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Justin PPV promo 2

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 10:34:02 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:24/10/2010 3:31 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

Justin20Rodgers20Banner.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
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{Justin is in the locker room area when the camera crew finds him. He has a Saints hat, turned backward and has an earbud trailing down to a sports radio attached to one defined bicep.  He has one boot laced and ready to go, the other one he has on and is lacing it up.  He doesn't look up, he just continues to thread one lace through one hole, concentrating, trying to focus on this small task, so that he can focus on the much larger challenge of the SEF title that is the main event of the Extreme Revolution pay per view.  He faces his arch rival Chris Orton, a much more experienced competitor in Jason Price, and the champion Rick Reynolds.  Rick Reynolds, a man who's almost legendary
status only serves to increase an already an over inflated ego, one that grew to gigantic proportions when by hook or by crook he dethroned Shane Mack to become the current SEF Champ....a man that is the legend of SEF, who earned it over several years of being the back bone of SEF. A man whose return has the current champion scared shitless.}

Justin:"Rick Reynolds, you were bragging that Chris Orton and I were not worthy of your time.  You probably thought our personal feelings could not amount to a decent match for you because we were so distracted by the other.  You also commented on the fact that, when compared to you, I am a kid.  It's true, I am the youngest in the match.  In fact, I

will not be 23 years old until Halloween this year, but I am far from being inexperienced, and no before Orton sees red, I am not talking shit, trying to stir him up.  I wrestled in a juniors league, more amateur than the oppulence of a fed filled with adults.  I wrestled my first, what people would call an official match with men over the age
of 21 when I was 16.  No, unlike my FFE tag team turmoil partner, I am not going to drop names of the people that were in the match.  It is suffice to say that I won a battle royal to crown a cruiserweight champion....yes, on my birthday, a ppv with a name that a lot of people have called cheesy over the years.  I will always remember that Hardcore
Halloween.  {He has a slight smirk, even though he is not looking at the camera} "Now, I am faced with a chance to achieve two dreams.  First, an elimination style match for the SEF HW title.  The winner of which goes to Wildside because Mack is back.  He faces the winner of the title match at Extreme Revolution on the first Wildside.  Even though I know that Matlock would be an easy win for me, as one of the more likely people to leave the ppv with the SEF title.  I'd hate to win the title tonight, just to lose the title to Mack on Wednesday.....in front of a town that I love.  Raised a little hell in the French Quarter with some of the guys that are working FFE exclusively.  Guys like Chaotic,
who if I remember correctly, the SEF got a glimpse of when we were passed out after the Saints and Panthers game.  {He touches the ear bud} SHIT!  Fucking injuries.  Cleveland is whipping some Saints ass.  FUCK!  {He shakes his head and throws his hat into his bag}  Bush, Thomas, Colston, all fucking injured.  Brees is sore as fuck because there is no
decent fucking blocking.  Then they release the old man!  Carney was the only damn reason we defeated Carolina.  At least Sharper was activated and playing today  {he ties his boot and stands up, finally looking at the camera} "Yeah, I am a little pissed off, but, {he looks at his watch} It's only 2:30 Central Standard time.  Plenty of time to get my
head on straight.  This is how I prepare.  I love football.  I'm going to listen to the games and I'm going to hit the gym.  TN's got a better showing againist Philly than Nola's doing againist the fucking Browns.  I hate the Browns.  I bet Boudreaux is having a heart attack.  {he raises an eyebrow} No pun intended, Lacey. Then again, {he smirks}
why should I be worried about a major battle in my own career?  I'm a kid, right Reynolds?  Maybe you could take a lesson from other sports.  Lesnar was the King Shit in the UFC but he lost to someone with Mexican heritage.  {he laughs}  I'm not Mexican but Lesnar was dethroned by someone with Latin heritage.  Someone who was counted out by everyone. All of my opponents see me as the youngest and the weak man in this battle.  I'm also physically bigger, but what does that matter, right?  I'm 22, I'm not going to win the big one.  Think about that Price.  That's kind of a shot at you, man.  You say I like to drop names?  Who dropped a legend in his first promo?  Not me.  If I mention family, so
