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{The Predator Returns To Hunt}

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 05:59:01 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • From:Canada 
  • Register:29/08/2010 6:38 PM
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Date Posted:19/09/2010 4:36 PMCopy HTML

--Reckless Abandonment at Dirrty Foreplay--
{If he thought the idea of returning to the wrestling ring was fucked up, then what was happening now surely was a wonder. Yet here it was. Adam Smith, formerly known to those in the SEF as "The Jackal", was back. It certainly was a strange occurence, coming at least a month after Jackal's former tag team partner, Matt Matlock made his return. Perhaps this would be a sign of things to come? A sign where many more former greats would return to the SEF's rings.}

{Regardless of what you thought of his return, it was coming. To today's SEF fans, and today's superstars, they wouldn't know who he was, oblivious as they were. But the longtime fans knew his history. They remembered his arrival alongside Matlock; the constant string of losses and sudden turn around which led them to two tag team title reigns, before splitting up; they remembered the two victories Smith had obtained over his partner, his victory in the King of SEF tournament, his spot in the X-Cage Match, losing only to Viper, and the long fought fued between Smith and DeeJay George that led to the first ever Hovering Cage match.}

{A long list of rivalries, fueds, moments, and championships. But still the SEF Heavyweight Title eluded him. He didn't even get the priviledge to be at least named SEF Champion in a match like Matlock did. Smith always came up short. In fact Adam had always considered himself to be stuck in the shadow of the self proclaimed "Uncrowned Champion" of SEF. Perhaps that's what led him to come back. Or perhaps there was a different reason? He wasn't sure himself. But he was sure of one thing.}

{The hunt was back on, and it was open season on "Jericho's".}
"You really don't know anything about me, do you Cody? I think your 'Dad' would be ashamed."

{As the scene faded we found ourselves inside of a locker room in the backstage of the Sports Arena. A zoomed in shot on a set of very nice clevage zoomed out now, as we see the returning SEF diva Christine Smith leaned over the back of a chair, rubbing the shoulders of the man in front of her. He may look different, but it is indeed a former King of SEF, Adam Smith. As he sits there, enjoying the shoulder rub from his wife, he looks with a confident look towards the camera.}

"Let's face it Cody. No one actually believes that your Dad is Chris Jericho. Jericho only has three kids and none of them are above the age of ten. You are just another one of these idiots who walk around, and ride on the coat-tails of famous wrestlers because you know you suck so much you can't make it on your own. But even still, if Chris Jericho was really your father? He probably would have disowned you by now."

"Chris Jericho is a great performer. Inside the ring he's one of the best, and he knew to scout all of his opponents. Cody 'Jericho' is a shitty performer inside the ring and probably doesn't know what it means to scout an opponent. Let me give you a little history lesson friend. I'm a former tag team champion, Intercontinental, United States, and Hardcore Champion. In 2004 I won the King of SEF tournament. And you know that guy who very handidly kicked your ass about a month ago, Matt Matlock? He trained me. And I hold two victories over him. So basicall you're facing one of the most accomplished men in SEF to have never held the big title, and a man who's twice beaten someone who kicked your ass."

"I guess you could say, you're not lucky this week Cody."

{He bends his head backwards, as Christine continues to rub his shoulders. You can see the smile on his face, obviously wanting to be doing something else at the moment. But, duty calls.}

"If you had said to me months ago I'd be back in SEF I'd have laughed at you. I came back to wrestling when I thought I never would. I never thought I'd end up back here. But something called to me. I thought, maybe I should go back. Maybe I should go back because that SEF Heavyweight Championship is the ultimate prize for a hunter like me, and a prize I've never managed to snag. And despite my victories over him, I still remain in the shadow of my former partner. I'm not content to have that remain the same. I'm not going to let it stay that way any longer. I did not come back to SEF to fail as I have before. And you Cody? You won't stand in my way. All I see when I look at you is a piece of dead meat, laying on the ground. And you know what Cody? I'm very hungry. It's time for dinner."

{With that, our scene fades on a chuckle from the predator of the SEF, who tonight makes his return. Once again Cody Jericho will be used as a stepping stone for a returning superstar, and the predator will be on the hunt once more.}


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