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You Have Earned Nothing

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 07:39:03 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:02/10/2010 6:06 PMCopy HTML

Sitting back on a tan, leather sofa in a nice penthouse suite is Rick Reynolds in the usual sharp casual suit and to his left on the sofa is a redhead in a black mini skirt, stilettos, and a tight, leather halter top. She holds the World Title displaying its beauty with her own as Rick just smirks, he's relaxed back in the comfort of the sofa and says.
Ash Silva, you believe that a no care attitude for the biggest prize in the world is just fine, you think you stand a chance to beat me with that attitude yet even if you did care you couldn't make me sweat. I made your boy toy Justin tap out at DOGG DAZE, I beat Shane Mack to win this title just a couple months ago, and you think a little sparring session with Justin can prepare you for Wednesday night...your wrong on all accounts kid!
He just sneers in disgust, then speaks some more.
Oh, but you made Knox O'Bannon tap out...who the hell is that?
Rick just laughs and smirks now, then says.
Well I admit I know the name, I seen Knox wrestle, he's still nobody when you speak of Rick Reynolds, a name bigger than Mack himself, so damn sure bigger than any of you pathetic miscreants. Wednesday night I'll be the one making you tap son, taking you to school, so get your entire family to sit down and watch and learn something for once. You've been in SEF for a few months now and what exactly is it you have done besides stay on the sidelines in some pathetic family feud as your boy Justin called it. No one in SEF even gives a shit about any of that going on, hell, SEF has never gave a shit cause you'll find nothing worth mentioning in regards to it. Hell, Justin claims he had a hit put on him by his own brother, please, SEF never even recognized that pitiful attempt to try and be so real yet coming off completely fake like all of you have done since coming to this company!
Rick brings his left arm around the girl now, keeps his arm low around her lower back and she leans back now getting a soft smirk on her face showing she likes his hand on her side. Rick eyes the title she displays for him and then looks up smirking and says.
That's all you and Justin and that whole crew of delusional, inbred family members are is a big group of fakes which is why the Dangerous Corporation exists, to keep you posers and your grubby little fingers off this beautiful title that this exotically beautiful woman is holding for me. And I know, you and Justin and all those wannabe macho men claim ya got all these hotties in the bag, married to smoking hawt women ya say with your inbred Texas redneck drawl ya all!
He grins big and laughs, the woman next to him snickering a little and Rick just says.
Although I admit, I like Texas and that's why I live there and in Texas I am a far bigger name than you or any of those Rodgers or whatever the last name of some them are, Rick Reynolds is like god when compared to any of you nobodies, especially in Texas or Canada where I was born. Then again you all claim to have strong ties there as well yet no one ever cares about you because you give them no reason to. All you do is talk, talk, talk, and talk some more, well boys and girls, talk is cheap unless you know how to do it so good like myself and like me, you can walk every inch of the talk and then some. That's where you run into trouble Ash, that is you problem, you act like you been here or there and done all this, you and all those bitches you hang with, your all the same, you think SEF is this big, bad promotion that takes no shit which it does, but it helps anyone new make it here as well. You have to be ready to learn though and in this business if your not willing to learn anything your never gonna make it big which is why Ash Silva is a name that no one knows. Rick Reynolds on the other hands, well, I may make them hate me because I am so much better, but who cares, I am still far more known than you or any of you. Its like I told Matlock, he's a nobody when compared to me as well and I owned him so bad verbally he stays away from me because he knows he like you has nowhere near the talent to take me on. Your little Phantom Fate weak submission will be wasted on me because in that ring your going to be dissected, dismantled, disembowel and believe me Ash, your gonna tap out Wednesday night.
Rick turns looking at the woman who turns to him and they kiss now, the woman laying the title on the arm of the sofa now and she turns her body around pulling her legs up in almost a fetal position curling up next to Rick. She kisses on his neck now and undoes his shirt kissing down to his chest as Rick now smirks and says.
I've got better things to do as you can see, so I tell you what Ash, why don't you think about what I said, really think about it and ignore your intial reaction to try and twist my words and lie about me claiming what I said was a lie and just think and truly try to beat me because you better realize one thing. If you try to twist my words I'll tear you apart like I have done everyone I have stepped in the ring. I retired Shane Mack, he is gone from SEF forever because of one man...Rick Reynolds...and Ash, your next in line to have your career ended by The REAL Franchise and the only true World Heavyweight Champion in this business!
Rick waves his right hand at the camera now and brings his left hand up the redheads back caressing her gently and raises her head with his right hand to kiss her passionately. We just move to the door filming still, though Rick gives us a get the fuck out look, so the view rushes back and turns fading to black.

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