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Standing Out From the Rest - Extreme rp 1

Started by Lacey Daniels, October 02, 2023, 07:50:56 PM

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Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
  • Score:144
  • Posts:104
  • From:United Kingdom 
  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Date Posted:05/10/2010 9:25 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.


RP TitleNext Match:Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:Accomplishments:OOC:
Standing Out From the Restvs Jessica Winters vs Christine SmithChris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Fugly FoxesTV Champion x1, International Champion (current)sorry it's kinda rambling (I blame the cold meds! lol) ... good luck ;)


The scene opens showing Lacey Daniels in the tail end of a photo shoot. She's posing holding the lead of a lion, she tosses her hair and pouts like the professional model she used to be, totally unfazed by the situation. Finally the photographer lowers his camera and nods his head with a big smile. The animal handlers rush in and take the lead out of Lacey's hand as she blows a kiss to the lions before walking towards the photographer and starting a conversation with him. An assistant comes up and offers her a black robe which she slips on over her swimsuit. She glances back up as the assistant taps her on the arm gently and nods her head in the direction of the SEF camera. Lacey scowls briefly and nods her head as she takes back her titles which the assistant is holding out to her. She has a few more words with the photographer before she walks towards the SEF camera and puts her titles on her shoulders.

LD: Well, well, well ... I guess it's about time someone spoke up about this triple threat match on Extreme this week and as neither of my opponents have bothered I guess it's down to me to pick up the slack and carry both of them. Now I can't decide whether it's because they're both so shit scared of the mere thought of having to get in the ring with me they can't speak for fear, of if they're too busy fucking their men to talk about our match or if they really are that lazy they simply can't be fussed but either way all it goes to show is that being here and becoming the most dominant woman in SEF is obviously not a priority for them. They can't give much of a damn if they can't even find the time or the inclination to speak about this match, which let's face it, is a hell of an opportunity for both of them. Jeez if I'd been given the chance to face off against a champion on my third match here I would have been bouncing off the walls with excitement. You usually have to work your ass off for a break like this but here they are, given a golden time to shine and both of them are MIA ... I just don't get it but then not everyone is as driven as me, not every diva here shares my passion, my desire, my ruthless ambition to succeed. So really their silence should come as no surprise. Hmmm ... maybe I was right the first time, maybe they are literally crapping in their panties at the thought of having to face me ... hell I don't blame them. If I was them I wouldn't want to get in the ring against a diva of my calibre, especially if like Jessica this was only my 3rd professional match. But let me let you little poppets into a secret, unless you keep testing yourself against better opponents you are never going to get anywhere in this business, you will always be a little fish in a little pond, instead of being one of the biggest shining stars in the entire industry! So pick yourself up and grow a pair for Chrissake! I know I'm intimidating, my history and my record speaks for itself ... hell I beat men for fun! Yeah Jessie baby ... your man too!
Lacey smirks and tosses her hair over her shoulder.
LD: Ah well I guess I'll have to sell this match all by myself ... All I can say is that come Wednesday night there will be no more hiding, no more avoiding the issue and they will have to put up and shut up because I am taking the opportunity they're turning their nose up at to show everyone at SEF exactly why I am the No 1 diva here. Oh sure there have been some amazing predecessors and I respect everything that they have achieved but they are not here now and I am and I will be joining their ranks, come hell or high water. I will write my legacy in ten foot high letters at SEF and leave a lasting memory for all the divas who come after me to emulate. By the time I am done here, my name will be listed alongside such legends as Whitney Marrett and I will finally have earned the right to be called a true dominant SEF diva. This is another chance for me to prove why I am on the path to greatness, why I am a deserving International champion and a diva to be feared by everyone here at SEF. See unlike my rookie opponents I recognise that every match is another option to showcase my talent, my skills and to once again prove my worth. These girls, Jessica Winters and Christine Adams don't realise what this business is all about and with the attitude they're showing they never will. They will always look at divas like me and shake their heads in wonder because they just don't get it, and I'm glad of that because they're obviously not prepared to put an ounce of the time or the effort or the energy into it that I do each and every day. They're not worthy of sharing a ring with me and this week on Extreme I will teach them the error of their ways. I will single handedly take out both of these wannabe's and teach them how a real diva rolls. Both of them came here with their men and to be blunt they should have stayed on the sidelines as cheerleaders because they sure as hell don't have what it takes to become a contender here. Hell this is Christine's second bite of the cherry, and sure she's had a couple of wins and is on a bit of a roll, even Jessica has a win to her name after a poor start but honey-pies here is where your roll comes to an abrupt end. Here is where you pretty chicas hit the brick wall of the SEF International champion,  here is where your dreams die because I will crush them under my boot just as easily as I will crush your faces with my Sugar Kiss. All I really have to think about is who will crumble first and fall by the wayside and who will stand a little longer to take more punishment to face the final defeat? You know, I'll let you fight that out amongst yourselves because I really don't care!
Lacey laughs as she pushes aside the camera and walks off down the hall as the scene fades to black

End of rp 1

"Yes I am as good as I look"


Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


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