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Oktober Speaks her mind on Lacey.

Started by Oktober Summers, October 02, 2023, 09:41:51 PM

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Oktober Summers

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Date Posted:20/10/2010 4:42 PMCopy HTML

The Roleplay of Oktober Summers that you are about to read will in no doubt contain material and language not suitable for a younger audience or somebody who gets easily offended by such material. If a bit of sex and swear words here and there does not offend you then proceed to read on, if you get offended by such material Use your brain close the damn thing, and proceed to live the rest of your twisted life  You know how movies are rated "R" and "NC-17" and such? Well this roleplay is guaranteed to put those ratings to shame. If this roleplay doesn't have the word "Fuck" in it at least 4 times, it's a fucking stolen layout, well, stlen from me since I stole it originally. Trust me, these roleplays are NOT for the faint of heart unless I am being a half ass comedian like usual. Oh, and if you're religious, pray right now, because you're about to read something that would give the pope a heart attack. Got that? Now, if you think you're up to the challenge, READ ON, DOUCHEBAGING SICK MOTHER FUCKING BASTARD!!
Oktober is seen heading to the ring as her music hits and the fans go nuts as they love her team and they love her! Oktober is in a bit of a foul mood because of the comments that Lacey has made and well both her and her partner have spoke there mind already but this time around Oktober was here to do more then speak. Oktober got in the ring as she called for a mic.

Oktober: Well it never gets old coming out here as you fans know how to get a girl all pummed up! I wish I was out here to fight but that will happen in time! Now I know we have already come out here and spoke about the whole sue thing and well im over that but im not over Lacey at all! Lacey you think because you have been here longer that your better then me or for that matter us that being me and my partner! I have heard your words and all I here is your bitching! I think it would be better if we just got in the ring and had it out! I know in time that I am going to be a great champion and if I have to rid you of this place to do it then so be it! Me and Fay are going to take this place by storm and were going to win a lot of gold! Now you can do two things! You can keep talking and end up on your ass or you can do whats right and face me in a match! I want to see just how hard your bark is because I think your all talk and no go! I came here to prove myself and to show what real women's wrestler are! I am not some bimbo off the street! I can fight and I will put you out if you keep fucking with us! So do you have the guts to face me or are you going to hide and suck off some guy in the back to protect you! The time for talking is over and your now nothing but a target for me! I am going to take everything from you and I am going to make your life a living hell bitch!

Oktober lowers her mic as the crowd goes nuts and Oktober wonders if Lacey has the guts to come out and say anything.

This Layout Was Made For Oktober Summers by Whitney Marret a.k.a Liz Decker. If you really want to steal this, go ahead. It was so simple to make and the time was effortless. So use this layout or email Liz at armydevil74@hotmail.com to get either a banner or layout.
Whitney Marret
Liz Decker

Kristin Fox

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Re:Oktober Speaks her mind on Lacey.
Date Posted:21/10/2010 5:18 PMCopy HTML

.//Roleplay Title\\. .//People Mentioned/Used\\. //.Record\\. .//Stalk Me\\. .//Out Of Character\\. 
Oktober speaks her mind on Laceyread itFormer Dynasty Diva tag champ& prettier than you could dream of beingBlank 

"The American Day Dream"

{Cuz I Can by Pink hits the P.A.  Dusty O'Bannon comes out dressed completely couture with the exception of her top from her custom Christian Leboutin ass kicking black high heeled boots, hip hugging True Religion jeans, and a skippy black/pink spaghetti strap top version of the Dynasty Divas "Beautiful Bitches" t-shirt.  She places her hands up in the air in her usual you love to look but you'll never be able to touch pose.}

jessica-alba-see_through.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
{She smirks at the crowd and then snatches a microphone away from the stage hand.}

