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The Fighting Foxes

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 08:26:54 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:14/10/2010 6:56 PMCopy HTML

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Maegan20Fox20Banner.jpg Maegan Fox picture by pegasusfeds10
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The Fighting Foxes
The Foxes vs The Dynasty Divas
Multiple time wrestling/martial arts champ. Canadian National Soccer team
Promos 2nite are short. got hw!
..x.{{We open in Wisconsin.  Maegan and Gracie are running in the snow.  They are smiling and dressed in red and white jogging suits and Sketchers shape up running shoes.  The jackets say Fighting Foxes with the logo of a blond haired fox wearing boxing gloves on the back.  On the front each girl has their name stitched over the left breast.  When they stop and jog in place, they are suddenly hit with snow balls.  They shriek and start looking for who is throwing snowballs at them.  Two teenage girls are nearby dressed in snow suits, pretending to be innocent.  There is a brief snow ball skirmish and then the teenagers run off giggling.  Maegan and Gracie wipe the snow from their hair.  They walk over to the camera where Gracie gives a fake frown to the camera}}

Gracie:"You could have warned us that they were laying in wait for us."

Rage:"And have them throw snow at my equipment?  Yeah, I'm going to get your little sisters pissed at me."

Maegan:"Maybe it was a bad idea for Matt and Justin to agree to let Gabby and Emma do their college stuff online and work with us."

{she sneezes}

Gracie/Rage:"Excuse you."

Maegan:"Thanks.  {She pushes her sunglasses up on her forehead}  "Don't think that is a sign of weakness, girls.  I know that you guys are going to claim anything and everything as a sign of weakness on our parts.  You also forget that we've been telling you that if you are going to carry around tag titles that you should defend them."

Gracie:"We mocked you for crowning yourself tag champs of anything when you haven't beaten anyone to claim that."

Maegan:"Now that they've beaten us individually in whatever reason they think that they are unbeatable.  Lacey has only one decent, respectable win over me.  Our Hell in a Cell match was amazing."

Gracie:"Dusty usually cheats whenever we are in a match againist each other.  I can recall no match in which the two of us have had a respectable battle of wills.  {she glances at Maegan} So cuz, I think it means that Dusty is the weak link.  We know and Lacey has proven that when it comes to matches of importance that she doesn't need help from anyone.  When she uses her people, its to make a point, and to piss us off.  It makes me wonder, Dusty, if you are still nothing better than a dead weight for Lacey.  A body so that she can be a double champion."

Maegan:"Don't expect to pull that crap in FFE.  {she smiles}  The titles won't mean jack if you can not win the tag team turmoil.  The only reason you are getting away with it in SEF is because there are no tag titles and everyone except us ignore your pathetic attempts to pretend that you are the best tag team that SEF has to offer.  SEF has plenty of wonderful tag teams.  {she smiles} Da Gangstas would obliterate you.  Nikki and Camaro would beat you too, if they were still teaming together.  WE are going to beat you.  WE will take the title and call ourselves the best that our family has to offer.  Then we will join the tag team turmoil for FFE."

Gracie:"We are planning to win that too.  No matter what you and Lacey are going to come up with about nepotism.  Legitimate gold, girls, is what we want.  Not something that you can order off the internet.  We want titles that come from a lot of hardwork."

{Maegan lowers her sunglasses}

Maegan:"See you Sunday." 
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