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Time To Prove The Doubters Wrong RP # 2

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 02, 2023, 05:12:49 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Date Posted:12/09/2010 12:27 PMCopy HTML

Shane just takes his head at Drake's second promo, and he wasn't even phased. He heard this all before, and he proved the doubters wrong like he will here. He isn't worried about some wrestling record at all, and he will stand up for his family all he wants. Drake isn't gonna end him that easily, and he will show all the ones that think he can't make it wrong. If they won't give him a chance, then he will keep on giving it all he got, and keep coming back for me. He didn't want to do this, but Drake left him no choice. He looks at the camera, and this time his blue eyes have turned little gray with a mix of light red as he talks again.

Shane Jericho

There you go Drake still want to doubt me just like all the doubters here well except for my girlfriend and brother they believe in me so keep them out of this as your just taking me on, and you started it by bringing up my half brother when he isn't even part of this. I am not gonna say this again, and we didn't get in the wrestling business cause of our half brother. We did it cause it was a dream of ours when we were younger, and you will not take me out that easily I will put up a fight before that even happens. It don't even matter if I haven't won a match, but that only is gonna push me until I do. I can live with not winning, and you are just like all these haters here that think Cody and me are not good enough to be here well you all are wrong cause we do. You think your all that, but all I see is a bully that wants to pick on the new superstars. I heard this all before, and I proved all the doubters wrong which I will do again. You don't scare me one bit, and when you mention my family I am gonna take up for them. Your wrong about my half brother he is a great superstar, and I support him still. Leave Chris out of this, and focus on facing me. You see running your mouth about something you don't even understand, and I am getting better. At least I know you can't win them all, and that is something that Cody and me did learn from our half brother. Drake you can keep saying you will end me all you want, but it just won't happen. I never did say your promo was funny, so you don't know anything about what I actually thought of your promo as I don't have time to insult people that isn't my style. You want to mention my family in a promo about our match, then get ready to hear me comment on it. I will not let anyone put down my family, and get away with it. I will show you will happen when you run your mouth about me, and it won't be pretty I will tell you that.

Shane walks off as the fans start chanting his name, and the show fades to black.

TBC: No One

End of role play

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