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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 07:16:35 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:26/09/2010 7:12 AMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Legacy.jpg The Legacy picture by pegasusfeds10
|| Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ Tarnished Legacy&The Infection/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~Homies by ICP|| MComments ~ Wrote this last night. Lacey what did I tell you about crawling around in my head?
{{Scene opens on Ash as he's standing, somewhat pissed at the back of the Yukon that he and Maegan rented.  Katana's baby sister, Cheyenne can be seen putting Maegan and Ash's son, Dante in a car seat.  Ash's daughter Daniella is in a pair of True Jackson Mad Style denim capris and a cute Hannah Montana Union Jack t-shirt.  Ash throws his hand up in the air}
Ash:"You've got to be fucking kidding me!  We just got here, rented an SUV, an executive town house, and bought a weekly guest pass at Gold's Gym!  We got Cheyenne to baby sit Dante & Dani so he could be here!  We got interviews tommorow with Sitter Sitty to get a Nanny willing to travel with us!  {he looks down, sees his daughter wild eyed at his dropping the f*bomb, cradles the phone between his shoulder and ear, and reaches into his back pocket for a $5 bill.} Man you, {he thinks better of the $5 and hands her a $20} "Your godfather is on my last nerve so here, I may say even more bad words before I get through with him.  {she giggles and runs off}  This is unbelievable!  We have to fly to Arizona!  Justin, it's Friday night!  You really think a whole day training in the desert with Payne is really going to make a positive difference when we face Orton and his bitches?  {Dani giggles again} Christ!  {he lowers the phone} MAEGAN!  {she comes running to the door} I'm going to kick Justin's ass."
{He hangs up the phone}
Ash:"He wants us to fly to Arizona tonight and train with Max and Johnny all day tommorow."
Maegan:"This late in the week?"
Ash:"Hell, I guess he didn't think training with his dad wasn't enough!  We have to go to the middle of the fuckin' desert the day before a stable war, work our asses off, and then come back for our match.  It's bullshit!"
Maegan:"You could have said no."
{Ash rolls his eyes}
Ash:"Right, this close to the match.  {He leans down and looks into the back of the SUV} You guys get out.  We have to pack."
{A few hours later that roll into the same gym Gracie showed up to earlier in the Arizona desert.  Ash is still looking pretty put out with his best friend.  They had dropped Cheyenne and the kids off at a hotel.  Maegan squeezes Ash's hand and calls out to a goth chick}

Maegan:"Hey Nikki, what torture chamber?"

Lil Nikki:"Promos now, torture later."
{she points a long black finger nail with a glittery red skull jewel towards the back. They can hear an older man with a slightly clipped cultured expression talking and they enter the room.  A tall man with long blond hair but built solid like Kurt Angle in black wind pants is talking to Justin and Gracie.  He looks up as they enter.  He shakes Ash's hand and gives Maegan a hug}
"Little Maegy."
{Maegan rolls her eyes}
Maegan:"Uncle Johnny, no one has called me that in years."
Johnny:"So? Doesn't mean I can't or won't.  {He points to a tripod set up and pulls the remote from his pocket.}  "Come find me when you guys finish up."
{Maegan presses record quickly as Ash saunters over to Justin and whips his black viper sunglasses off to glare down at him}
Maegan:"So Lacey, you think you're the only one who has access to specialized training grounds?"
{Ash glares back over his shoulder and then hooks his sunglasses on his black Family Guy t-shirt.  He frowns before sitting back, relaxing}
Ash:"Unfreaking believable." {They all turn to look at him} "Knox is completely silent during Orton's return.  Maybe he really is doesn't have any balls like that one bitch said, the one who claimed Dusty had the set.  Probably the only thing worth listening to and the only thing that's been in her mouth that I care to know about.  What's the matter, Knox?  Are you kissing Orton's ass?  I seem to remember you saying that you would give all of the control back to him when he comes back.  Does that mean you can't do any talking for yourself now?  Hmm, its a good thing Orton can get in the ring and get things done because the man can not cut a promo to save his life.  Other than that, {he slapped Justin on the hard enough on the back to make him tense} and Orton's your problem, man."
