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Gonna Whoop Some Ass

Started by Jake Voss, October 02, 2023, 05:05:02 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:06/09/2010 12:24 AMCopy HTML

Sitting poolside at a some small hotel somewhere outside of Louisville on a lawn chair with a cooler next to him is Ares. He wears a pair of grey swimming shorts and drinks a Natural Light, looks up and shows that half ass smirk and sneer of his, then says.
Ah fuck, so tomorrow is some big, special Extreme for Labor Day, a day off for many, but in this business a day to perform for all those motherfuckers wanting to experience a kick ass show on their day off. So to work we all go and what better job than whooping bitches asses and tomorrow night I got the chance to whoop three of all over the fucking ring and walk it dry much like I'm a drink all these damn beer cans dry!
Ares guzzles down his beer and tosses the can behind him, then reaches in the cooler grabbing a couple tossing on at the cameraman. He fumbles a little, but its heard being cracked open as Ares cracks his and smirks. He takes a drink and then says.
Still no word from Knox O'Bannon, guess the bitch decided he needs a whole lot of training to get ready for this match cause he's gonna need it all to deal with me. I'm a whoop that sumbitches ass regardless of how much he been training, nothing will prepare him for the battle tomorrow night. If he thinks he seen it all in the fucking military his ass needs a reality check and its gonna come in the form of my Atom Bomb and that's all I got to say about his worthless ass!
Ares guzzles down some more beer draining that can and drops it, grabs a new one cracking it and says.
Lacey Daniels, ya talked some big talk about being a double champion or triple if your little pathetic Tag Title were actually real. Regardless your not getting your grubby little fingers back a hold of the TV Title. Apparently you listened well and shut the fuck up because you and everyone knows when I beat you for the TV strap it was no fluke, it was a relief, so here's to ya honey!
He toasts the beer up and then slams it down emptying that can and drops it. Ares reaches in his cooler grabbing two more and cracks one, then says.
Matlock, well son, I guess your right, a lot has changed since we fought tooth and fucking nail over the DOGG Title because back then you actually made me work, bust my ass to get my hands on that belt. Right now you, Lacey, and Knox are making me the only giving a damn, so like I said, three asses to whoop and you better bet your ass that its gonna happen, you three sumbitches are gonna get bombed outta your boots and I'm walking out of Extreme still the TV Champion!
He slams down the open beer guzzling it all down his throat, tosses the can away and cracks the other one open, then says.
Your all looking pretty pathetic, especially you Knox, so maybe first order of business would be knock you right the fuck out of the match, then hit Matt and Lacey hard and fast beating them into oblivion or just go fucking postal on every one of you cock suckers?!
He looks crazy eyed and sneers, takes a drink of beer and then says.
I got no game plan, I just know that asses are gonna get whooped and I sure as hell am gonna fight my ass off to keep this title as TV Champion, so you three better get your affairs in order if ya expect to even last a whole match against me let alone beat me. Now that's all I got to say cause really, what do I need to say against those worthless chumps?!
Ares still sneering guzzles down that beer and tosses the can away as the view backs off. He then jumps up and dives into the pool swimming across it, then comes back and pulls himself out to get another beer as the view now fades to black.

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