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universal6 star tag team

Cody Isn't Worried RP # 1

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 02, 2023, 08:16:31 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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  • Rank:Rookie
  • Score:23
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  • From:USA 
  • Register:11/11/2008 7:48 AM
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Date Posted:10/10/2010 7:10 PMCopy HTML

This roleplay may contain graphic content not suitable for children to see. It may contain strong language, sexual reference and damn good roleplaying, if you think you can't handle that click the x in the corner and close the browser. If you want to continue in your journey, then please proceed to read on, but don't say I didn't warn you.
Roleplay Title: Cody Isn't Worried
People Used/Mentioned: Cody Jericho/Cody & Shane's Opponents in the triple threat tag team match

Music Inspiration: "Crazy Town" by Jason Aldean
OOC: Here is Cody
Cody took his loss great, and he knew he still had two wins still. He didn't act like Shane is, when he saw his promo he just shook his head. He couldn't believe that Shane is doing this. He ignored everything that two of their opponents had to say  cause him their words meant nothing to him, and he looks up at the camera as he starts talking.

Cody Jericho

Shane really you need to give that attitude up, and at least I can take my losses better then you can. It shouldn't matter if I have two wins that don't mean you can do what you do, and I really can't stand your way of handling things around here. Now just shut up, and let me handle this cause I am way better at this then you are.

Cody takes a deep breath, and talks again.

Cody Jericho

Now for our opponents that we taking on, and I would like to say this. I don't have prove anything since I already got two wins here, and I am way better at taking losses then my brother. You see it shouldn't matter if we are adopted or not that don't mean you guys in the back have the right to keep telling us we won't make it, and you don't know that. I have proven my worth here, and it is Shane that has to learn that. You really think I am worried about this triple threat tag team match cause I am not, and I am really looking forward to this match. I don't care if Shane and me win or not cause I know I will be able to take it, but Shane won't. Now even though I couldn't look at the card since Shane decided to rip it off, but our last name isn't what we live by. We got our own styles, and all of  you doubters in the back can just shut up cause it isn't working on me. I am not the one that it is effecting, so you can drop it with me. I heard enough, and I don't got to take advice from some tag team that came back here cause I am nothing like Shane at all. Why should it matter if we are adopted or not? You make something out of nothing, and if our family can accept us so can every single one of you in the back can as well. I am not as fed up as Shane is, but that is him. I am the more mature one, and everything you have said about Shane and me are just wrong. I don't whine and complain like my brother does, but you four better get ready cause the Jericho Army is coming to make a point not to any of you cause you don't deserve it anyway. You will realize that your totally wrong about us when the time is right, and we will see who comes out on top now won't we.

Cody fixes his cowboy hat, and the show fades to black.

TBC: No One

End of role play
 Adopted Yes, But That Don't Mean Anything To Our Family
This Layout Was Made For The Jericho's by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker


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