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Double the Trouble - Extreme rp1

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 04:36:55 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
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  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:03/09/2010 9:37 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Double the Trouble!vs Knox O'Bannon vs Matt Mattlock vs AresChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Fugly FoxesTV Champion x1, International Champion (current)Getting the party started lol ..


The scene opens up showing a hotel room door as a hand comes into view as it knocks. There is a pause of about 15 seconds and then the door opens slightly to reveal a slightly dishevelled Lacey Daniels. The hand reappears and gives a sheet of white paper to Lacey which she takes and scans, she nods her head once as she turns and walks into the room, the camera pauses for a second as the door swings open a bit more and you can see she's only in her underwear, before following her inside. The room is a mess with clothes scattered everywhere, it looks like there's been a brawl inside. A room service trolley shows the decimated remains of dinner, with empty champagne bottles lying on the floor. The bed is a wreck with sheets tossed onto the floor and pillows lying every which way. Lacey bends over to move her Dynasty tag title and her SEF International strap from the seat of a sofa which she flops down onto. It's been quite some time since Lacey has appeared so relaxed.

The door to the bathroom suddenly opens and Chris Orton appears in the frame, dressed in a pair of black Calvins. His eyes are on Lacey but he does a classic double take when he realises there's an SEF camera in the room. He glares briefly down the lens, giving the SEF fans his best evil eye before he steps over to Lacey and takes the call sheet from her as she holds it out to him.

LD: You got a Triple Threat against Johnny C and some newbie Shane Jericho ... and I got my TV title re-match ...
Chris raises an eyebrow.
CO: Yeah but it's a fatal fourway ...
LD: So it'll be all the more impressive when I win and become a double champion ...
Lacey grins up at him as he smirks at her.  Chris nods his head in agreement and Lacey's smile gets wider as Chris tosses the sheet to the floor and pulls her up off the seat. She wraps her arms around his shoulders as he pulls her close into him and whispers something in her ear. She throws her head back and laughs at whatever he said as he runs his hands up and down her back, possessively. He leans in and gives her a lingering kiss before stepping back and letting her go and turning back towards the bathroom. He veers close to the camera and gives them another bad-ass glare as he passes and when he gets to the bathroom he turns and speaks.
CO: Don't be too long now ...
Lacey nods her head.
LD: Oh don't worry I won't ..
The bathroom door closes and Lacey turns towards the camera.
LD: So this week on Extreme should a memorable one ... the official return of Chris Orton where he shows once again what SEF has been missing for so long and it that was exciting enough you get to see me become a double champion ...
Lacey looks down at her Dynasty tag title and smiles.
LD: ... hell triple champion!
Lacey laughs as she strokes her gold straps.
LD: Finally I get my hands on Ares one more time .. oh I know he's gonna try make something else of that statement ... like what a slut I am or how bad I want him but .. please! As if! ... I just want to show that his win over me was a fluke, a lucky break .. nothing more. Hey I'll pay credit where it's due ... he put on a great show at Dogg Daze on Sunday but that type of match is obviously his forte ... where he can do what he wants however he wants ... I would have thought the Underground title was much more his style so when I pin him this Labor Day and take back my title, really I'll be doing him a huge favour. Then he won't have to waste his time with the TV title and can focus his attention in the area of his expertise. I mean aside from drinking beer, pissing against walls and shooting anything that moves!
Lacey looks up as something on the muted TV catches her eye. She scans the floor before bending and picking up the remote and zapping the sound on. Matt Mattlock's voice fills the room as Lacey sits with an eyebrow raised. As the promo goes on Lacey's expression gets more and more amused so that by the end Lacey burst into laughter. She pushes the button on the remote to mute the TV again but cannot stop laughing. The bathroom door opens and Chris sticks his head round the corner with a puzzled look on his face.
CO: What's so funny?
Lacey points at the TV and an understanding smile breaks out on Chris's face.
CO: Say no more.
He turns and goes back into the bathroom and the faint sound of running water can be heard. Lacey takes a few deep breaths as she controls herself.
LD: Oohhhh Matt you are a funny fucker! .. I know you probably don't mean to be but damn! ... I love the way you try to put me down but only succeed in making yourself look like the biggest asshole walking! You blatantly don't have a fucking clue who I am or where I've been, what I have achieved or who I'm associated with and yet you have the temerity to call me stupid! Oh My God!! .. Priceless absolutely priceless, hey at least you know when this comeback fails, which it will,  be sure of that, you'll always have a career in comedy!! ... You really think you've figured me out eh? After one match with me ... and hey, who knows maybe I would have believed you but then you had to screw up that perception by opening your mouth and showing your complete and utter ignorance! .. What a loser! For example what is this shit about me ripping off HBK ... because I use a superkick? .. hello I trained with Bret Hart? ... My finisher might give that away ... but then you must feel pretty pathetic knowing that I didn't even use my top move to put you away ... hell I didn't need to Mattie boy, you fell at the first attempt and that tells me a lot about you. See I have a lot of weapons in my arsenal and I'll use whatever it takes to get the job done, try and remember that when we're in the ring on Monday  ... you know when you suffer a second defeat at my hands! Oh and then you oh so originally call me names ... "Miss Greedy Tits, Ms Unclean Unshaven Vagina" ... really is that the best you can do? Hell I hear better from the kids in the arenas! .. I could sit here and talk about how you have to reduce me to nothing but a sexual object to make yourself feel like a real man but let's face it, who can be bothered? ... I mean it's not like anyone would ever mistake you for a real man is it? .. Oh and yes I do know what one looks like .. in fact there's one in my bathroom right now.
Lacey smirks and flips her hair over her shoulder.
LD: The reason I called you a no-mark and worthless is because that is what you are.
You're even so stupid you admitted that you only interfered in the six person tag match at Dogg Daze to make an impact and that you didn't care who you attacked. Well that was the biggest mistake of your life and you will pay for your ignorance this Monday when I smash the shit out of you ... hell actually knowing how pissed Knox is about what you did I might just put aside my differences with Ares for a second, crack a cold one, sit back and enjoy the ass-kicking he's going to give you. Your shit-for-brains will be your downfall ... you don't know who Knox is ... he's my tag team partner's husband, good friend of mine and the man who's going to take great pleasure in making your life hell on Labor Day, that's who he is! See on Monday it's not really a fatal fourway ... well it is, but it isn't ... because me and Knox given the opportunity will always work together to achieve a common goal .. it's only when we have no other options that we'll actually go against each other which puts you and Ares at a distinct disadvantage ... too bad eh Mattie! But still enough of me telling you my plans because let's face it you wouldn't know anything unless someone told you ... why don't you do yourself a favour and retire again cos quite frankly honeypie you just don't got it anymore ... your nothing but another piece of shit to flush down the crapper of this business and the sooner you're washed away the better.
The bathroom door opens and Chris comes out of the steam and walks straight up to Lacey. He pulls her up and puts her over his shoulder. Lacey screams in mock horror as she starts laughing again. He heads back towards the bathroom and turns his head towards the camera and raises an arm.
LD: You got everything you're gonna get for now ... so scram!!
The cameraman pans quickly away from the couple and the scene fades to black.

End of rp 1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


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