Dusty Rodgers-O'Bannon:"And just who the hell do you think you are?  No, wait, {she waves the thought away} "No one really cares because you don't even know!  You're worse than the time Charlie Haas came out to Raw or Smackdown whatever show it was pretending to be a different person everytime he wrestled a match.  So first you want to steal from us, the best female wrestlers of our day and time in SEF by trying to pretend you do not know that we were the Beautiful Bitches.  As you can see by a top that the SEF has been marketing for sometime now.  So you think you can change a single letter and pretend that history doesn't mean jack?  Like you can come in here and call yourselves the Beautiful Bitches and the Queens of SEF.  {she laughs so hard she doubles over} "you screwed up worse than Paris Hilton thinking that money would buy her out of jail these days.  So everyone who walks in here claims that they have money just because someone else contradicts their delusions.  Newsflash you new whore on the block, I am an heiress.  It's been documented since the first time a member of my family appeared in SEF in 2007.  That's three years the Rodgers have been known around here.  True, my career was lack luster but at least it was better than the FFE's owner's career.  Matthew lost every match he had here so he had to fall back on being heir to old money made new by his grandfather buying into computers in the late 70s.  That's how he's running FFE because he has money and because Justin, my older brother is his lap dog.  He's going to use Justin's current main event status to get FFE afloat.  Lacey and I?  We came here to annoy the hell out of the Fugly Foxes and to raise the class and beauty on this brand.  TO be honest I didn't think that it could sink any lower in class, looks, or intelligence until I saw you and your skanky whore life partner come in here and start ripping everyone off.  You obviously don't know shit about wrestling.  You earn your place or you go fuck Shane Mack for a little status around here.  {fans serious begin booing her now}  It's how a couple of Dynasty Diva victims got a little clout around here before we kicked their asses rat back to the whore houses they came from in the first place!  Of course if Mack comes back you know that Whitney will be back.  {fans cheer for one of the only two true female legends in the business}  Yeah, I know you guys worship the ground Whitney walks on and who could blame you?  She broke the barriers that made it possible for the Dynasty Divas, Lacey and myself to own the SEF as we know it!!  We are the now, the future of tag team wrestling.  We will regain the Dynasty Diva tag titles when we destroy ever one in FFE's tag team turmoil.  {She smirks and tosses her naturally mocha latte colored hair}  "Oh and before I forget I love how you pipe in your own adulations and cheers into your entrance video.  Reminds me of when my oldest brother, Lucas would sit glued to the t.v. in complete idolization of Goldberg who did the same thing.  Luke, like Goldberg's star fizzled before anything spectacular happened....on the other hand, {she smirks again, placing a well manicured French manicured cotton candy pink finger nail to her perfectly glossed lips, and tilts her head to one side playing devil's advocate} "I know now that I am glad that I followed Justin's training regimen in the begining to get myself as fine as I am now.  He idolized guys like Bret Hart, Sting, Ric Flair, and dare I say it, Chris Jericho, guys who not only made a name for themselves but are living legends in this business....much the same path that Lacey followed to be one of the best wrestlers in SEF today.  Not only that, but Lacey and our extremely yummy male counterparts, Chris and Knox trained at the very hands of people who lived and breathed this business with every fiber of their being.  They gave their blood, sweat, tears, and in some cases their lives to this business.  {Fans actually start a little murmur of support for Dusty} "This is real, Oktober.  You don't just show up, flash a little skin, and suddenly someone hands you a main event.  You earn it, like every single person that I either work with or despise.  It's the one thing that Lacey and I can agree with our arch rivals, Maegan and Grace about.  We grew up with them and our animosity knows no limits.  It's no secret that Grace is jealous of me because her mother cared more about me than she did her, but that's our issues, that just adds more fuel to the fire that we bring when ever we face each other.  Maegan is jealous of Lacey because of all of the people who applied for a mentorship with Bret Hart, the only two that got it were Lacey and Tyson Kidd.  Of course, it would have only been Lacey if Nattie hadn't been such a supreme bitch who used the fact that Tyson was her lover to get him in with her uncle because she couldn't stand that Lacey was going to steal the thunder that Nattie wanted for herself."

