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An Opportunity That Is Priceless

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 08:25:54 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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  • Register:28/08/2010 8:49 PM
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Date Posted:14/10/2010 6:47 PMCopy HTML

Years of competing in and out of SEF and now finally a shot at the World Heavyweight Title, now that is truly priceless for now Jason Price gets to set his sights on trying to become the champion of SEF in just two weeks. Its going to be a hard, grueling two weeks, but two that he is looking forward more than anything else in his career. This is his chance to shine brighter than ever before, this is his opportunity, but it is shared with three other men. Three will go to the pay per view just one week after this Sunday and face the World Champ in a fatal four way elimination, so the champion must be forced down for three or made to tap, but everyone must be eliminated the say way. Two long week and two hard nights and we could name a new champion, but who could it be?
And so we find one of the men who will compete for the World Title shot this Sunday on Extreme, Jason Price and he simply sits in a locker room somewhere, sports his ring gear and a white muscle shirt with the Canadian Maple leaf on the front, just an outline of it in red, a bit faded. Jason sits staring at the floor for a few minutes, his eyes locked and focused on something, not in here, but perhaps on the future, the near future?! He soon looks up, his hands moves apart and each one rests on his thighs. Jason shows those determined eyes, not much emotion, just straight laced and straight faced ready to wrestle anyone into the unforgiving canvas. He then calmly and steadily speaks.
Five years ago I entered this company and had limited success before I departed, then over the past five years I showed up here and there, found work in other places like NEW or APW, but again, limited success because see, this whole talking bit isn't what I do. In the ring though, what I do has EARNED the nickname Priceless because when you lock down on the canvas you will scream and tap!
A fierce look in his eyes now and Jason continues.
Especially this essentially worthless Hardcore Haz, the so called Ultimate Sandman Fan. Your idol was Sandman, a drunken brawler, a guy who could only get over with a beer can and a Singapore cane. Now you try the same and prove only that you're a sideshow gimmick like your idol was. Sunday night you better have even more beer ready for after Extreme because your gonna need to dull the pain I inflict on your piss poor excuse for a body. You have no physical comparison to myself, you have no talent to speak of Haz, your just plain worthless and I'll expose that Sunday night!
A determined look with that fierceness still showing, Jason pausing briefly, then says.
Justin Rodgers is another one I am put against in this opportunity to earn a World Title shot and I ask, who is Justin Rodgers? I only ask because all I know about you is that you beat a nobody who barely showed up to become International Champion, and what else? Oh yea, you and your family try to lay claim to all this outside fame, that you know this or that person, that your even related to one legendary icon. Please, you're a joke and your whole family has proven they are a joke. I know many other wrestlers in this business, past and present, of all levels, hell, I got to meet my fucking idol in person and he educated me on this business. You know shit about Chris Benoit and for all your bullshit Justin, for your whole family I am going to make you tap out to a move so great it can only be known as Priceless!
Some intensity behind Jason, his eyes on fire and focused, his breathing fairly heavy and he continues.
Sunday night your going to tap out and it will be me who moves on to Extreme Revolution and face Rick Reynolds. Now you may make it as well as three of us have the opportunity, which is the opportunity is also Priceless and well, the only wrestler in the match who has earned that name is me!
His breathing settles some, the intensity toned down, but the focus and determination in his eyes that of a man who knows exactly what he wants.
But you have respect for me do you Justin, well I admire that, hell, wrestler to wrestler I respect you, but it doesn't mean I won't be the one to make you tap. Well, with the war your in against Chris, how much focus do you really have for the biggest threat in this match?
Jason smirks a little, but doesn't change the look in his eyes and says.
Speaking of Chris, former World Champ and another poser that I have to face in this match. At least you relied on your own self and talent to make it in SEF and of all I respect you the most. However Chris, your not who you once were in SEF, your half the talent you used to be and Sunday night I'll make you tap if I have to cause well I want to make Justin tap, I'll settle for you. Then again, I'd make Haz tap if the opportunity presents it self for me to seize the opportunity of this match. Its what its all about and getting that World strap, so Chris, as much as I respect you, I'm throwing you to the mat and making you tap if your in my way, but hey, maybe you and I could save our battle for the pay per view. Maybe you and I work together and insure we both make it to the pay per view, then let the last two losers fight it out?!
Jason gets a slight smirk again, then says.
Its an idea, a thought, but only because I respect you more than the other two. If not, its no skin off my bones because whether we work together I work alone, Jason Price is going to Extreme Revolution to get the World Title!
He gets a straight face again, focused and determined still, then Jason says.
I've said enough, more than I need to or care to because as I said, I am not a talker, I do my best work inside the ring making people tap out! Opportunity will not be wasted by me, so Haz, Justin, and Chris, get ready for the biggest fight of your lives and Chris, let me know cause the offer is still there, but again, it makes no difference what the answer is because this is my opportunity, this is PRICELESS!
Jason rises up spreading his arms out and up a little, gives a slight smirk, then lowers his arm. He gives us a look to shut it, so back we go and fade to black.

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