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All You Are Is A Shane Mack Wannabe

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 02, 2023, 05:43:43 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:18/09/2010 7:28 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The following that you are about to witness may leave you brain dead if you cannot handle the violent content that you are about to read. If you cannot handle it, please do go back or hit the "x" button on the right hand corner of the screen. For those that can handle, please go on but if you fail to read the warning or your brain explodes, you can expect people to spit on your corpse before it is buries. Read on and have a nice day. 

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Roleplay titlePeople used/mentionedAllies/enemiesNext matchAchievementsOOC
Shane Mack WannabeNikky Venom/ Dangerous CoperationDSS, Ares, Johnny Camaro/ DCvs. DSSToo Many To CountYou made one mistake, making fun of Nikky.

The sharp guitar chords of KICK START MY HEART reverberate across the arena. The lights darken and spotlights switch to a variety of different colors at a high speed. The electric guitar, bass, and drums all make their presence known within the song. As the vocals come in, the curtain opens up and Nikky steps out to cheers. A smirk across his face, he throws his arms in the air, his palms together and his arms forming a diamond as Tina introduces him.

Now making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at two hundred fifty nine 
pounds......... The Devil's Saint Nikky Venom!

He walks down to the ring, a cocky swagger in his step; slapping a few fans hands on the way down, he stops short of the pads outside the ring and jumps in place for a second, before sprinting towards the ring and sliding in. He stands up, and walks to the nearest corner, quickly ascending it. He then lifts his arms in the air, throwing the same taunt he used before, much to the appreciation of the 
camera flashes. He gets down and leans outside the ring as someone hands him a mic. The music is still blasting as the headbangers of the audience are bocing along to the song. Everything starts to slow down and the music fades out.

"So Rick Reynolds wants to make fun of us and, ouch, did it hurt! To be honest, I had to sit in a corner and cry for a few minutes. My make up was all running, it was a terrible mess."

The crowd pops as he was obviously being sarcastic.

"What did he call me? Nikky VD, and Johnny was Johnny Crabs, is that right? Ya, I think that was right. I've always found it sad when people have to be hypocrites just to say something. Rick talks about how he hates Shane Mack with everything he's got, he says that he is better than Mack and he is more relevant than Mack, and he's better with a microphone than Mack, and this and that and over and over. He keeps going on about how he is better than Mack then turns around and copies Mack."

The crowd starts to chant Shane Mack! Shane Mack! Shane Mack!

"Let me take you back about....I'd say four maybe five months ago. Shane Mack was rather bitter at SEF and the Infection was the prime target. He alligned himself with the Predators -which now I'm convinced he was trying to take them out from the inside- who were already going after us. He used insults that you, yourself used. Coincidence? I think not. So go ahead and claim you came up with those, but  I know, Johnny knows, these people know that all you are Rick Reynolds, is a cowards excuse for a Shane Mack wannabe. You wanted to be Shane Mack soooo bad, but that never happen for you did it? Is that why you're bitter? You hide behind The Traid and Dangerous Corperation because you know that if it were just you and I that you would be paralysed in that ring. You know that if it were just you and I that you would be left bloodied by my barbed-wire stringed guitar. You know if it were just you and I that you would bleed out so badly that they'd have to recreate the Muta Scale. You hide behind Dangerous Corperation because you know that if you were to face me man to man, if you were to look in my eyes you would know that you won't survive in this ring. You see the benefit of people calling you an emo is the fact that you can walk about with a razor, a knife, a shard of glass, and everyone will fear you."

The crowd is close to blowing their loads.

"I came out here not that long ago and I didn't have the time to go on like I did here. Now, i could talk til the star of Extreme because no one gives a shit about you Rick Reynolds. You can put on you're mask and pretend like it doesn't bother. You can put on the same mask that I once had on. Not to say that we are even close to be a like, but at least with my mask there was an idea. Something that was bulletproof,
something that will last forever, not like your title reign. To quote V from V for Vendetta, 'people should not be afraid of thier government, the government should fear their people'. Basically, for us that means that we aren't afriad of the head of our company, you should be afraid of us. You see Richard, you may have three strong men that apply the feeling of fear on people, we still have you out numbered. We will never die, we will just keep coming. nWs, we are just the mouth piece, we are just the face among the faceless. We are the voice in a silent room. You may think you're just dealing with The Infection and the DSS. You may think you are dealing with Nikky Venom, Johnny Camaro, Ravyn Crow, Bethany Sorrow, and Pyretta Blaze, but it is much more than that. We are the army in a revolution. We are only the beginning. Look around me, these people here all want you dead. The nWs wants you to suffer and see the wrong of your ways. Rick, you may be able to beat the nWs, but you won't be able to beat these fans. They're the reason you became champion. You may not realize it, but they are. These fans keep you as a champion in this company. You won't be able to beat all of these people."