{Dusty yawns and prances a little bit on stage.}

Dusty:"See?  {she points to the crowd who has lost interest in her diatribe.}  This is what Lacey and I see happen everytime you guys start to run your heads.  No one gives a damn what you have to say because you dress like skanks.  The only time they pay you any attention is when you come out here, dance around like a couple of crack head stripper whores, and then when they give you hell for ripping off SEF legends.  {dusty gets a nice pop for that} "Maybe you should walk out here topless if you aren't afraid of showing all of your track marks, {she pauses and snickers} Oh, that's right.  My dad said when he used to work vice and have to bust crack head skanks like you, that they didn't want to mess up their meal ticket so they stuck the needles between their toes or snorted the smack up their noses so as not to mess up the merchadise.  {she shrugs} Hey, you gotta do whatever you can to keep your pimp from smacking you around and making you lose money so you don't lose your money for your next score, right?  Here's a one line news flash for you, babes.  In FFE, I know Matthew.  You may as well call him St. Matthew because all he fucking cares about is Sara.  SO you are not going to get naked and lay up in his office trying to weasel the titles out of him, like I'm sure you did at your last fed.  If St. Matthew could be broken by anything it would be nepotism or pride.  He'd make sure that his annoying twin sister and asshole cousin got the titles.  NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!  The Dynasty Divas are going to destroy you and then the Fugly Foxes.  We will take back the Dynasty tag belts and the Wildside tag belts.  The more gold the better.  If your lucky, Lacey and I won't take away your most prized possession, those passably pretty faces when we do so.  You know most of the time we get air popped, non buttered popcorn and watch your promos because really, they are funnier than a Judd Apatow movie.  Hell, the girls in that movie at least have a couple brain cells."

{Dusty turns as "Pour Some Sugar on Me" plays}

Dusty:"Now you're screwed." 

"The American Day Dream"


 "The American Day Dream" Dusty O'Bannon





Finishing Move

 Daydream Believer


Dusty Daydream


 Knox O'Bannon


Disclaimer : This is a layout made by Luke You may use it because it is a free layout created by him. However, if you want to use his layout you have to promote his work and keep the disclaimer on so he can make more and better layouts than this. Thank you for using a layout created by Luke



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Re:Oktober Speaks her mind on Lacey.
Date Posted:21/10/2010 7:32 PMCopy HTML

As Dusty turns around she is met face to face with Fay who is not to happy with Dusty. Fay gets on the mic and goes nose to nose with her.
FAY: I suggest you back the fuck off my tag partner before I slam your happy ass on to this mat.
Dusty is almost sandwiched between the two divas as Fay continues.
Fay; You got alot of nerve to come out here slamming us for the choice of name for our team. What you need to be focusing on is us beating the fuck out of you come PPV time. You see Dusty..you and your bitch need to learn to shut your mouth and stop trying to bore people to death. All you two do is talk talk talk. And all of these people have to put up with this shit week in, week out. Instead of talking..start fighting..or leave SEF. I came to fight, and so did my tag partner. We didn't come here to bore people. We came to kick ass and take names later. If you got a problem with that..then I suggest you bitch up and shows some nutsack girly. Now if you excuse us..we have a match to prepare for. Now hit our music.
Both girls shove Dusty out of the way hard and then exit the ring. They head to the back, flipping off Dusty as the scene fades to black.

Lacey Daniels

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  • Rank:Jobber
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  • Register:02/03/2010 6:33 AM
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Re:Oktober Speaks her mind on Lacey.
Date Posted:22/10/2010 5:28 AMCopy HTML

Warning: This RP may include sex, drugs, rock & roll, cursing and anything else this user sees fit. If you object to any of these day-to-day practices, please, take your fantasy world elsewhere.



RP Title

Next Match:

Lovers/Allies/Next Victim:



Oktober speaks her mind (small words then! lol)

w/Dusty O'Bannon vs The Beautiful Bytches vs The Fighting Foxes vs The Jericho Army vs Chaotic vs Justin Rodgers/Johnny Camaro vs Knox O'Bannon/The Grand Minoru

Chris Orton/Dynasty Divas/Fugly Foxes

TV Champion x1, International Champion (current)

i know you made it like it was the end of the rp but I wanted to reply so .. meh!




As Oktober and Fay push through the curtain to the back "Pour Some Sugar On Me" plays out again and the girls are suddenly backing up as Lacey Daniels comes through. Her International title belt sits on her shoulder, she has a mic in her hand and a big ass scowl on her face.  Oktober and Fay end up with their backs to Dusty who has murderous intentions to both of them for daring to shove her. Oktober gets a determined look on her face and she steps up to Lacey and opens her mouth to speak but before she can say a word Lacey holds her hand up straight to Oktobers face and then moves her forefinger from side to side and raises the mic to her mouth.

LD: Uh huh ... don't me as stupid as you look honey!! ... You want me to put my money where my mouth is right now and end your career right here on the ramp then open that big pie hole of yours ... otherwise I suggest you shut the fuck up!!

