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universal6 star tag team

{Don't Even Bother Trying To Win}

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 07:07:32 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:5
  • Posts:5
  • From:Canada 
  • Register:29/08/2010 6:38 PM
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Date Posted:24/09/2010 8:29 PMCopy HTML

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--Reckless Abandonment at Dirrty Foreplay--
{That was easy enough to take care of. Just like everyone else in the company, "The Jackal" Adam Smith had used Cody Jericho as a stepping stone. A first step if you will. He had gone back to watch some tapes, and noticed that Matlock's first match back was also against Cody Jericho. Fancy that. Of course that would be the end of the similarities between the two. Seemed that almost everywhere he went, there was Matlock, and not just in SEF either. And almost always Smith was overshadowed by his mentor. This time around in SEF things would be much different. But for now, Adam takes to tag team action alongside Christine to face Ravyn Crow and Pyretta Blaze. Now The Smith's aren't normally cocky indiividuals, but in this case it's hard not to be assured of your own victory.}

{The massive storm system known as Hurricane Igor recently swept across the Canadian province of Newfoundland & Labrador, knocking over trees, powerlines, and causing massive flooding in several areas. Among these areas was the city of St. John's, Adam & Christine's hometown. This past week has been busy for them, as they make an effort to assist in the cleanup effort and even donate some of their own money to help with the cleanup, along with Adam cutting a promotion from the flood ravaged roads. We join Adam now, as he gets ready to cut another promo, however he's inside one of the buildings that escaped damage, the inside relatively warm and dry. Sporting an SEF t-shirt with black ski-pants. With the camera rolling, SEF's Predator speaks.}

"The first week that the Predator and his Queen return to SEF, we both achieve victory. Now if that isn't a sign of things to come, then I'm not sure what is. As I said before, I didn't come back to SEF to fade into the background like last time. I had my championship reigns, I had my high profile fueds, and I even had a King of SEF victory. I still ended up largely forgotten after I left though, didn't I? So the objective is clear. This time through SEF I aim to make sure I end up being remembered. Cody, sorry kid. But you may as well face the fact you're just a stepping stone for anyone who comes into the company. Matlock used you, I used you, and you'll probably end up being used more then the whore you keep company with. Deal with it."

{He'd learn, just as Adam did, that its only through getting your ass kicked repeatedly will you rise up to greatness. But it was time to press onward, as Adam had a rather cocky look on his face before next speaking.)

"Now this week, is my first tag team match in a long time. I know I haven't been in a tag match since I returned about a month ago to the ring, and I don't know when my last tag match was before I left wrestling. And quite frankly I couldn't ask for a better tag team partner then my lovely wife. I'm sure she'd like to be out here cutting up Pyretta & Ravyn verbally, but she's off doing her part to help the flood ravaged neighborhood here. So I guess it falls to me, doesn't it?"

"Now Ravyn I know all about you. I hate to bring up that prick Matlock again, but he used to mention you in conversation once we mended our friendship. I recall he mentioned he had a title defence down in Chicago, and he faced off against you and gave you a hell of a beating. Of course that was only one time. I also saw that beating you got from Rob Rocco a couple of weeks back. Fun stuff to say the least. You're a bit of a glorified jobber Ravyn, like a gothic Brooklyn Brawler.  I also heard your a little gender confused to? Just face it Ravyn. You aren't going to win. As for Pyretta, this ugly as sin little whore you dragged along with you to SEF, girl I don't know a thing about you but I can discern from the company you keep you are REALLY fucking stupid. I mean REALLY stupid. Teaming with Ravyn Crow? That's like shoving a stick of dynamite up your cunt, you just don't do it. But if you want to team with him and put yourself opposite the ring from me, so be it. This is SEF, and anything goes gender wise. I do realize that goes both ways, and Rayvn you aren't prohibited from facing my wife inside the ring. But I think she can take care of yourself. Just as a word of advice though, if you'd like to live long enough to see the next pay per view, I'd be a bit careful with her. In other words, hurt her too badly and I will fucking disembowel you!"

"For now, I'll leave you two to come up with whatever sort of comeback you can come up with. But do me a favor and don't make me exert much more effort then I have to. I hate it when enhancement talent makes an effort to win."

{With a wink to the camera, the cameras fade out now. One has to wonder the comeback from Ravyn & Pyretta after this rather cocky promo from one of their opponents.)


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