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the meeting (SEF respond)

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 07:47:53 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:04/10/2010 2:14 PMCopy HTML




{Matt is sitting in his board room at a long mahogany table and a reclining black desk chair.  He's dressed in a nice suit and he's not one bit hung over from yesterday's celebration of the Saints' close won victory over the Carolina Panthers.}

{Matt smiles as he faces a video conference screen hung on the wall.  Whoever he is talking to has his chair spun and you can't see who he is talking too.}

Matthew Fox:"I can't believe the brand opportunity.  I think having a seperate brand is a great way to expand SEF.  {there is a knock on the door} "Come in.  {Jagger comes in}  You're late."

Jagger Silva:"Sorry, you know how...."  {Jagger has a smart ass look on his face.  Matt cuts him off gesturing towards the screen.  He points to a chair.} "Sorry.  Traffic on the Causeway is murder this time of day.  I should have left earlier."

Matthew Fox:"This is Jagger Silva.  My world heavyweight champion.  He was in SEF earlier, as was I in 2007 when Justin first brought us up here.  Yes, before the question is brought up.  He is both Justin and Ash's half brother, Justin's father's child.  He has developed into a hell of a wrestler as of late.  I think he'd be a tremondous asset to SEF.  We have a show, Wildside that we usually do on Wednesday night that is actually going to conflict with Extreme this week.  It's the only show that my aunt and uncle, their friends, and the older talent do not appear on.  Although, my aunt does produce it through her production company, 'Wyld Pegasus Entertainment.'  I am not sure if you would like to do a cross over or if you want me to bring my roster in.  As I said alot of the talent is related in some way or another to either people you have on the roster now or have had in the past.  We have a training school, Hardcore Heaven, in New Orleans and Edmonton.  My father's passion was this business so he dedicated his time and resources to it.  It's why we have locations in the States, Canada, Japan, and the UK.  Although a lot of our historical resources were destroyed, {he pauses, a lump forming in his throat.  Jagger looks down.  He sniffs, swallows, and resumes speaking} it was kept in my father's home.  We are attempting to piece it all together with individuals personal archives, but as you well know, its easy to fake things, and people lie to make themselves look better.  Either way I have the last three years since I've been in control, that I have seen first hand to be accurate.  I am also the head trainer at the school and I am supported by my wife, Sara, my grandfather, and our friend Tao Inoki.  We have training classes on Tuesday and Thursday night in three locations.  We will not resume classes in Japan until Drew is completely healed.  We have a local guy in New Orleans, Minotaur, a good friend of my aunt training in New Orleans.  Do you have any suggestions or should I develop a plan for an SEF brand?"
((This has been an official *MATT FOX * Roleplay))

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