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---You Can Say What You Want, But I Still Won't Care---

Started by Matt Matlock, October 02, 2023, 07:26:44 PM

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Matt Matlock

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  • Rank:Rookie
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Date Posted:26/09/2010 5:07 PMCopy HTML


I suppose, I should be honored. After all, it's not every day the "almighty" Rick Reynolds took the time to even address anything a "disgrace" like myself, had to say.

Earlier in the day, the promo I released last night got aired in SEF. And who else but the almighty prick, Rick Reynolds, the SEF Heavyweight Champion, had some choice words for me. Surprising? Not really. So we fade in a shot to find yours truly, arms folded and in a black t-shirt, in front of the camera.

Rick, I'm surprised, sort of. I mean you're such a great and talented superstar, I figured you didn't even pay attention to anything us little pissants had to say. But for you to single out my promo, my words, and to spend time making a response to them? I'm flattered.

I don't think it's humanly possible to be more sarcastic then I just was.

A liar. Heh, funny. You're starting to sound a lot like Shane Mack there Reynolds. He used to spew that same line all the time. Of all the time I've been in the wrestling business, SEF is the only place I've ever been called a liar. He called me a liar, and it seems your picking up right where he left off.  Lie lie lie, it's all Matlock does, right?

Unlike you Reynolds, I have a career outside of SEF. Unlike you, I'm a man known worldwide, and faced more men then you've ever faced. I've faced off against ring technicians better then or equal to you, or to Rocco. Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost. But I always matched up to them. I've seen Rob Rocco in the ring, I've seen Rick Reynolds in the ring, and you're good, don't get me wrong. But it's nothing that impresses me.

But hey, I'm a liar right? So I must automatically be wrong about all of that.

Of course. Rick Reynolds is always right. And every snowflake that falls in the winter is exactly the same. Anyway, continuing on.

I never called the legacy of anyone a failure Reynolds. You want to take things I said in the past and twist them, make me look like a bad guy? Fuck off. I never called anyone a failure. I've said they failed to take me out, and didn't they? That's not a lie Reynolds. If they took me out, you wouldn't have to waste your time on me, now would you? I've faced some of the greats here in the SEF, but NONE of them were able to physically take me out, to injure me to the point I couldn't wrestle anymore. The only reason I left SEF was as I said before, due to my own stupidity, for whining about having the ball taken from me after I fumbled it.

You know what else isn't a lie? When you claim that what I said about one of those legendary figures uses a rip-off for their finisher. I know who you're referring to, you're referring to Shane Mack. I don't care how you put it, a superkick is a superkick. Shane Mack used the same superkick that Shawn Micheals did, ripped straight from his moveset. I never said there was anything wrong with that. I've felt Da Shows Ova plenty of times, and it's fucking effective.

So that's two lies you said I made Reynolds, that aren't lies. Shove it.

What could he say? Probably just call me a liar again. But if I'm still here, then those who came before did indeed fail to take me out. And call it a lie or not, but Shane Mack used a superkick. Shawn Micheals uses a superkick, they're the same move. That's not a lie either. So, what's next?

Funny stuff there Rick. My talent is the same as one of those Jericho rip-offs. But if my talent is the same then why did I beat Cody so easily? My intellect that of a rock? You don't know how smart I am Reynolds. I'm not the smartest man to ever enter the ring, but I ain't fucking stupid.

You'd love it if I did just what you said, right Reynolds? If I just tucked my tail between my legs, bitched, whined and complained and just walked the fuck out of here! After all, if I wasn't here, you wouldn't have to face me. But sorry Reynolds. I didn't come back to SEF just to leave again. You're going to have me as a thorn in your side for a long long time to come. My apologies if that disappoints you.

A grin crosses my face. They'd all love it if I left again. SEF survived without me, so why did they need me now? But I was gone from SEF for way too long, nearly three years. Not a chance I was leaving again so soon.

It's your show now Reynolds, so enjoy the time in the spotlight. Even the longest running show has to come to an end, and with me here, the time for your show to end is coming. Sooner, later, whenever. I know, I'm lying right? After all, I'm a curtain jerker. I belong at the bottom of the card and no matter what I do, I can't get to your level, right?

....I call bullshit. That SEF Heavyweight Championship will be with me eventually Rick, around the same time as it leaves your side. You say never. Never will it happen, never a chance of it happening. But the word never is meaningless in wrestling Rick. Everyone stands around saying they'll "never" lose, or they'll "never" lose a title, and yet they do. People used to say when I came to SEF I'd never amount to shit, losing match after match. Yet there it is, reigns with almost every title to come through the place. With few exceptions, I held almost every championship, except the one you have, that's the one that eluded me.  There's countless more examples I could bring up Rick, but honestly, why? Your head is so far up your own ass you can see what you had for breakfast this morning, so sure as fuck you don't care what I have to say.

A quick toss-up of the middle finger to Reynolds.

But ah, Rob Rocco. You decided to stop riding Reynolds jock and speak again, did ya? You know Rob I realized something last night after my promo. You stand there talking about being such a great technician, such a great wrestler. Yet the only thing you ever did was hold the SEF Hardcore Title. Yet if you take a look at it, Mr. Curtain Jerker as Reynolds basically called me, has held more championships and done more in SEF then the supposed great ring technician, Rob Rocco. Funny isn't it? And THAT isnt' a lie, it's fact Rocco.

I'm very focused on what lies before me tonight Rocco. I never denied your in-ring ability, all I said is I've seen better. As far as Axel goes? Usually big men don't have to try and intimidate anyone. Most people just look at someone like Axel and get intimidated. I look at him and just say bring it! I don't really give a fuck how big Axel is. Axel won't be able to destroy me, because no one else in SEF ever has, and ever will.

I know Ares won't work with me. Hell I don't have any problem with Ares, I just want his title. But all he wants to do is kick the shit out of everyone walking. But I don't need that jackass to help me win this match. If I have to stand against both you Rocco, and Axel by myself? I'll do that. Will I be fucked? Probably. I'll get my ass handed to me in a two on one situation against you two but I sure as hell won't just lay down and let you have the title.

I'm not looking for a free ride this time in SEF. I'm looking to earn my way to the top, and like I said before, my way to the top goes through you, Axel, Ares, Reynolds, the DC, everyone! You wanna fucking make me tap out Rocco? You just try it bitch, you just try it. Because when the match is over and you have to go tell Reynolds you couldn't get the job done, well, I can imagine he won't be happy.

I laugh, knowing that Rick definately wouldn't be happy with Rocco or Axel if they failed tonight. I cracked my knuckles and put my hands to my side now.

You group of idiots can stand there and say whatever you want, but I couldn't give less of a shit about it. Tonight the TV Title changes hands, and I'll be the one to claim it!

With that, I walk off as the scene fades. The match at Extreme would be an intense one, and they'd all learn Matlock was not one to be taken lightly.

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