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There is no cleaver titles in me this week

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 02, 2023, 07:25:21 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:24/09/2010 4:32 PMCopy HTML


Johnny is standing in the interview area with Samantha Winters who is looking hot. Let's face facts, their both looking hot. Anyway Samantha asks Johnny "What do you think about the promo of your competitors, mainly that of Drake Sage?"

Johnny just looks at her, and thinks. He just stands there and thinks, he fakes like he's about to say something and continues tio think. A girl walks by and Johnny whispers something in her ear. Seconds later she comes back with a glass of water.

Johnny takes a sip and splashes it around in his mouth holding his finger up telling everyone to wait for his responce. He takes a big gulp and hands the glass back to the girl and she walks away. He now puts down his finger turns his head to the side and does a spit-take. He starts faking a laugh.

"Ahhh, he's got my gimmick down perfectly." He says still laughing. "My last name is the same as a car, and 1999 is a year. Ohh, he is a funny man." At the end of that he stops laughing, though he keeps a smirk on his face. "Personally, everyone has used that joke. Go look at anyone who's had a problem with me and you will see that same ironic pun." He says that as nicely as he can and doesn't make himself seem dickish.

"He seems to be a nice kid, and even with more experience under his belt. He still seems green. He doesn't understand this business yet. Now even though I only have three years to my name, I have made more of an impact in more companies. I've been here for a year in December, and this is the one place I haven't made the impact in. Now I'm on a hunt. Drake Sage, Shane Jericho, they are just the beginning for me because I have realized that I was so focused on winning over the fans, I lost them and matches. So now, I am on my way to the top and I am doing it for me. I realized that if I get to the top for me, that's when I'll get the fans behind me. I realized the only way for them to cheer CAMARO, CAMARO, CAMARO! is if I get the world title. I was so consumed with winning the war, I didn't care about losing the battles."

A few Smarks start chanting his name.

"So this week when I step into the ring with Drake Sage, or Chris Orton's only fan as I like to call him, and Shane Jericho I will give it my all for me. For once, I feel lighter, like a big weight has been lifted off of me. I don't need the cheers to win, I need to win to get the cheers. So tonight I aim to bring myself up to #16 in SEF. I look to get my shot at any title then have it lead to my next shot at the SEF World Championship."

Samantha pulls the microphone away from Johnny. "And as for the newly formed Outlaws?" She asks.

"Well, I think Nikky and I have made ourselves clear. We want to work on our singles career. We don't want to give up on beating Dangerous Corperation, but I beleive that things will work out. After all, look at what happened to Rick-E. He got canned for misusing his powers. I'm sure that the same will happen for the brains of the DC. So what does this mean for the Outlaws. They've got the cure and they have been cured of the Infection."

She pulls the microphone back and says, "Thank you Johnny Camaro. Good Luck on your match."

"Thank you, and I'll talk to you later."

Johnny walks away and Samatha looks in the camera to say, "Now back to you SEF programing.


Johnny Camaro

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Re:There is no cleaver titles in me this week
Date Posted:26/09/2010 2:08 PMCopy HTML


So once again I am called down to do yet another interview, but why wouldn't I be called back? But I digress. So I am standing beside Samantha yet again and she asks, "You're thoughts on Drake Sage?"

"Personally, I think he's pathetic. He spent half of the promo shitting all over Shane Jericho. Whining, bitching and moaning about having to fight Shane Jericho again and the fact that he's already beaten him and so on and so forth. He wants to punt people, he wants Shane Jericho to quit, he wants this, he wants that, he wants Brandy's strap-on up his ass. He keeps saying it all and it doesn't gain any meaning each time he says it. So essentially he's wasting half his promo doing nothing! And I could forgive him for all of that. I wouldn't give a shit about all that other stuff if it wasn't for him thinking he will get the girl. He seems to think that love is measured by success. He is an asshole that doesn't know anything. And like I said last time, he needs to learn about the business and now about love."

Samantha pulls the microphone back. "So aside from that."

"He is still an idiot who can't understand the simplest sentances. He seems to think that Chris is his only fan when Sage is Orton's only fan. Samantha, I went to the back after our last interview and rewatched it. The one thing I didn't see coming was Sage misunderstanding a simple english sentance."

She takes the mic back again. "You rewatch your interviews?"

"Of course, I rewatch all of my promos. It keeps me fired up and I hear my screw ups and learn from it. But that isn't important. What is important is Drake Sage not making sense. First off, I look around me today, I think back to those who I've alligned myself with. Some of them were assholes, and in some cases, I was the asshole. Never have I alligned myself with a bitch. Sure, there have been chicks with me, but none of them were bitches. Secondly, when did I ever say that others felt pain by using word play? Never! I was just showing you that you are unoriginal. It's like watching the Matrix, and everytime Smith says Neo's name you yell 'MISTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ANDERSON!.......ANDERSON!'Thridly, he seems to think that the lowercard is a punishment. What he fails to realize is in SEF card position means nothing. I'm sure there were a couple of cards where Shane Mack opened the show. Wait, that's wrong. He has openned the show, so let me rephrase it. Where Shane Mack was the openning match."
The crowd is audible with chants of SHANE MACK, SHANE MACK. And once again the few smarks are there chanting CAMARO, CAMARO.

"Besides, you can't call me a jobber because, guess what, you are on the bottom of the card too. Finally, it will be very hard to beat a snout off of me for I do not have a snout of me. Therefore you won't beat me at all. If I am not prepared with a snout I will not have a snout to be beaten off. By that threoy I can chill in the ring and let you and Jericho fight then take you out and leave you in heartbreak. Peace y'all."

And with that Johnny walks away leaving the crowd wanting more.

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