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Same Match Minus One Bitch To Stomp Down

Started by Jake Voss, October 02, 2023, 05:13:44 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:13/09/2010 10:52 PMCopy HTML

We find Ares sitting in his hotel room on the bed wearing a pair of jean shorts drinking a beer, a Natural Light, a sneer on his face as he just looks up saying.
Well last week I did it, I whooped some ass and I kept a hold of the TV Title one more time, but it seems next Sunday I got another unpredictable match, this time a triple threat, but one opponent the same, Matlock. You didn't get pinned son, ya showed up to fight, so ya better show up with twice that attitude and passion if ya plan to uncrown me of the TV Title!
He snarls and guzzles down some beer, then says.
Now the other person in this match, Thor, you and your bitch cousin Rob want to stick your nose in my business, try to walk all over me like your smug fucking prick cousin Rick who I'd slap every look off his face just like all of you bitches. You want to come after me, work with the GM's, so my ass gets arrested again, then so be it, but that's the only way your gonna get this belt off me is to arrest me before this match and keep my ass locked up all damn night cause I'm coming for blood and your ass is it Thor, you represent the wrong group cause I'm a tear your ass apart!
Ares slams down the rest of his beer and drops the can, then reaches over to the side into a mini fridge against the wall grabbing a couple beers and cracks one taking a drink. He then says.
Don't worry Matlock, I know your breathing down my neck aching to make up for last week and take this title from me, so step the fuck up and take it son, I dare ya!
Ares just snarls and sneers, takes a drink of beer, then says.
You and Thor got no fucking idea what I'm gonna do Sunday Night, one week from now, cause boys, ladies, whatever you prefer, I got no idea what I am gonna end up doing to either one of you. And Thor, when I get down whooping your ass and Matlock's I am coming for the rest of that overrated group your in, the DC, and Frankie, Sly, I'm gonna end up getting my hands on you again and again no matter how many times you have me hauled off to jail. You want a fucking war, well your gonna get one for damn sure!
He sorta smirks, but sneers and takes another drink of his beer, then laughs kinda and says.
By the way Matlock, son, ya must have been taking too many headshots or something recently or just getting soft up there, of course you never had much?!
He smirks sort of and then says.
Cyclus huh, you thought I was Cyclus and you worked with that guy several times, damn, we may have to start calling ya Fat Matcrack cause it sounds like ya been puffing off the wrong pipe there buddy. Lay off the rocks and get ready for a fight cause last week was fun, a warm up and this coming Sunday, well, could be a bigger one brewing or maybe its just another warm up, something, the only thing your ass good for!
Ares sneers and takes a drink of beer emptying it, drops the can and cracks his other one taking a drink and says.
Matlock and Thor, either one of you could possibly walk out with the TV Title, hey, ya never know, anything can happen, but will it, well its like these here beers, they all go down easy after ya been whooping as much ass all over this world as I have!
He guzzles down some beer, then looks up with some of it running down his chin and snarls saying.
You lousy fucks can strain your grubby little paws at my belt all you want, eye it with your beady fucking eyes all ya like, but Sunday night is about making every single one of you sumbitches feel an ass whooping of a lifetime or two, make your kids and grandkids feel it. Ya fucking hear me ya little bitches, all of you, Matlock, Thor, the DC, you rat fucking GM's, Reynolds, fuck all of you, fuck the whole goddamn roster and fuck everyone in the company, fuck them all and this coming Extreme I'm truly show ya all how to start a fucking war!
Ares jumps up slamming down his beer, then rushes the cameraman grabbing the camera as he goes down. Ares turns it around and kicks at the cameraman yelling.
C'mon bitch, get up and get out!
He films kinda roughly as the cameraman stumbles opening the door, then Ares kicks him out into the hall and the view rests on the cameraman all freaked the fuck out and sitting up scared. Ares is now heard saying.
That's all I gotta fucking say from hear on out until after this next match, so boys and girls, trash me all you fucking like, say whatever, list off a hundred and ninety fucking nine reasons why I won't be walking out next week with my title intact! Go ahead, tell the world, proclaim yourself as the next TV Champ, but when the goddamn bell rings you better realize who your staring across the ring from, well, besides the other guy. Your gonna have to look into my eyes and see that there is nothing to stop me, no law, no GM, no one cause once that bell rings its all or nothing and I'm going for it all, whooping your asses and wearing the title like a true, fighting fucking champion, so fuck you!
He turns the camera around looking down in sneering, looks kinda fucked up as the view is moving a lot, then Ares brings a right hand up flipping us off before throwing the camera down and to static we go and then fade to black.

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