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The Greatest Of All Time

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 04:41:42 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:04/09/2010 8:30 AMCopy HTML

The view opens up inside the large home of Rick Reynolds who is standing in front of a quad set of mirrors admiring himself in his nice, expensive casual suit, the SEF Title draped over his right shoulder and that slick smirk across his face. Rick just continues to look at himself in the mirrors and looks into the reflection to see the camera, though the cameraman must be far enough back we can't see the camera or him, just Rick who keeps looking to us through the mirrors and says.
Last Sunday I single handedly took out that no good, worthless poser Justin Rodgers and exposed him for the fraud that he...was!
He gets a big grin and says.
I say was because Justin is no more, he is done, he is never coming back, at least not for my World Heavyweight Championship because that was his last shot at me. As far as Chris Orton, I loved seeing you kick the head off of Justin Rodgers, but you said your back for my title and Chris, that is your biggest mistake and you better realize it sooner than later. I will systematically destroy your pathetic carcass if you even think of coming after my title. Last year you and I had huge rivalry when I carried you through every bit of it, but no more of that bullshit!
He gets a stern look now and appears serious as he says.
You come for this belt and your dead, you hear me Chris, your out of your league, your out of time, you had your moment to relish with this title and its all over. You failed as a World Champion just as you failed to become the greatest in SEF, both accomplishments I excel at being!
He gets that cocky grin now and pats the title on his shoulder with his left hand, keeps his back to us and says.
Matt Matlock, he is back in SEF and has expressed that he wants this title, the biggest title he has ever laid eyes on, but has never held because he isn't good enough to make it to the top of SEF. You should consider yourself lucky to be in line for the TV Title because Matt, you'll never be in the ring against me, let alone for the World Title. If you are in the ring with me it won't be for a match and I won't be alone, so stay away or prepare to be totally destroyed!
He gets that slickness back to his grin and says.
Ravyn Crow, an even bigger joke than Matlock! You think your attempt to scare me with some cheap trick in the rafters and some pointless rambling where you try to act like a badass does anything except make you look like an even bigger joke than you already are?
Rick laughs a little now and sneers down his nose sort of, rolls his eyes and says with a smirk.
Your useless, pointless, Neanderthal, neurotic bullshit spewing from your asshole that is supposed to pass for a mouth is just that. You like Matt and Justin will not get in the ring with me and have a World Title match anytime soon if ever because compared to me you all have the talent of a broomstick and the charisma of a dry mop. Your pathetic and it would be a waste of my time to face you and have to carry you. Chris Orton may be the better of the bunch, but that isn't hard to do and he barely is a notch above you three. So Ravyn, target Lacey if you must, but even though she will be easier than myself, I seriously doubt you could beat her or even hurt her. Your facing my cousin Rob this Extreme and that is as close to me as you will get and after he completely owns you and decimates your pathetic soul, there may be a few more who will get their hands on you!
He grins slickly and says.
Now on to Ash Silva, the man who earned himself a World Title shot in a few weeks on Extreme and only because I am still being forced to defend my title unfairly every thirty days like the rest of you pathetic champions. This is the World Heavyweight Championship, this is the most prestigious title there is and if you don't believe that to be true, then that is just another reason no one in SEF will ever get their grubby paws on it, especially you Ash. You saw what I did to your buddy Justin at DOGG DAZE, hell, you even tried to get involved and cost me my title, you tried to screw me, but I defied the odds all by myself and kept this title and carried that worthless, wannabe Justin through a hell of a DOGG Fight and I did what I said I would do, I made him tap out and come Extreme in a few weeks, number one hundred eighty six, you too will be tapping to me and that's a fact!
Rick sneers a little as he says that, then smirks and says.
There isn't a single person in SEF who can match my talent, who can flaunt charisma as I can, there is no one in the history of this company who makes the World Heavyweight Championship look as good as it does now, who makes it as big as it is today. With The REAL Franchise at the helm of SEF this business is better than ever and its going to remain that way for a long damn time to come because the era of Rick Reynolds is going to last forever!
He turns around now with a big, cocky smirk on his face and just waves his left hand at the camera motioning were done, so back the view goes. Rick just steps forward some and we soon lower the view to the floor and fade to black.

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