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Rob Rocco, Death is COMING for YOU!(Extreme 183)

Started by Midnight, October 02, 2023, 04:34:24 PM

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Date Posted:02/09/2010 8:20 PMCopy HTML

The scenery fades in, showing Ravyn Crow perched high above the ring,in the rafters, a cold mean stare to his face. Perched on his shoulder was a large black raven, cleaning it's feathers and cawing, as if to be talking to its master. Ravyn reaches up and strokes the bird's back gently and then speaks into the camera, his face still of a cold dead stare, emotionless nevertheless.
"They say my coming back should have not been, but I say screw what they want. I came back to seek out and destroy those that are deemed weak in my eyes and make SEF my new favorite warzone. Many think that I am past my prime and too weak to play ball in a yard full of ego-ridden freaks."
Ravyn pauses to perch the bird he calls Shadow, on his finger, so it may fly off into the air and circle the ring. Ravyn continues his words, anger building up as he spoke.
"Lately, all I hear is how people wish I would get a life and stop with the whole vampire gimmick. I say to them, you don't know me nor do you know of me. You only assume things and think you have all the answers, when it is I who stands tall in that yard of mine. The ring is my yard and those that enter it, will bare witness to the bloodshed I will take upon myself to perform, taking from them, their precious career and ENDING IT!"
Ravyn stands up and whips out his spiked black bat and slams it on the cold hard steel pole in front of him, causing the sound to reverbrate and echo throughout the arena. He then begins to breathe a bit heavily as he spoke out of anger.
Ravyn forcefully sits down and then slowly breathes out as he continues.
"Robby...you better have your life insurance policy paid up, for it will be your life that will be in chaos as I snap every bone in your body, snapping the one area of your body that will make your hospital stay seem like a death sentence. Your FATE has been sealed! Death is coming for YOU! Beg for mercy...because I will soon run out of it!!
Ravyn jumps up in the air and jumps over the rafter rails, decending downward and out of camera view as the scene comes to an end.

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