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Guess Its True What They Say...

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 05:02:36 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:05/09/2010 4:59 PMCopy HTML

"The bigger they get, the dumber they sound!"
Here we find Rob kicked back in a locker room backstage at the arena wearing nothing special, blue jeans and black tee. A bag at his feet and he looks up at the camera, so then he straightens up and leans back to relax. His expression calm, just ready to talk since the time to walk is still a day away.
Apparently someone is still stuck in the circus act this business was derived from because here in SEF its all about the wrestling, the contest between two performers who will strive for the best and there is no better than The Triad and I'm a member for a reason, because this band of brothers is that tight and that great. Now Ravyn, you like to think your so great, but you are the one who hasn't proved shit in SEF only that ya had to be carried. And honestly I wasn't referring to a particular match you had against Mack and really didn't know you had or had not wrestled him one on one as its no major important fact for me to know as you are insignificant. I was referring to your brief feud with Mack who took a lump of coal and tried to shine it bright, but you couldn't even shine then. You had one of the greatest to work with and you failed to make anything out of it where as I am on the small side of this business and started in SEF with one shitty fucking gimmick, I forget the original name I was stuck as I try to forget it all. My last name I went by was Brooklyn Bomber, then before that it was Bob the Jobber, Bob the fucking Jobber!?!?!?!
He gets a little angry now showing some intensity on his face and says.
Ya know hard it is to overcome something like that, the stigma and its not yet completely shed from me, but I've come along ways in the last three years, I have proven that there is no more jokes, I paid my fucking dues and tomorrow night I'll show you just how much I have paid. I know its not an original quote, but The Triad is most definitely paid, laid, and made where as you Ravyn, your still trying to break through the surface, you wish you could compete on my level and be a threat to me. You think because your so big that makes you great, but it only shows you for the true bumbling idiot you are. I'm gonna hurt you son, I will break you and just to spite you, just to piss you off I am going to make you tap the fuck out and I don't give a shit what I make you tap with, I'll grab a hold and break off a fucking limp if I have to. I've learned a number of holds and well I may not as big as Malenko, I bet I've learned and damn near mastered as many as he has and I've even perfected some. I know what I'm doing in that ring, I spent the past seven years in SEF wrestling everyone, big stars and small stars, mid carders, I got to step in the ring with literally everyone and now here I am far above where I began looking to step in the ring the newer stars and looking to attain something many can only dream of.
He breaths steady, but hard, big breaths, then says.
You can play this off like you play your little vampire games as much as you want Ravyn, its pathetic and beneath me for I am above all that petty bullshit, I am done with a nickname, my name is Rob Rocco and I am no jobber, I am no bomber, or whatever else it was, hell, if ya go to SEF's site they got a profile up and probably mention it, who knows, I don't even own a computer to check that shit out, though Rick has some nice one, don't know shit about it cause I devote my time to becoming one of the greatest wresters this business has ever seen. You see, I've trained with the best and I've struggled my whole life to make into something like this. I don't sit around trying employ some false sense of power and play a game like I'm some king, I get in the ring and break you down, I bust you up and I stand tall as the winner because I am that much better than you Ravyn Crow.
Rob sits forward looking with dead serious eyes into the camera and says.
I am going to prove the only real threat around here is the triple threat that is The Triad because at any given time any one of us can take anyone out just like that!
And he snaps his fingers of his right hand moving it up, then smirks and says.
Your done Ravyn, when its al over they won't need a stretcher for your big, dumb, worthless ass, they'll need to bring a body bag!
Rob leans back and shuts his eyes now looking to rest, so we back off and as the view widens we see Thor a few feet away sitting on the same bench reading a book it looks like, just engrossed in and so the camera swings around fading to black.

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