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universal6 star tag team

Knox and Dusty

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 08:24:06 PM

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Kristin Fox

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:06/05/2010 2:57 PM
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Date Posted:14/10/2010 5:37 PMCopy HTML


obannons.jpg Knox & Dusty picture by pegasusfeds10

..::Dusty and Knox::..
..::Dusty, Knox, Lacey, Justin etc, etc::..
..::NEXT MATCH::..
..::Dynasty Divas vs Foxes/Knox vs Drake Sage
..::Sorry everyone!::..

{Knox and Dusty make their way to the gym that Lacey arranged for them to have privately.  Dusty smirks as she carries her half of the Dynasty tag titles on her shoulder.  The press is waiting for them as they swipe their key card.  They ignore the regular press as they see that Greg Boone was given a guest pass to enter the lobby for their promos}
Knox:"Its interesting that you are in here.  You must have learned your place long ago, Greg."

Dusty:"He's the only one that Lacey can really tolerate talking to.  He's different from all of the vultures outside.  Now that the Dynasty Divas are being recognized for their superiority!  It's about time that our titles were recognized, even if we have to defend againist the rabble.  {sighs} It's increasingly sad that outside of our group that only Maegan and Grace are the only ones that Viper is willing to sacrifice to us.  I'm begining to think that they may be the new SEF whipping girls.  First they had Megan Sorrow getting her ass handed to her on a weekly basis to Lacey, when I got here.  Then I prove my worth and we are thrown in tag teams when the four of us should be booked in title matches.  Chris Orton should be the heavyweight champion!  Yet SEF fears him as their leader.  However, they need to realize that its going to happen.  Sooner, rather than later.  Now that our beautiful Dynasty tag titles are going to be recognized and defended againist whatever trash that SEF or eventually FFE is willing to throw at us then Lacey and I are one step closer to the eventual plan of our complete domination of whatever side we eventually chose.  {her phone beeps.  she reaches into her pocket} Wow.  They had nothing better to do."

{she hands the phone to Knox}

Knox:"I wonder whose idea this was?  The Fox Family isn't detailed out for the world to see.  {shakes his head disgusted}  Just because your father was faithful to his high school sweetheart, Matt, you decided that you were going to authorize everyone else's dirty laundry to be aired? Yeah, my dad did the whole zip code game.  He has three kids by three different women.  So does Josh.  Scott has kids by two different women.  No one is perfect so don't pretend like you are, Matthew.  It will eventually be your downfall.  As for right now, I do not have the time or the inclination to deal with you as you need to be dealt with.  I have a huge bastard named Drake Sage to deal with.  Someone I'm sure that you are familar with.  He's DC.  He wanted to have his way with your twin sister.   Then again I'm sure he's not the only one who has suggested it or the only one to have experienced it.  Trying to claim that Ash is the only one Maegan has ever been with.  {smirks} Right.  I'm sure Lacey would have more than a few things to say about that.  Honestly?  I could care less because I'm going to defeat him and then go onto Extreme Revolution and win the Transcontiental title.  {he looks up as Orton and Lacey come in} "Then when Chris wins at Extreme Revolution, we will all have titles."

Greg Boone:"What about the FFE tag title situation?  There was an O'Bannon mentioned in the match."

{Knox chuckles and Dusty rolls her eyes}

Knox:"Unbelievable.  Jake really asked for leave from DPS to come up here to wrestle for Matt."

Dusty:"All he has to do is show up and open his mouth one time.  Chris will punt his ass into next week.  {chris looks at them weird} "He's obsessed with Lacey."

Lacey:"Isn't everyone lately?"

{Dusty laughed}

Dusty:"That would be the downfall of Chaotic."

Knox:"I thought they were the Crecent City Connection?"

Dusty:"No, that was Lance and Mia in OSWE.  I don't know if she even wrestles anymore."

Lacey:"Who cares?"

Dusty:"Good point.  {she wiggles her fingers at Greg} "We're done here.  We have work to do.  It's not easy being this hot."
((This has been an official *Knox and Dusty O'Bannon* Roleplay))

Layout 2003 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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