Justin:"Guys like Orton have always been my problem.  No matter how hard I work or how many places they are always going to claim that whatever I have was given to me on a silver platter or like them, I forced my way into situations and bullied my way into a title match or a girl's bedroom.  I've never had to bully a woman for anything.  As you should have seen by the way Lacey would have jumped right back into my bed if I wasn't married and she wasn't hung up on the idea that maybe your took your physical therapy and training as seriously as she does and that's why you ignored her for several months.  You make a lot of noise and run your mouth but when it comes to being a man and backing it up you pull a rookie girl move and go for my balls.  Maybe that's it, you freak.  Maybe you wanted to know why even when I was 15 I was enough to give Lacey fantasy's for the last seven years.  Listen Orton, I don't swing that way but if that's what you're into?  Hey, its September, they got some gay pride festival in New Orleans coming up.  You could get a real nice husband down there, I'm sure.  I think they come from all over too so it wouldn't just be Cajuns.  You might even meet someone that you saw down on South Beach a few times.  Wouldn't that be a nice love connection?  Hey, take Lacey with you, gay guys love strong independent straight women.  Hell, they adore Maegan!  Whenever she's in town, she goes to this one salon and they fawn all over her!  She doesn't even have to pay."
Maegan:"All I got to do is wear clothes from his husband's boutique in the French Quarter, but its not such a hardship because I used to model the same clothes when I was younger because they were all co-designed by Justin's mother-in-law anyway.  Like this top, its cut in a similar funky style as a LAMB but it doesn't have the bright gawdy designs and is made of 100% organic material.  Jen is very much into the 'green lifestyle.'
Ash:"All very educational but I want to know about something else.  {they all turn to him and frown} Where's our bitch?  He's usually got a camcorder glued to one hand and Gracie to the other."
{Gracie flushes}
Justin:"Hell, who knows.  Johnny may have him taken him out to the desert and left him.  It's not like they kept what they are doing a secret.  The poor bastard will be lucky if Johnny kills him."
Gracie:"He better not!  DADDY!"
{She runs out of the room in the direction of Johnny's office.  Maegan presses the stop button}
Ash:"This is one major cluster fuck you've got us invovled in Jus!!  This is fucking insane, even for you!"
Justin:"What?  We need to focus on our match.  Not divide up in twos like its a high school make out party."
Ash:"Is that really what you think all of us are doing?  Did you really have your head so far up your ass that you didn't see Maegan and Lacey tear each other apart in a Hell in a Cell and then all three of us came out when our opponents this week decided that they were going to come down to the ring and beat the hell out of you after Orton made you sing soprano?"
Justin:"I wasn't referring to you!  I was talking about Gracie and Rage.  Granted I'm handling this better than when Dusty got with Corez, but hell I like Jayson.  I helped train the kid but whose seen either of them this week before today?  {Ash and Maegan shake their heads} The last time was at Extreme, right?  {they both nod}  What about talking to them?"
Maegan:"I talked to Gracie a couple of times.  She was pretty pissed about her match last week but then again which one of us wasn't?"
Justin:"If she's here then she'll work because she doesn't want Johnny to find out that she's not his perfect little angel anymore.  Jayson's out with his dad staying as far away from Johnny as possible but I think he'll be alright.  Since wants to marry Gracie."
{Justin shrugs}
Justin:"First she hates him and now she's crazy about him."
Ash:"I think its the sex talking."
{Justin winces}
Justin:"Give me a break, I'm trying okay?  Anyway, I think he asked Johnny already and that's why he's hiding from him."
Ash:"Johnny's not stupid."
Justin:"Nope.  He's also a slave driver who's not going to let us be distracted while we train.  Which is what we need."
{Gracie comes back in, eyes narrowed, both annoyed and embarrassed by an outburst caught on more than one camera.}
Gracie:"Daddy says that Jayson went to the office with Christian this morning.  He had some kind of paperwork to fill out since he was home.  He wanted to know why I thought he was torturing him somewhere.  {she crosses her arms and gives Justin a dirty look} You set me up."
{Justin shrugs}
Justin:"Bet it got it out of your system didn't it?  You were so worried that he'd find out when everyone in the world knew he liked you besides you."
Maegan:"Sad to say it was a little pathetic that even Lacey and Dusty commented on it and your ignored it as them being bitches..."
Gracie:"Which they are."
Maegan:"You have a point."
{Ash pinches the bridge of his nose and groans}
Ash:"Can we please do what we came here for?  Train?  I'm not in the mood for more soap opera."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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