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Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 05:16:00 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:14/09/2010 12:10 PMCopy HTML

The view opens to the house of Rick Reynolds and we find the man himself, the World Champion, sitting out back, but not poolside as usual. He sits just outside some large sliding doors on a patio area, an awning providing some shade and Rick lays back in yellow and white swimming trunks and a nice looking dress shirt opened up, silk or something fucking expensive knowing him probably. Some hot as hell redhead chick sits to his right and sort of behind him feeding grapes to Rick and rubs on his shoulders. She wears a white bikini and Rick just smirks and looks up all relaxed and cocky saying.
You see what happens when you mess with the Dangerous Corporation is what happened to Black Bob and Ares, thrown in jail, beat down within an inch of your life and soon to lose your title because Bob, you better realize sooner than later that the DC is gonna have all the gold around their waists. Havoc will own you and take your Underground Title showing you a true champion. And Ares, you wannabe rebel, you redneck rampaging retarded son of a bitch, you don't stand a chance at holding on to your little TV Title after Thor demolishes you straight to hell. That man will eat you alive, you, Matlock, and whoever else you want to throw at him. He and I have battled each other before, I know what Thor can do, I know who he is and so does most everyone around here. Thor is not to be taken lightly and you cross his path, you will get cut down, case closed!
He smirks and reaches over to the table grabbing a glass of something, white with a pineapple slice. He takes a drink and sets it down, the redhead leans over him laying a kiss on Rick licking his lips clean, then starts rubbing him again. Rick just grins big and says.
Now then, Ash Silva, you somehow got yourself into a match against me because SEF feels the need to continue and make me defend my title against non deserving opponents. Only because of that are you getting the opportunity to face me in the ring you insignificant imbecile. Your chances of winning the most prestigious title there is to win will be slim, so slim, ah, with the DC formed and completely dominant over SEF, your chances are just none. You have no chance at beating me Ash, nothing you do can help you prepare for what your heading into. Your useless words will have no effect on someone of true intellect such as myself. Your make believe kicks and all for show training will pale in comparison to my highly skilled technical expertise. My experience as a pro wrestler far outweighs yours for your nothing more than a glorified version of a very young Chuck Norris, but at least Chuck can actually act, well, somewhat!
He laughs and keeps grinning and says.
Ash, you may as well walk into that ring the night we have to face each other and just forfeit, give up and save yourself because if you force me to wrestle and defend my title when I don't feel I should have to, then your gonna make me take it all out on you and trust me Ash, believe me, I will make you tap out just like I did to Justin Rodgers at DOGG DAZE! Remember that moment, when your buddy Justin slapped that mat yelling he gives up because I do, I heard him, then again was right there, I was inflicting so much pain upon Justin that he had no choice, but to tap out and that is your future Ash Silva, you will tap out!
He lifts his glass taking another drink, then sets it down and says.
And like I said before, the DC will hold all the gold soon enough and it begins Sunday. Black Bob, your no match and even if you had any friends to help you, there isn't anyone who can help you against my dominant group of greatness. And Ares, you got Ravyn Crow and Pyretta Blaze to back you, you three got an agreement to work together against us, pathetic. Rob already took Ravyn down one on one and Pyretta, please, she's a waste of anyone's time in the DC, even for the GM's. Ares, your losing your gold and Matlock, you will indeed be a casualty as Ares said, but only because the DC will take you out if we have to. Now Ravyn, you told Ares you won't go for his belt because your gonna take mine, but again I should remind you that Rob owned you last week proving your no match for any of us. You haven't come close to earning a shot at me and if you think your gonna try to rope me into one, your sadly mistaken. You don't have the physical power to come after me nor do you have brainpower to even understand me, hell Ravyn, all you probably can understand is whether to cook something or just eat it raw. Your lack of intelligence may not always let you down for you're a big guy, but when facing one of the DC you are clearly out matched so much that your physical strength becomes irrelevant just like you. So I tell you what Ravyn, start winning more, start showing up to make an impact in SEF and try to get management to get ya into a contender match or try to impress me which I doubt you'll ever do. You're a joke and I'm so over you I feel like I just wasted my breath speaking about you, so no more. This Sunday the Dangerous Corporation will dominate once again and we will be two titles closer to complete and total domination of SEF!
Rick has a cocky smirk and just leans his head back, the redhead rubbing his temples and we just back away fading to black...no, the view switches now to show Thor standing in darkness, no sounds heard except his breathing which starts to grow, his eyes becoming intense. His muscles tightened as we can see from the light of the camera, he sports a muscle shirt, black it looks like. Thor finally speaks.
Ares and Matt Matlock, this Sunday you both get to stare down with me and fight like dogs to try and get a hold of the TV Title. You want to do things to me Ares, things that you can't describe, that you don't even know what they are yet, your out to end me, well good! I don't personally want that belt or even the win, just to hurt you and Matlock beyond recognition and trust me when I say it will be done. For all I care you can take turns shoving that title up each others asses, but in all honesty I will be gunning for it because there is a bigger cause at hand and I am a pro at what I do, so the DC will definitely gain a new title. Matt, take another number to try and get some gold cause this ones mine and Ares, get ready to die son, both of you get ready to feel the Prime Cut and get your asses gored down! And remember boys, this is a triple threat and like the fatal four way we got no standard rules like getting disqualified or counted out. It will be war Ares and like you and Rick have stated so far, Matt, you're the casualty and come the end of that match your both looking at the new TV Champion!
Thor beats his chest aggressively with each fist, then shoots his arms up in the air and then backs off, so we fade to black.

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