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More Of A Match Than You Can Handle

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 08:52:04 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:16/10/2010 12:46 PMCopy HTML

Standing by backstage at the arena is Jason Price dressed in blue jeans, sneakers, and a white t-shirt with the red Canadian Maple Leaf on the front. His arms cross his chest and he stares into the camera with a cold, heartless, concentrated, determined look and says.
So it seems I struck a nerve with you Justin, it seems you didn't like hearing me mention the name Chris Benoit. All I said about that man, the man, was that I met him, I got to meet my fucking idol, a man who could make you and your entire shitty family tap out in seconds and that is a fact!
Jason now smirks some, remaining focused though and says.
All you spewed is exactly what I said you and your family spew, bullshit! Who is related to who and who trained who, blah, blah, blah, no one in this company cares. Its all pointless as its you who needs to make yourself somebody, something I've done more in a few weeks losing the Underground Title tournament than you have ever! Oh, but you claim I came here, left, came back and left because I couldn't handle top stars like Mack, Viper, Storms, blah, blah, but the problem is I think I may have faced Mack and that's it out of those names. People come and go all the time until they find their niche, they float around and gain experience, work on building a legacy that is far from tarnished like your pathetic band of misfits. Well, no more band for you actually, your just a spoiled bitch all by yourself and staring down at someone who can make you tap out with over a hundred different holds!
His stare remain focused and determined, Price shows no real emotion, just that intensity o f a wrestling machine.
Continue to remain unfocused and worry about who did what in your family, but that only makes it easier on me which I don't need the help. As far as Rick Reynolds, forget him tomorrow night because first you have to survive me and two others. There is no doubt Jason Price will be fighting for the World Title at Extreme Revolution, but Justin Rodgers, well, if he can outdo Haz or Chris, maybe. I'm the best pure athlete in this match and right now I am simply better than all of you, I am the only, real Priceless star shining!
He gets a slightly arrogant smirk now and says.
Hardcore Haz can yell and beat himself up all he wants on the hood of some semi, he can continue to make a mockery of himself and this sport, but when he gets in the ring with me he will be tapping out. Hell, maybe after I make one of you tap I'll stay in the ring and make the other two tap just because I can!
His smirk fades and Jason continues his determined stare showing focus deep within and says.
Chris Orton, I stand by what I said after hearing what you had to say. The best thing you have going for you is your girl Lacey who seems to be slipping a lot and losing ground. Pretty soon your all each other will have and hey, in life that is fine, but when your life is this business, well your gonna fail as you are now. Chris, you can't hold my jockstrap let alone wrestle a match on my level. You had your moment of glory last year, you were paid off for your loyalty, but now its time for real stars to shine and no one is more real than I, Jason Price!
And he grins somewhat now, lets his arms down putting his hands on his hips sort of arrogantly and says.
You three jokes are simply outmatched in every when compared to the likes of myself, so what makes you think you'll stand a chance in the World Title match when having to face two of the best submission stars in the business. I give Reynolds is due, he is good, but at Extreme Revolution I will be better just as I will be better than all three of my challengers in the contendership match tomorrow night. This match belongs to me, well, sort of as I may stick around make the other two tap or I'll do the smart thing and after making whichever one of you low class wrestlers tap, I'll head to the back and study you three wrestling for second best!
Jason lets his arms down and grins still a little, then says.
I'm done, let these amateurs say what they want, I'll show up tomorrow night and make them say only a few words....I GIVE UP!
He gets an intense look on his face, brings his left hand up making a cut throat, then head butts the camera knocking the cameraman down and the feed goes to static and then fade to black.

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