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You Control Nothing!(ALL READ)

Started by Midnight, October 02, 2023, 05:16:39 PM

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Date Posted:15/09/2010 9:14 PMCopy HTML

Ravyn is out in the ring. Ravyn is pacing the ring and then begins to speak.
Ravyn: Hey yo..Rick. I want you to pay close attention to the monitor buddy boy because here in a few moments..my cousin Pyretta and her new friend Bethany..about to go medievil on something of value of yours.
Pyretta and Bethany are on a large crane that is going close to one of Rick's expensive cars and pulls up close to it. Bethany gets out and start throwing a chain around the top of the car and  fixes it where its all chained up. Bethany runs back onto the crane and Pyretta starts the crane arm up, to where it pulls the car up in the air. The car is dangling in mid air about 20 some feet and then Pyretta starts swinging it around a bit.
Ravyn: Hey Rick...how much did you pay for that awesome car? What 20,000...50,000...?? Well now it's going to cost you alot to get that car out of the shop for the next year. I hope you got car insurance pal. Your car is no more. PYRA..DROP THE CAR!
Suddenly, Pyretta release the chain from the crane and the car drops so fast, it hits the ground hard and explodes. Pieces of the car goes everywhere as Pyretta and Bethany cheer. Ravyn has a sick grin on his face and then continues.
Ravyn: You see Rick. When you piss off the deadman..you fucking with your life. You see I am very dangerous when pissed off. I do bad things to people who don't take heed to my warnings. I am far from done with you boy. I am about to show you what a sick minded bastard I am..and that your 9 little boys..haha..ain't going to survive the hell I unleashed. You see..me, Pyretta and Bethany decided it was time to offer to anyone in the back a chance to team with us to make DC learn some respect. If you hate these bastards then come down to this ring and join me and lets show DC we don't back down from no body! I am not fucking scared of you or your little boyfriends..AT ALL! You want to come into SEF and think you can take over..NO NO..IT AIN'T FUCKING HAPPENING. Not in my house and certainly not on my watch. There's three of us and 9 of you..you might have the advantage..but believe you me..thats about to change..So anyone in the back want to step up and join us..you know what to do..

Taylor Andrews

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Re:You Control Nothing!(ALL READ)
Date Posted:15/09/2010 10:11 PMCopy HTML

The SEFTron shows the view resting on Rick Reynolds who sits on the edge of a pool table, World Title tucked under his left arm and he sports the usual expensive suit, hair tied back and a slick grin on his face. People start to see him and book, Ravyn looks that way and sneers now, then raises his mic, but Rick cuts him off.

Save it son and listen up real well. Nice stunt with the car, but what exactly did it prove?

He pauses and Ravyn says.

That I can fuck with you anytime I want!

Rick keeps smirking and says.

Maybe, maybe if had actually been a car of mine it may have gotten to me, but honestly, really, I doubt it. I don't care about automobiles which is why I own only one and it is right here at my house as protected as I am, so you and your pathetic band of bitches will never get anywhere near here!

Loud boos from the crowd and Rick keeps smirking and says.

Take a look around Ravyn, the Dangerous Corporation already has the power, I have the World Heavyweight Title and no pathetic peon like yourself can take it from me, so keep on picking off random cars belonging to someone else, go pull off petty pranks that do no affect me one bit because the moment you did step in the ring with me if you ever got that luck you would feel rather unlucky after I end your miserable excuse of a career.

Loud boos again and Ravyn now says.

Why don't you shut the fuck up and step in this ring and prove it?

A pop from the crowd wanting it to happen, but Rick just looks down in disgust, sneering and he says.

Because I have nothing to prove to you and now that I have set ya straight, I'll let you surround yourself by your peers while jerking the curtain for the real stars in this company!

Rick smirks and the crowd boos, then the tron fades out from there and Ravyn just looks mad, sneers a little.

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