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---First Step Back To Glory---

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 04:35:26 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • From:Canada 
  • Register:17/04/2009 1:18 AM
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Date Posted:02/09/2010 11:56 PMCopy HTML


So my last appearance on Extreme? Didn't go as planned. But while I failed in making an impact there, I'm sure my presence was felt at DOGG Daze. Why did I show up? Well maybe I'll tell you. Maybe I won't. But obviously I did right by it as this week has a special Labour Day editoin of Extreme, and as it should be, I'm in a match for a title. Yeah, things seem to be going well. For me at least.

So the scene picks up, yours truly in a leather computer chair. Of course the location is inside my home back up in Canada. It's fucking humid right now though, with the humidity being up at 83% along with the temperature being 21 degrees. That's about 70 degrees for you dumb yankees. Anyway, I'm shirtless due to the heat, and I seem pretty comfortable as I look forward towards the camera.

So the S.E.F. thought that the very first pay per view to occur since the return of its Uncrowned Champion would pass without me even showing up? Are you fucking serious? No matter what, I was going to be there. I made my presence felt, and it seems my unscheduled appearance struck a chord with Sly, a good chord as I'm back where I belong. Competing for the championships of SEF. For a belt I've held once, a long time ago, against an old rival, and two kids apparently so new to SEF they shouldn't be allowed to wipe the shit from my hairy ass crack.  So let me start off with the man I know, and a man I love to hate. That would be the so-called 'Defiant God' himself, Ares.

Been a long time Ares. I don't know what you've been doing since I left SEF a couple of years ago. I've retired, and I've come back stronger then ever. But even through my retirement, one of my best matches to date was our DOGG Fight. Sure you remember it. Back when D.O.G.G. was an actually company, back in 2004. You and I fought our way through two men each that night, and then we were face to face. That night, you got the better of me. But I was only 18 at the time Ares. Still a damned kid, and I took you to your limit that night. Here I am, older, more wise, more experienced, and ready to take that title out of your hands. I know how you are Ares. You're gonna sit there, and run me down. Talk about how I ain't shit compared to you. Hell I can almost picture exactly what you're going to say to try and bring me down.

The one thing you have to realize Ares is that the man you face at Extreme is different from the boy you faced long ago. What I really came back for is the SEF World Heavyweight Title. But that little strap of yours will serve as a nice placeholder until I win it. You can try to keep it. But you won't succeed at it, trust me.

After that short address to the defiant one, I grab a glass of water and take a drink, trying to find relief from the heat and humidity. Next up, the skank.

So now we come to miss greedy tits. Ms. Unclean, Unshaved Vagina. Lacey Daniels. I must congratuate you. Somehow you found a way to pin me on the last Extreme. Of course like so many people in this industry, you rip off HBK and use his superkick. Doesn't matter what you call it, it's still a rip off. It did get the job done though. Male or female, I get kicked in the head and I go down. So yeah be happy Lacey. Be happy and celebrate the ONE and the ONLY victory you'll ever have over Matt Matlock.

I know you called me worthless, a "no-mark" and a no-name when we fought last time. Because of that I thought nothing of you. I thought, surely a girl this stupid is no match for me inside the ring. But apparently I was wrong. You were smart enough to take advantage of my stupidity and get a victory. But after that Lacey, you're screwed. See one thing I can always do is feel out my opponent, and figure out what they're going to do. That's why I'm so methodical inside the ring. I felt you out, I figured out what you were going to do, but you blasted me in the head before I figure out you were going to do it. Not this time though. This time I know how you work inside the ring. I know your style, your strategies. I know, I got all that from one match you say? I know, I'm fucking great, aren't I?

Basically Lacey, you aren't walking out of Extreme as a double champion. But keep that International Title nice and warm and polished for me. Because once I beat Ares I'm coming for you and your title as well.

Another pause, and a chuckle.

Oh before I go on, I just need to add something. Johnny Camaro, how is your leg kid? You get your ass handed to you by a girl who isn't even among the best in the company, and then I own you by basically doing nothing. Watch Extreme "kid". When I get rid of Lacey Daniels and make her a non-factor in this match, you'll see how to beat a female.

I brush my hair aside, taking a lot of the sweat with it. A smirk still on my face, I turn a little in the chair, moving back and forth before I stop and continue on with the promo.

So now we come to Knox O'Bannon, some kid with a retarded name who happened to be in the wrong match at the wrong time. You see Knox I have no problem with you. I don't even know who you are really. I basically set up a dart board backstage with all six of you on it, and I threw a dart. It hit your picture, so I took you out. If it landed on Ash I would've taken him out. I was just looking to make an impact.

Far as I see it Knox you aren't anything in this match. I know Ares is a tough bastard, and I know Lacey is at least a bit talented. You? With a record of six wins and ten losses so far your career isn't on the up.  All your bio says is you served in the marines, went over to the middle east and shot up a bunch of civilians like you yankees do over there, and came back and ending up nailing a chick you met at a funeral and marrying her. La dee damn da. Your bald ass is a waste of space in the halls of the S.E.F. You're nothing, now and forever. You want to get "payback" on me during this match? Try it and and I'll fuck up your leg worse then shrapenel ever could. I'll show you a real purple heart when I rip it out of your chest. Don't fuck with me Knox. It's your only warning.

Time to stand up and finish this bitch off.

I'm looking to return to glory here in SEF, and that Television Title is the first tep back to glory. That belt is mine, you just don't know it yet.

Scene fade.


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