Lacey's tone is full of venom and it's blatently obvious that she's having to try real hard to reign in that legendary temper of hers. She takes a deep breath to control herself and looks over the two woman to Dusty and raises her eyebrows and tilts her head at her tag team partner, silently asking if she's okay. Dusty nods her head slowly as Lacey nods her head once in acknowledgment.

LD: Alrightly ladies ... and I use that word loosely, you wanted my attention ... well now you got it, and believe me sweetcheeks it's not a good thing! ... First off, you ever ... ever!! ... use my entrance music again to come out to and I will personally take it as an insult and remove your botoxed heads from your shoulders, is that understood? ...

Lacey tosses her hair over her shoulder as she steps forward and the Beautiful Bytches take a step back.

LD: You're so many shades of wrong I don't even know where to start ...

DOB: How about with them trying to hijack our names ... or personas ...

Lacey grins at Dusty and nods her head.

LD: Yeah I guess that will do ... see you can say ...

Lacey puts on a fake ass whiney voice.

LD: ... we're not ripping you off cause we spell it different ...

Lacey pauses as her and Dusty laugh and Oktober and Fay scowl at Lacey's obvious piss take.

LD: But the truth is ... you are trying to rip us off. You call yourselves by the same name, you brag about being rich ... you're here to "kick ass and take names" ... oh my god did you actually say that? ... Then you bitch and moan that all we do is talk when truth be told ... you have yet to have a match!! ... All you are is talk! ... I haven't seen anything yet that proves a damn thing you say ... whereas me and Dusty ... hell we've been backing up our words ever since we got here! We've worked out asses off to get where we are today and we didn't do it by shaking our ass ... no we did it through sheer fucking hard work, so when 2 skanks like you come here and try to shit on what we've achieved I take offense to that!

Lacey is now slowly stalking forward as Oktober and Fay are backing up and Dusty is slowly giving them the room as they head down the ramp towards the ring.  Lacey swings her gold off her shoulder and holds it right up to their faces.

LD: See this ... this right here says "International Champion" ...

Lacey places the belt back on her shoulder and gestures up and down at Oktober and Fay.

LD: .. and this right here says "whore"!

Fay steps forward slightly as though she's going to say or do something as Lacey smiles and pushes her face up closer to Fay with a slightly psychotic look in her eyes.

LD: Go on .. I fucking dare you!

Oktober reaches out and catches Fay's arm and pulls her back slightly as Lacey snorts in disgust.

LD: See I didn't get to be champ through fucking my way to the top ... I didn't get it through sucking someone's dick ... I earned it by fighting my way up and defeating a man to get it! And I've been getting in the ring every night since and defending it ... not just against wannabe's like you but against men too. Hell I've got a three way dance on PPV to defend this baby and I will do what I always do and emerge victorious because I give my everything each and every time I set foot in that ring!  And you have the nerve to try and call me out?  Give me a fucking break! ... I've been in the ring with Shane Mack and stood my ground for fucks sake ... you think a little girl like you can even come close to intimidating me ... seriously, are you retarded?

Lacey pulls a face which draws loud boos from the crowd but gets a giggle from Dusty who now moves forward and pushes through Oktober and Fay, harder than they did her earlier and nearly knocking them down as she moves to stand next to Lacey.

LD: If you even have one brain cell you'll do yourselves a favor and do a bit of research before the Wildside debut and check out SEF history ... more specifically the Dynasty Diva history. You'll see that me and Dusty are far from the whores you think we are ... Dusty is an old married lady and I've only ever been with one guy here ... in fact we don't need any men because we're more than capable of taking care of business ourselves, something you'll find out first hand when we meet in the ring in the tag team turmoil.

Lacey gets a sadistic look in her eyes as she thinks about how much she's going to hurt these girls.

LD: Basic facts cupcakes ... you fucked up big time and come Wildside you're going to find out how bad! ...

DOB: I really wouldn't want to be in their shoes ...

Lacey and Dusty laugh as they turn to walk back up the ramp leaving Oktober and Fay glaring at their backs. Lacey pauses and turns back to them.

LD: Oh and poppets ... that's not a threat ...

Dusty turns back to glare at them.

DOB: ... that's a fucking promise!!

End of rp


"Yes I am as good as I look"



Disclaimer: This layout was made by Diabolical at Diabolical Designs. It is free for your use but please do not alter the layout or disclaimer in any way other than the text portions. 


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