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Just Telling It Like It Is As Always

Started by NBD, October 02, 2023, 10:21:30 PM

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Date Posted:24/10/2010 2:21 AMCopy HTML

So wasted potential has spoken his mind or for those who may not get the nickname, Matt Matlock has said his piece on his opponent for Extreme Revolution, Shane Mack, a man he has battled more times than he can remember, seriously, not even Matt remembers the many battles. Of course he usually did end up knocked out as he mentioned, too many shots to the head, but in this business that's a constant for just about everybody!
And so from the darkness comes a voice, perhaps the most recognizable voice in SEF, the sultan of seriousness, wait, what, seriousness, Mack? Of course we can't see him, its total darkness, oh my god, is the anti darkness wannabe going dark or is he did he just get too stoned and forgot where the light switch is? Anyways, Mack speaks, so we listen or die, well no, he just may not pass the joint, so yea, shut it and listen!
Damn narrator, what the fuck man, why ya gotta take so long to flow into my promo?
Uh, stop talking to me jackass and stop referring to it as a promo, damn, now cut your promo before SEF fires ya!
You smoke too much dickhead, they can't fire me, fuck, no one can even see me., For all you know I'm naked right now and let me tell ya, the open air feels great!
What the fuck, is he naked and why is he still talking to m-, I mean, uh, fuck Mack, cut your damn promo and pass the damn joint and that better be a joint sticking it out!
It is dickhead, now shut up and go spank Matlock's ass while he sucks the strap on Jessica Winters just used on his ass!
...the narrator is speechless...except this part, uh...
Oh, little too much information to give out, ok, well then, Matlock, speaking of ya and your cat blowing fantasies, what the fuck, that's sick man and you called me sick, oh yea, I guess I am! So where was I again, uh, were both sick, were both crazy and yea, like ya pointed out, this is just a regular old match, straight singles bout to one fall, pin, submission, hell, do or count out, though that would suck huh?! After the shit we been through, after all the fucking blood and bruises and broken bones and torn muscles and burnt roaches and empty beer cans and paper cuts, goddamn those fucking paper cuts man, all that damn pencil pushing we do in this business, I tell ya!
Uh, you guys are wrestlers, what pencil and paper pushing?
The script!
What script?
Um, look a bird!
Dumbass! Anyways, Matt, um, we been through a lot, you noted that though and your thinking its finally your time to beat me, your time to shine, well fuck kid, its about damn time! Ya whined and complained enough before ya left, then ya come back to SEF this year, whine and complain a little proving you were not over your bullshit, get put in your place by that asshole Reynolds. Now ya seem truly over it and again I say, its about fucking time man! Fans don't forget, no, not when ya make an impact and when ya make one as negative as you did on this business in general, you get ripped apart for it where as ya make one like I have. Make an impact by always delivering more than anyone else, well then they love ya and want more of ya, but I think I may have to retire now, later!?!
What, what the fuck, Mack?
You bastard, where the hell did ya go, what the fuck is going on, someone turn the damn lights on. The stoned fucker may have tripped and knocked himself out or he's playing everyone or could he really mean it, is he gonna retire, damn!?! Whoa, the lights do turn on and we see one big white room with black curtains covering a standard sized window and next to it a black door that swings open and in runs Shady Smack, the midget of Mack's who only talks when he raps. He runs around doing crotch chops and Mack is nowhere to be seen, then Shady stands in front of the curtain and now cuts a rap.
Flatcock or is it Matlock
Ya think your gonna shock
Us all and beat Mack, ya off ya block
Thinking you can compare, ya like stock
While Mack is custom all around the block
This shit his to take, you on the dock
So get ready to watch him rock
And fire off like a glock
Mock ya with his cock
And then a crotch chop from Shady and he runs out the door, looks like trees all around and its dark outside. That was kinda weird and what was with what Mack, retiring, but what about extreme Revolution, though he did say maybe and it was a question, but why even ask it? We'll definitely find out tonight on the pay per view, but man, this is has been fucked up, need to find Mack and take the edge, fucker, where is he?

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