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Almost Gave Up On Himself RP # 1

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 02, 2023, 06:06:45 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Date Posted:22/09/2010 6:34 PMCopy HTML

Now Shane really feels bad about not winning a single match since coming here with Cody, and he is happy that Cody won a match. He just don't feel like he is living up to his family's name at all, and he came so close of giving up on himself. He is sitting on the couch in his locker room looking down in shame, and he is in a triple threat match. He is facing the same man that beat him last week Drake Sage, and Camaro. He is just not himself this week, and Brandy notices. She walks over to him, and they get talking.

Brandy Gibson

Come on Shane you can't give up, and you will win a match like Cody did you just need more faith in yourself. You can win this triple threat match, and I will be right there watching you give it all you got.

Shane Jericho

Brandy I haven't won a match here still coming here with Cody, and at least he won a match. I am not living up to my family's name at all, and face it baby I am just not good enough I just want to give up. I lost to the same guy I am facing this week Drake Sage now I got to face Johnny Camaro in this triple threat match. I wish I had the confidence like Cody does as it isn't gonna matter I will just do like I always done when I came here. What is the use of trying when I know what is gonna happen, and maybe I need to face that. I am glad you believe in me, but I just don't believe in me anymore.

Brandy Gibson

Don't talk like that, and you lost confidence in yourself as you to believe in yourself again. I hate seeing you like this, and come on you are better then this. You are not letting your family down, and you can't win them all. You will have your day to shine, and all of these doubters will be proven wrong. You can't give in to what they say, and go out there to give everything you can. I stand by you all the way, so does Cody as well as the fans.

Shane looks at her, and nods his head knowing she is right still that don't make him feel any better as the show cuts to a commercial break.

TBC: Me only

Dean and Seth Moxley

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Re:Almost Gave Up On Himself RP # 1
Date Posted:24/09/2010 9:42 AMCopy HTML

Shane gets up from the couch, and kisses Brandy as he walks out of the room. He shuts the door behind him, and leans against the wall. He looks up at the camera, and talks again.

Shane Jericho

Drake you might have beat me, but you can't keep me down. I said I would come back for more, so what if I haven't won a match it just don't matter cause I will have my time to shine when it comes I just know it. You want to complain about having to face me again, but I proved something in that match with you that I wasn't about to go away. I still won't give in to what you doubters have to say, and I am not a love child get it through  your thick skull. You think you can just take me out in one match, and are gonna do it again please I am not gonna let that to happen. You and Camaro will find that I am still not a man you want to mess with, and I am gonna show you a side to me that no one has seen before as we will see who comes out on top now won't we.

Shane walks off feeling a little better, but he has pushed away his last name as he just wants to be his own man as the show cuts to another commercial break.

TBC: Me only

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