what?  It doesn't mean anything to you or anyone else, but it means something to me.  At least I'm here, busting my ass to make something of myself instead of dropping the names of legends to help my cause.  Oh, you'll fire back at me that I mentioned Mack.  Of course I did, nimrod!  The lucky bastard who survives tonight is the man who has to face
Shane Mack on Wildside.  So, hopefully, you don't have your head in your ass and can follow the natural chain of events.  Oh wait?  Did I tell the truth?  Fuck, Reynolds, what are you going to do besides trying to get Walgreens to give you some Valium so you don't go nuts because you know that he'll be coming for payback on your sorry ass.  History
says that you guys have a history that based on the age and history between the two of you rivals that of my cousin, Matt and I.  We trained together and started teaming up at a young age.  Which means, you know Mack better than almost anybody except maybe Whit.  {he crosses his arms} Perhaps.  SO you know what is in store, better than anyone for crossing Mack.  Do I sweat Mack?  Hell yes.  He's earned it.  Am I going to first have a panic attack, cower, and mutter to myself like a lunatic when I have to face him?  Common sense may say I should, but then again, as far as I know, I haven't stabbed the man in the back or pissed him off.  The three of you really amuse the hell out of me. 
Orton is living in the past.  Price has his head up his ass because he thinks that he's done paying dues.  That he's better than everyone  {he shakes his head} I was once told that you never really stop paying your dues if your respect this business.  I respect this business, which is why I think that I will make the best champion, heading into
Wildside, a fresh challenge that is not going to tremble in fear and cower in the corner just because I'm staring across the ring at Mack.  Hopefully a refreshing change for Mack who has never really been challenged by anyone until Reynolds screwed him over.  I know in 07 when I came in here with the same kind of attitude Orton has that Viper and
Mack have handed me my ass.  I was ready or worthy then.  I think I am now.  I may not be, but a better man than my opponents tonight will be the judge of that.  {He removes his radio, tosses it into his bag, and pulls on his elbow pads} "Now I am really going to start getting ready.  {There is a knock on the door} "Yeah!  Come in.  {he looks around the
camera as Maegan, Grace, Sara, and Matt come in} "My detractors think I am a fool to rely on my family.  How many people can they swear by?  People that could honestly say wouldn't stab them in back?  I can say I have a handful of people.  Can my opponents say that?  Can Orton say if the opportunity wasn't presented to Knox and the Dynasty Divas
that they would not jump at the opportunity to tear him apart for a little bit of gold?  Knox is a ruthless cut throat bastard.  He stabbed me in the back and later he turned on Lucas, every chance he got.  Even to me.  Price?  You may have team mates, but how much do you really trust them?  The Dangerous Corporation.  Are they aligned out of mutual
respect, money?  What?  Who is really to say why they teamed?  Do they fear Mack and all of the people he has trained in this business?  The scattered when the Gangsters returned to help Black Bob and crew.  Who is to say that wouldn't turn on Reynolds if Sly and Frankie looked away or tightened the purse strings to everyone but Reynolds?  These
people that you see before you?  My sister and my cousins?  We have had our problems and we are still together.  Hell, {he gestures to Sara} Matt and I brawled over this woman.  We almost killed each other because of a childish notion that I had in the back of my mind.  Doesn't matter what it was now and no one outside of this room really cares.  We
tested the bonds of family and friendship.  Where is he standing now?  He has my back and I can trust that.  We may not be able to take on the entire Corporation by ourselves but none of us are going to back down.  So I have, {he smirks at the gear that Maegan is wearing.  It has a big cross that says 'faith'} faith that I will leave Extreme Revolution as the champion."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!


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