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Heart Of A Warrior

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 10:11:41 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:23/10/2010 10:07 PMCopy HTML

A chance to represent FFE has their Transcontinental Champion. From working very few matches to a title opportunity in a wild and unpredictable battle royal. A match that The Grand Minoru could excel in or lose quickly for he can fly and will fly, he can moves quick and knock you cold with a kick from nowhere, but he is small, he gives up so much in size. His heart beats for two...two thousand that is. He loves what he does, the Japanese warrior who prides himself on bringing his best each and every night, having the honor to compete each and every night and earning the respect of his peers, each and every night!
He wants to represent FFE, he wants that title around his waist, but with nine other hungry men and women all looking to stand out and represent FFE, its not going to be easy. The Grand Minoru knows how it is to have to fight up from the very bottom. Once labeled a jobber of SEF as Pung Loa, he paid his dues for years un the undercard, worked with damn near everybody who came into SEF, from the top to the bottom he fought them all for years. Now he is getting his moment to shine and its time to take it!
Tomorrow night on Extreme Revolution FFE will present their first ever match just three days before the first show, Wildside! A true honor it would be to walk into Wildside as Transcontinental Champion. The Grand Minoru would truly embody a champion, he would defend it at the drop of a dime, and defend with every bit of honor he prides himself on having for this entire industry and you damn sure better realize he would respect the title!
The Grand Minoru is ready to step it up and take some gold for himself, he is ready to represent this new brand. Well so many of these girls involved in the battle royal are worried about who uses what name, they claim copyright infringement yet have no real claim to do so. And every single person in this match besides The Grand Minoru has been caught up in self made drama to try and stand out and failed miserably. They all try to act like big stars, but come off as cheap tricks where as The Grand Minoru has actually worked his way up the ranks to get where he is. He wrestled in this business since he was sixteen, studied and trained his ass off for a decade before finally starting to come into his own!
He's ready boys and girls, The Grand Minoru is focused and intent on becoming one the best in the business, one of the best in SEF, and it starts with FFE, so watch out for he is coming to succeed at all costs!

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