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I'm not a star

Started by ChrisTheOneOrton, October 02, 2023, 08:33:37 PM

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Date Posted:15/10/2010 10:39 AMCopy HTML

I'm not a star! 
  Lacey Daniels, Justin Rogers, Hardcore Haz, Jason Price
Here my roleplay #1
No One!
COrton.jpg picture by PureEvil2007
(c.) BabyGirl at D&D.
SEF presents "Extreme" is on the air, and "I Stand Alone" blast the pa system coming out from the curtain is Chris Orton & Lacey Daniels holding each other hand. They both receive massive heat from SEF fans, so they both walk down the ramp, walk up the steel stairs, enter the ring. Lacey Daniels walks over, grabs a microphone from the annoucer, walks back to Chris Orton, hands the microphone to him and kiss Chris Orton on the lips. Chris Orton looks around hearing massive heat reaction by SEF fans, so he picks up the microphone started talking.

Chris Orton: Do you know what I hate hearing from people in that locker room and all of you are saying I'm not a star in SEF anymore, so let me tell you something I'm not a star in SEF. I'm a legend in SEF the way I been book around here isn't right, so I been dealing with losers in this ring still people continue run their mouth saying I'm not star anymore in SEF. I work my ass off for this company for a very long time beating every single person that put in front of me, but you still believe I'm not in a level that makes me dangerous, so I'm been training and put my mind on right track focus on one thing that getting back SEF World Heavyweight Title back around my waist. 

Chris Orton stops talking, and Lacey Daniels rubs Orton waist got another massive heat reaction from SEF fans, so Orton continue on speaking.

Chris Orton: Tonight on "Extreme", I'm book in fatal four way elimination match whoever gets the pinfall gets into fatal four-way match at "Extreme Revolution", so I'm more focus than ever to make sure I'm in that match. Justin Rogers, Hardcore Haz, Jason Price have no idea what I have in store for them, because I know they all want to make sure I am not involve in that match knowing I can win back my title. Justin Rogers doesn't deserve a World Heavyweight Title shot, because he sucks no one will tune in to see him as SEF World Heavyweight Champion, and Hardcore Haz don't know much about the guy I don't really give a damn about him, but I do have a problem with this punk name Jason Price running his mouth about me instead saying it to my face.

Chris Orton stops talking, looks around hearing boo's from SEF fans, continue on speaking about Jason Price.

Chris Orton: Who the hell are you to call me a poser? I'm half the talent I'm used to be go on saying you are going to make me tap out on the mat, so let me tell you something punk. Why don't you stop using someone catchphrase to make a name for yourself, because I'm not a poser I'm a legend in SEF, and I'm going to "Put Down" your career on "Extreme". Ladies & Gentlemen, I'm going to "Extreme Revolution" to once again become SEF World Heavyweight Champion, because I'm coming into the main event not a star but a legend of SEF put down these three losers. SEF World Heavyweight Championship is coming back where it belong, and there is nothing these three men or current champion will not be able to stop me, because I'M A BAD MAN!

"I Stand Alone" blast the pa system, and Lacey Daniels lifts her man arm in the air massive boo's is heard again, so "Extreme" went to a commercial break.

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