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Whooping More Ass

Started by Jake Voss, October 02, 2023, 05:21:13 PM

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Jake Voss

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Date Posted:18/09/2010 12:34 PMCopy HTML

Ares sits in a hotel room with a twelve pack of Natural Light on the floor next to his feet along with a few empties. He sits on the end of his bed which ain't made and sort of messed up. He holds an open beer in his left hand and looks up with a nasty sneer ready to kill someone, tosses back some beer, then wipes his mouth with his right hand wiping that on his jean shorts. Ares then says.
So Thor is deadest on whipping my ass, he wants to tear me apart and doesn't care for the TV Title, well good son cause neither you or that cheap ass chump Matlock will ever get your grubby little paws on my title!
Ares slams down the rest of his beer, drops the can and grabs a new one and says.
I'm sick and tired of getting arrested for stupid bullshit. C'mon Frankie, Sly, grow a pair a balls you gutless, cowards. Hide behind the DC, behind your bodyguards like the bitches you are, your as bad as Rick, but at least he actually does defend his title even if he has to thrown a bitch fit every time he does! As sick and tired of being arrested as I am I expect it this Sunday because its become a standard on Extreme. I assault one of you two whores or the cops themselves and get locked up. I am in this business because I am supposed to be able and whip ass without getting arrested, so why should I even bother? Maybe I outta just walk my ass out and start whipping ass down the sidewalk cause it's the same results, handcuffed and hauled to jail. Frankie, Sly, you step in my way again and I will not hesitate to whip your ass. You wronged me and I retaliated, don't like it, stay the fuck away from me!
He pops his beer and takes a drink, then says.
Thor, your doing the bitch work for the DC, your trying to take my ass out cause no one else can, cause I am a man who defies everything your measly little group stand for and I won't stop until you kill me or send my ass to prison for a couple years, but ask the inmates from my last stint, I never stopped whooping ass! Tomorrow night I'll whoops your ass and I'll whoop Matlock one more time. That bitch gets a second title shot against me and where oh where can he be, being a bitch as usual!
Ares slams down some more beer, his sneer still nasty and he says.
I may as well say fuck this shit and just aim right for Reynolds himself cause facing a guy like Matlock is a waste of my time and Thor, you don't even care for the TV Title and who knows if ya care for any title here. You just want to defend the DC, defend your cousin Rick, be his bitch, so considering the heat I'm in with ya all anyways, fuck it!
He tosses down the beer and drops the can, grabs a new one popping it open and guzzles some down. Ares lowers it and still sneering he says.
I ain't about to let go of the TV Title though, hell no! After I get through whipping ass tomorrow night and taking my title with me I'm coming for you Rick Reynolds. You're the main man behind the DC, your one calling it all in that fucking group, well son, its time you and I met, its time the Defiant God struck down the so called franchise, the scorpion, son of superman, I got your kryptonite and its called my boot up your ass!
Ares guzzles down some beer emptying that can and jumps up shoving the cameraman back. He stumbles and the view shakes, then Ares still sneering says.
Get the fuck outta here and if ya see either one of my opponents let them know the match is off because I'm just gonna fucking destroy them whether its before or after the bell, their both fucking dead! Now scram bitch!
Ares lunges and the cameraman turns grabbing the door and getting out quick, the door slamming shut behind him and we hear the cameraman saying to himself.
Fuck, he's pissed!
And then the view fades to black.

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