The crowd has just busted their loads. They are all standing and chanting nWs, nWs, nWs!!!!

"Rick, these people can shut you down faster than you think. These people are what keep you here! You should respect them, but instead you scorn them. They can stand up and leave, never to return, never to watch again. Rick tell me, how much do you love that World Title?"

Nikky drops the mic as his music hits. He walks to the back slapping as many hands as he can.

Disclaimer: This layout is a freebie made by Blaze Inferno for the use of anyone. If you are found claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and be fed to the dogs. This layout does not sponsor any real life events or people. It is just a mere concidence. 


Taylor Andrews

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Re:All You Are Is A Shane Mack Wannabe
Date Posted:18/09/2010 8:51 PMCopy HTML

Once my music, King Of The Hole by Skrew, begins to play over the that worthless, pathetic, nobody Nikky Venom stops and looks ready for an attack, but I just peer down at him through the SEFTron and the crowd begins to boo loudly. I look out over them with a smug smirk showing how much they mean nothing to me and now look back to Nikky who finally sees me, so I say.

Cut my music now!

And it is cut, good job monkeys, now to you Nikky!

Listen up you little pest, you think what you like, but I'll continue to know the truth, that you are undeserving of a shot at me or my title. You can quote movies all you like and try to speak deeply which you fail at. And by the way, Shane Mack wants to be me, so get your facts straight kiddo!

Loud boos for that last line, oh what a surprise there that these wretched pawns love Mack so much. I grin and look down at Nikky.

Mack never said any of that shit to you several months ago, the only name he gave to any infected member was to your buddy Johnny labeling him Johnny Poser-

And like the sheep they are the crowd begins to chant.

Johnny Poser...Johnny Poser...Johnny Poser...

But I speak up cutting them off.

Anyways, Nikky, your in over your head if you think your ridiculous rambling out here means anything at all. It just shows how ignorant you are. You think I care what you carry around or what you think, oh, you wore a mask once, you've been so wronged by someone, your speaking out against the government, against the head of the company, your not getting it cause you see, we formed the Dangerous Corporation to go against the company in the first place, now your being all goody two shoes and trying top act like your representing SEF yet your going against the grain, your pathetic! I formed the DC because we are the greatest collection of in ring talent in SEF history and we don't need to play in petty games like you and this smalltime, lame ass nws.

I pause and the crowd is booing me, so I grin letting the pathetic peons know I don't need them and so I look down at Nikky again.

For someone who doesn't like name calling you sure like the pot calling the kettle black with your blatant lies of calling me names, but unlike you I have no proverbial mask that I would cry behind because your inferior intellect intimidates no one. The only ones who should be in fear are you and the entire nws for the front of the DC battle line is Destruction and Axel. Go ahead and claim ya fear no one and will back down from no one, makes no different because those three monsters of pure mayhem and destruction, those predators will beat you down and totally annihilate you!

Another pause and the crowd lets out many more boos, my grin cocky now and so I wrap this up.

Nikky, when there is a man who is man enough to stand man to man with me I will welcome him to my ring and gladly defend my title against him, but there is no one out there in that arena, backstage, or on the roster, excluding my family in the DC, who can measure up to me. You Nikky, you couldn't even give Mack a challenge and I don't care what you want to complain about, whine and cry that you were not in the right mind, bullshit! You got owned by Mack and I owned Mack, so do the match Nikky, figure it out. If you step in the ring with me I'll make sure you never step in another ring because after I cripple you, the entire DC will beat you half to death. And it won't be like your little episodes of slitting your wrists and being all dramatic in a so called near death experience, no Nikky, you will come closer than you ever have before. You don't have a clue about me or the DC, you barely have a clue about this company, so get one or get out!

I sneer down in disgust now, the crowd booing me and since I am not there I yell.

Hit my music now!

And the crowd booing my demand boo louder when King Of The Hole plays. I just smirk enticing more boos before the tron fades to black.

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