morning then you didn't give it you're all.  {he looks at each of them in turn.} This isn't a game, we aren't playing war like we did with Knox and Dusty when we were kids.  Knox is sure to make this as real as as what he experienced first hand.  I'm going to catch hell and hear some stupid bullshit from Reynolds about giving a peptalk to you guys like this was some high school wrestling meet.  We're a family and I honestly don't give a fuck about people making fun of us because we work and travel as a team.  It works for us."

{He looks serious and Gracie burst out laughing}

Gracie:"Yeah, and when we defeat the Dynasty, {she reaches into her bag and pulls out a can of purple spray paint} "Hey, its cliche but won't it piss them off when we take their little name plates off and spray paint over where they put Dynasty tag team champions."

{Maegan grins}

Maegan:"You know, we can take it and start defending them just to piss them off.  Legitimately, if they were really the tag team champs they'd have been stripped by now for not defending the titles."

Justin:"The way Reynolds would if he didn't force his position as champ so that he only defends the title on pay per views because he thinks he's big enough to demand that and he wonders how no one believes his bullshit about being better than Mack."

Ash:"Be careful, people are going to start calling you an asskisser."

Justin:"Let them.  I am just stating fact.  Reynolds doesn't have what it takes to be on Mack's level."
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