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Winter Comes Early //Extreme//

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 06:00:35 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
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  • Register:29/08/2010 5:19 PM
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Date Posted:19/09/2010 5:35 PMCopy HTML


I felt sore as I walked. A lot of pain went through my body. Of course, Matthew did say to expect it. My body wasn't used to the rigors of a wrestling match, and on Friday night I experienced my first, and certainly not the last. My actual debut into the wrestling ring was unsuccesful, so now i was hoping my first time in the ring of the Showstoppas Extreme Federation would be different. Matthew has cautioned me about this. He said there was no Women's Division, and there was just as good a chance I would face a man as I would a woman. Luckily enough I didn't have to worry about that just yet. Three other women, one I knew, the others I didn't. All I could hope for is that the skills Matthew taught me would carry me to victory, and that the girls were ready for an early winter.

Matt had gone outside to cut his promo. Right now though? It was my turn. So far all I'd done is an interview, and a promo inside of the ring with Matt beside me. This was all me right now, but I was ready for it. My black dress pants and blue blouse wouldn't be my attire for the match of course, but it was suitable for now while I stood there to address the women I would wrestle later on.

Jessica: Well hello there SEF! I know it's not often these days you find yourselves with a brand new star coming into the company, but, here I am! I'm Jessica Winters, the fiance of SEF's crownless king, Matt Matlock. I know what you're thinking, what's a small girl like me doing wrestling? I mean I don't even weigh 150 pounds, not even 140 pound. I'm not even five and half feet tall. Yet here I am, and in a few hours I'll be there on Extreme squaring off with three of the other ladies in the SEF. Now there's one lady in this match I'm very interested in matching up against, and that's Christine Smith. Matthew's told me a lot about you, and I know for a fact he had a hand in teaching you. Needless to say the two of us against each other would be an interesting match up. You and Adam are making your returns, looking to make a big impact upon coming back. But as much as you may want this victory I'm not planning on letting it happen at my expense!

I didn't want to sound mean. Even though Christine was never the most succesful in the SEF she had more time in the ring then I did, so I was in no place to say I was better then she was. But I wasn't letting myself lose to her just because she needed the victory.

Jessica: But the other two women in this match, they have history and they've been around the SEF recently. Now Dusty O'Bannon. I just wanna say one thing first off, and it's that I hope you have more balls then that boy you hang out with. I've been watching SEF the past couple of weeks, and your man Knox O'Bannon ended up with a loss at the last pay per view thanks to my man, Matt Matlock. And as far as I've seen your boy has just been sitting back and taking it, pretending like it never happened. I don't think a man who can barely stand up for himself would be able to stand up for you. So tell me Dusty, do you have more balls then Knox? From watching your promo video a little earlier, it seems you're more worried about the incest laden family you and Maegan Fox seem to have, rather then the match at hand. Disgusting isn't it? And I don't know where you get the idea I'm a "pop princess" since you don't even know me. I'm sure to cure your boredom because Gracie isn't the only one you have to worry about. Maybe you oughtta take your head out of your own ass, and focus on the task at hand?

It seemed odd, these women bitching about stupid shit. They obviously knew each other and didn't care much about me, or Christine. But you'd think they'd have more on their minds besides catfighting about who said what about the company, or who's stepson married who's uncle. Seemed they were a bunch of in-bred hicks rather then divas, but who was I to judge?

Jessica: And finally we have Grace Payne, a member of this little group who call themselves "The Legacy". It would seem no one around here has any originality, do they? You have a group pretending they're the kids of Chris Jericho, and now you Grace and the rest of your crew ripping off the name of a WWE stable. And just like Dusty you seem to be worried about your family drama more then this match. I heard what you said, about feeling proud about walking out of a match saying you beat three people rather then just your step-sister again. But Grace you aren't feeling anything but a cold shiver come Extreme, because I'm the one walking away with a victory over three others, not you. You and Dusty settle your family drama, and I'll match up with Christine to see who the better between us is. But regardless, I'm taking my debut victory. But good luck to you anyway.

And that was that. I wrapped up the promo with a smile, and walked away from where I had been standing. As I walked away, I bumped into Christine, walking the opposite way.The camera was still rolling to.

Jessica: Oh sorry. You must be Christine right? Matthew told me a lot about you. Good luck tonight, I'm rather excited to see which one of us Matt trained better.

Christine: Oh, you're Jessica right? The latest piece of ass Matlock got for himself right? Jessica, trust me. Get away from that prick as soon as you can. He's a womanizer, always has been, always will be. You'd be better off without him.

Jessica: Don't you dare talk about him that way! You don't wanna piss me off!

Christine: Oh now, let's not get the little girl pissed off now. Ha ha. Trust me Jessica, you best go back to that PR job. I know you want to wrestle because Matthew does, but you aren't cut out for it and you're liable to get hurt. I know for a fact Matlock trained me better then you, and tonight, I'll prove it.

Christine walked away me now, smirking. I was livid. How dare she talk about my fiance' that way, especially after what he had done for her? I decided not to cause any more trouble and save it for the match, turning and walking away as the scene faded.

christyTY.png image by _LAbubbles_

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