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Maegan and Ash Extreme 185 rp

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 07:15:43 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:26/09/2010 7:08 AMCopy HTML

Maegan20Fox20Banner.jpg Maegan Fox picture by pegasusfeds10
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Maegan & Ash's 185 promo
Tarnished Legacy vs Dynasty Divas/Orton/Obannon
Multiple time wrestling/martial arts champ. Canadian National Soccer team
..x.{{{{Maegan and Ash are reviewing Maegan's Hell in a Cell with Lacey Daniels for the SEF International title....a title that Maegan failed to win but got stitches and a big bandage as a consolation prize.}}
Maegan:"I can not believe it!!  I was so close!"
Ash:"She's an evil bitch who knows how to use that cage to its full advantage.  You didn't train that way.  Even Johnny took it easy on you, somewhat because your dad didn't feel girls should wrestle that way."
{Maegan smirks}
Maegan:"Which is why Aunt Kristin almost gave him a heart attack when she and Star wrestled in that Terry Funk Alcatraz match."
{Ash grins}
Ash:"I'm sure he's not the only one."
Maegan:"No, {laughs} and you wonder why he stuck Taryn and Drew in a boarding school in Scotland so they wouldn't be around our families' insanity."
Ash:"Does he not realize he was the cause?  It's his fault, he was the first one bit by the wrestling bug and it passed down to all four of his children and then to his grandchildren.  Chris and Kristin married wrestlers and their children for the most part married wrestlers.  Drew and Taryn are both dating people in the business now."
Maegan:"You still don't think of yourself as a wrestler do you?"
Ash:"No, I think of myself as Happy Gilmore.  I'm a martial artist with a better than Happy's Hockey Career average who, by necessity had to join another sport for financial and personal enrichment."
Maegan:"I wondered where you were going to go with that because Happy sucked at hockey.  He could barely skate."
{Ash grinned}
Ash:"I also don't have his violent attitude."
Maegan:"So you wouldn't attack Bob Barker?"
Ash:"Hell no, did you see what he did to Chris Jericho?"  {Maegan dies laughing}  "You think those guys Shane and Cody are really related to Jericho?"
Maegan:"Hell, I don't know but their personalities certainly would clash with his I think."
Ash:"Anyway, enough kidding around.  {he reached over and grabbed a camcorder} "Dynasty Divas and their bitches vs The Tarnished Legacy,"
Maegan:"Uh, you're in this stable match too."
Ash:"I'm thinking of retiring.  I didn't come here to be involved with petty bullshit that happened almost ten years ago before Justin and I even became friends.  Now don't get me wrong I'm not down with anyone jumping someone from behind, especially my best friend, {he tickled Maegan, who giggles} or my wife but I'm not going to be dragged into something that happened because a couple of kids got horny."
Maegan:"Really?  {crosses her arms} "What if...."
Ash:"Don't even go there!  She's not dating until she's 50!"
{Maegan rolls her eyes}
Maegan:"Yeah, you'll probably answer the door with 'chucks around your neck and a tonfa in your hand when boys even start showing up to 'study' with Dani."
Ash:"Actually, I thought I'd get your Uncle Josh to get the Texas Rangers to camp out on our front lawn until she goes to college."
Maegan:"Right and I'm sure that will work, look at Dusty."
Ash:"Okay, scratch that, Justin and I will answer the door like Will Smith and Martin Lawerence in Bad Boys."
Maegan:"Yeah Justin with a 9mm.  He'd better keep a goatee or he'll look almost as old as the kids showing up to see Dani."
Ash:"Thank God for parochial school."
Maegan:"Really?  What do you know about it?  {she smirks}  Dusty went to Parochial school, Lacey went to Parochial school, hell Britney Spears went to Park Lane Baptist School!  IF that bitch isn't messed up then I don't know who is.  It's not the school really, I mean you can go either way.  Some girls are super sluts that are products of church schools and some are normal until they really hit it off with a guy and its sex tape city."
Ash:"Sounds like a porn shop."
Maegan:"I'm surprised Dusty hasn't opened one with her new attitude or maybe its so trashy that Lacey won't let her because it would ruin her good girl gone bad image."
Ash:"So she's the Black Sheep of the Hart Wrestling students."
Maegan:"Don't go there.  She's so not Owen!  Owen was the black hart and I miss my t-shirt, when I hit puberty, suddenly it wouldn't fit anymore, {she sighs and Ash chuckles} She has a long way to go before she earns enough respect from her peers to be placed in Owen's category. Oh, I know she wants to be and she did go a long way on Sunday in changing my opinion of her but no, she's not earned enough respect to be placed on the Hart Family level.  No one active in SEF right now is even these new people with their overinflated egos like Matt Mattlock.  He probably thinks he's a wrestling God but he's he's done exactly what?  Beat Knox?  Like that's a big accomplishment!  Did he have a good showing againist Ares?  I don't know, I was getting stitched up.  I don't think he's the new television champion though."
Maegan:"So it's a roster of a lot of people with big attitude and yeah we got attitude to back it up."
Ash:"Personally, I hate wrestling.  There is to much bullshit and people are so full of their own crap that they don't even pay attention to anyone else says unless its a personal attack on them."
Maegan:"So what are you going to do?"
Ash:"I think we finish out what we got going with this fued and then let Matt come in here.  He's bitching about the politics of running a business.  Let him do it.  Let him come in here and help Justin clean up the mess he started when he didn't put that bitch in her place.  There would be a lot less explaining over who is who."
Maegan{sighing}"I think Gracie's getting bored too.  Now that she's with Rage, she's thinking about getting away from wrestling completely."
Ash:"That whole thing just blows my mind.  One minute she hates him because he ogled a Lacey playboy and the next they are baby talking each other."
Maegan:"Who knows."
Ash:"Who cares?  {he smirks and gets up}  "We got to go to meet Justin at the gym.  I going to raz him about the whole situation."x..
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