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Justin ppv promo

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 09:52:39 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:22/10/2010 9:02 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
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{Justin stops as he sees the confrontation between his cousin and Knox.  He smirks as Matt knocks the taste out of his mouth.  It then shows Chris Orton's promo and the amusement goes out of Justin's eyes.  He walks over to where Samantha is fixing her lip gloss.}

Justin:"When you get a second."

Samantha:"Sure thing."

{She finishes the touch up and motions for a camera crew}

Justin:"You know Orton, maybe its just the fact I have spent a lot of time with people who are anal about the way the prounounce different words or maybe you are simply a brain dead son of a bitch.  You keep calling me Rogers and my last name is R-O-D-G-E-R-S.  Hell if spelling it out is to hard on you why don't you call me the man who, {he pauses} no, that would piss my wife off.  Why don't you just call me the man who is going to make sure that you never become the SEF heavyweight champion again.  You can call me your superior or hell, since you have a hard time even getting the simpliest things correct, then why not at the very least call me a Fox.  It's what Lacey used to call me.  One of the Fox boys.  Why not?  Gracie is about to petition to use our mother's maiden name.  It would make things a lot easier on the people like you, Orton and Price who have so much shit in their ears that they can't even get their facts straight.  If my sister and I use our mother's name so that we have the same name as our cousins.  You know, that would be pretty stupid.  {he smirks}  Everything that I have earned in SEF has been based on my talent not my mother or my uncle.  As SEF fans have already seen the Fox name doesn't gurantee success in SEF.  Taryn and Drew proved that.  Drew could have done something, had he not been injured.  Taryn simply wasn't prepared for the level of competition here in SEF.  However, after the ppv, Orton.  You will remember my name as sure as if Lacey was screaming as she woke up from a dream in the middle of the night.  My name is "The Prodigy" Justin Rodgers and I will be the one making you tap out at the ppv.  You will not be leaving Extreme Revolution with the SEF title and you will not be headlining Wildside with Mack.  Will I?  I have a better than (he smiles) 25% shot at it.  Of course, the Dangerous Corporation has done just about everything short of selling their soul to keep the title on Rick Reynolds.  Jason Price is so full of himself that the likelyhood that he sells out to the DC just for a bigger paycheck is possible since Drake Sage did the same thing.  I am hungry for the heavyweight title.  I dream about it.  I worked my ass off to earn this spot.  Even if I do not win this match it won't be my last shot.  In fact, its only my second.  {He raises an eyebrow} "I did fairly well in my last go around with Rick Reynolds until Orton punted me in the head.  I'm not making excuses but Orton will have no place to go this time around.  He can not slink back into the shadows.  When he comes for me and I know he will.  The two of us are the most likely to dethrone Reynolds in this match, I can give him that much credit.  If he'll put his blind hatred of me aside....{he chuckles deeply} "Yeah right.  He can't handle the fact that Lacey has been with me.  He is a selfish bastard who doesn't want to think that anybody else has been where he has been or done the things that he has done.  He'd freak if he knew that I own the same kind of shirt that he does.  He thinks like a spoiled toddler.  MINE! MINE!  {He rolls his eyes} "He is such an ass that he'd sacrifice his own chance at winning the SEF title in order to keep me from it.  {shakes his head} Your pathetic, Orton.  It's ironic.  There is at least a fact or two that I can agree with my fellow contenders.  Price thinks your pathetic as well.  {He crosses his arms over his chest and tilts his head} "Am I the only one focused on just wanting to be the champ?  The other three of you have personal agendas that either equal or surpass the hunger for the title.  {shakes his head} This will be the downfall to my opponents.  My sole goal in this match is for the heavyweight title.  Orton, you want to fight over something that was over before I was even legal, {he shrugs} take a turn with everyone else who thinks I have wronged them in the past.  Hell, there are parts of my family who think that I have wronged them.  {he pulls a phony surprised look} Oh, that's right.  They are so far up your ass that you already know what they think.  Whatever.  Now, I'm going to find my cousin.  Eventually the four of us will have to cross paths eventually.  Especially if Camaro is still M.I.A.  {He snickers} "Imagine, Knox.  The Enforcers teaming up again?  Why don't you pull out your Droid and call big brother.  See what kind of hell was raised before Matt semi-retired."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

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