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Success This Time //Extreme//

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 07:12:39 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:3
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:29/08/2010 5:19 PM
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Date Posted:25/09/2010 9:37 PMCopy HTML


My first time in the SEF ring didn't go as I planned.Of course, I was pitted up against three other women. I know matches like that happen all the time, but for a woman only in her second professional match? A woman who had a hard time defeating only one woman and facing three? Oh well. I wouldn't let it get me down.I had another match to get ready for, and this time it would be one on one. Just me and another lady, inside the ring. A perfect chance to refine everything Matthew taught me. There would be success in store for me this week, I could feel it.

 It was Saturday evening down in Sacramento, California. Matthew had been staying down there with me for a while while we worked some shows. At the moment he had gone down the road to get some liquor, but he had left the camera set up up from earlier in the day. After fiddling with it a bit, I got it to turn on. I then sat on the couch in front of the camera, dressed in a simple white tanktop with blue jeans. I smiled and brushed my hair aside.

Jessica: So last week? It wasn't my week, was it? Christine you got yourself the win, good for you. But your bit of "advice" about me and Matthew's relationship is still falling on deaf ears. You never knew him the way I do, so you can shove it! Now then, this week, I'm in a singles match against Bethany Sorrow. A little girl who walks in here and starts smoking weed and jamming with those two horrible rappers, the Insane Clown Posse. Well Bethany my dear, if I may say so you look like a damned clown, so maybe you should join up with the ICP and not wrestle. You'd be a great fit. Don't get me wrong. You've held the International Title, so you've obviously got some in-ring talent. But your attitude? It pisses me off. It's women like you who act as bad role models, and little girls grow up thinking the shit you do is cool and they grow up doing it, and get in trouble. I've known far too many friends who went down the wrong path following freaks like you! So come Extreme, Bethany, I'm certain success will come my way. Because I'll beat you down and pin you for the three, and when I'm done I'll make sure you feel like a clown as much as you look like one!

Short, and simple. I didn't know much about Bethany so I couldn't say much more. I walked out of sight of the camera, and then shut it off as the scene would cut to black.

christyTY.png image by _LAbubbles_

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