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Gracie Extreme 185 rp

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 07:14:32 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:26/09/2010 7:04 AMCopy HTML

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For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
Gracie20Fox20Payne2020Banner.jpg Gracie Payne picture by pegasusfeds10
|| The Divine Diva|| {{Gracie Amanda "Fox"Payne}} || The Divine Diva||
{{Gracie and Rage are walking into a gym when they see on the monitor Christine Smith's promo.  Apparently its a replay from last week that Gracie had not seen, probably because she was to busy stalking Dusty, making her life a living hell, and trying to figure out what the hell she was doing sleeping with the man who had admitted to her had been hired by her father to be her bodyguard.  She was first pissed and then disgusted by the insinuations that Christine was making and then whatever program they had on in the gym mentioned that Matt Mattlock had made similar accusations before a match he had had with Maegan.  Then it showed that Matt Mattlock's girlfriend had picked up the the same train of thought.}
Gracie:"You guys, {her whole body shaking in rage} "bitch about how Dusty and I hate each other but then you keep bringing it up.  So for all of the stupid bitches that I have to deal with, which seems to be the only ones that I am being put in the ring with lately, let me try to speak real slow and use small words so hopefully you will understand.  First, Christine, you may have one a match but that doesn't mean that your the queen bitch around here.  I won several matches in SEF during your hiatus and if I remember correctly from watching my big brother's training videos when he was in SEF in 2003 that you didn't do much, if anything.  Also since you people, (Matlock, Christine, Jessica, etc) are so dense I will one again have to go through this crap because you can't seem to follow anything.  Why do I hate Dusty?  Simply?  I was angry for a long time about my parents divorce.  My mom married Dusty's father and due to my parents having very busy schedules she got to have all of the quality time with my mother that I was used to having.  Dusty, of course held it over my head for years.  I'm 19, she's about to turn 21 I think so what you have here is a very violent step-sibling rivalry.  Ash, I think is the only old one in our group.  Maegan's 26, Justin is 22, and Katana, well she's on maternity leave but she's 23.  So we are are all pretty young and hot blooded.  As for trailor trash, well {she and Rage laugh} my fight with Dusty would seem fitting on the show since we'd be willing to kill each other but, I grew up in Greenwich, CT, the same town as the McMahons.  So technically I should be acting like you, a bunch of uptight bitches, only with more money than I know what to do with."
Rage:"I don't know why you are explaining yourself.  Maegan ignored them."
Gracie:"And you see where that got us?  They are making accusations about my family and I can't stand it.  {She sighs and looks up at him} I'm not a whore."
Rage:"I know that.  {big grin} "I know that better than anyone."
{Gracie flushes}
Gracie:"You're the only guy I've ever been with.  I'm surprised that you aren't the least bit pissed."
Rage:"I would be if a guy would have called you out, but its a couple of stupid girls.  They don't know shit, one's a rookie who's so far up Mattlock's ass that whatever he says is gospel.  Then the other one is just another crazy bitch.  Don't let two nobodies distract you from a fight with ranked competitors who are out for your blood."
Gracie:"I guess your right.  I should worry about the Stable War this week with Orton/Knox and the Dynasty Divas but I have a great team.  I still don't understand how Maegan could lose a hell in a cell for the International title.  She busted her ass in the gym and promo'd the hell out of it.  The match was even her idea!"
Rage:"It was a hell of a match though."
{Gracie rubs the back of her head.  Rage reaches around to place his hand on her's where she got hit during her match}
Gracie:"I'm so sick of all of this interference in our matches.  Knox and Adam were involved with the match.  It may as well have been a six pack challenge or me in a handicap match againist all of them."
Rage:"You still held on to the very end and kicked Knox out of the ring before Christine got you from behind.  Everyone had a pretty shitty showing.  Justin only one by dq and you know how he hates that."
Gracie:"Yeah, I'm starting to hate it too.  I'm actually surprised that Lacey actually gave Maegan a straight up match.  Maybe she's not the bitch, maybe it really has been Dusty all along with these "interuption" plans."
Rage:"Maybe but remember you get her in the ring this week.  All four of them, no surprises."
{Gracie laughed}
Gracie:"This is SEF, there is always surprises.  Something unexpected always happens.  Let me go through this, hopefully for the last time so those with slow learning problems in the SEF Locker room get it.  {she turns to the camera} First, my BROTHER Justin is our team leader.  His wife Katana would normally be at his side in a fued with Lacey and Chris due to the ramifications of Justin having dated Lacey in the past but she's pregnant.  My COUSIN Maegan used to be really good friends with Lacey in high school before she was offered a spot playing Junior National Soccer in Canada.  Maegan is married to Ash who was her martial arts instructor for many years.  The only thing creepy in our stable is that Maegan used to babysit for Ash's daughter."
Rage:"You forget that Matt married Justin's baby sitter."
Gracie:"Matt's not in SEF anymore, let's keep closer to the point.  Dusty is Justin's half sister, they have the same father. Justin and I have the same mother.  Knox and Justin used to be best friends before he went all psycho ex-Marine on..."
Rage:"There is no ex, once a Marine always a Marine."
{Gracie looks up, starts to contradict, but Rage is completely serious.}
Gracie:"Okay, Knox is a psycho soldier boy."
Rage:"Better.  {Gracie smiles}  You know your family doesn't sound like Jerry Springer it sounds more like a soap opera like....I can't think of one, but you know what I mean."
Gracie:"These are the 'Days of Our Lives' that we lead 'As the World Turns."  {Rage laughs} At least we don't live in Santa Barbara although I think Maegan used to intern at General Hospital in college."
{Rage smirks}
Rage:"Smart Ass."
Gracie:"Hey, Kayla liked soaps, what can I say?"  {he shrugs} "That was cute.  I'm sure Christian would love the posture."
Rage:"Who's going to tell him?"  {Gracie gives him a duh look, and then points to the camera.  Rage gives a lopsided grin and loops his arm around her} "Don't you have a match to get ready for?"
Gracie:"SSDD, I have to prepare for anything they can think of."
Rage:"That's why you are going to train with your crazy Uncle Max."
{The camera turns to show a crazy looking dude kinda like Sean O'Haire but meaner and more battle scarred in an Octagon.  She gives her bag to Rage and she walks straight toward the Octagan and climbs in with the guy who dwarves her by almost a foot as we fade to black.}
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.


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