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Back In The Saddle

Started by NBD, October 02, 2023, 10:49:32 PM

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Date Posted:27/10/2010 9:15 PMCopy HTML

So while the DC sits around bullshitting themselves to death as usual the view opens up on Shane Mack who sits on a metal box somewhere backstage at the UNO Lakefront Arena down in New Orleans. The big easy to many, mardi gras to a lot, and the bayou to the true locals, the backwoods where nobody really goes, but everybody knows. The place where Mack probably got the weed in the join the finishes up, what, a joint, hey, wait, Mack, you can't, oh hey, he takes one last drag, then snuffs it out shaking the ash off and eats the evidence, heh, classic. So now he just sits back against the wall, his wrestling gear on and his thoughts deep as usual perhaps. Shady Smack is standing him next to him with his new title around his body diagonally and a D-Mack beanie over his head. He sports blue jeans and the usual Impact X shirt and looks around sniffing the air, then looks up at Mack who looks down shrugging and says.
Go get her boy, she wants, go tear her ass apart, literally, show her how much of a real midget you are my brother!
Shady jumps up and turns running off howling, what the fuck?! Mack just laughs and we now focus on him, so he just says all casual like.
Well it seems Matlock didn't do it, he couldn't beat me, hell, he tapped out, but then again I don't pin people anymore, haven't in six months and I am a man of my word. But ya know something Matlock, I wasn't really looking to beat you, hell, like ya said, you never have and we battled a few times meaning I have won them all except one where we drew. I was coming back to do what I do best, steal the show and I did it. Win, lose, or draw Shane Mack never gets outdone at any event and that's a fact!
He just shrugs and smirks maybe somewhat cocky, but is it really? Mack just says.
One thing about you is I always respected ya, I helped up you more than most would ever think of and anytime you want another crack at Mack, just say so and its on. You know against me its always gonna be something great and I know I can make you, so let's dance bitch!
A bit of arrogance now and Mack just says.
But enough of that, it's the past or the future, depending on if Matlock is ready to go again. Rick Reynolds is the now, the present, well the near future technically, but whatever. He is presently the World Heavyweight Champion and has been ever since he beat, oh yea, me!
He laughs and rolls his eyes, then says with a smirk.
Yep, ya put me down Rick and ya walked off with the World strap, so congratulations, a late congrats as that was about three months ago, three months I had to sit on the sideline watching everyone continue to do what they love. Three fucking months I had to sit back and wait, re train my body from the abuse of carrying this company. Three fucking months man, I sat back and healed my injuries just itching to step into a ring one more time. Three long ass months I had to endure your cum receptacle of a mouth spewing that bullshit you love to spew. Well I will say you are a man after my own heart indeed, you learned well from myself, but while I was teaching you, I learned even more!
A slick smirk crosses his face and Mack says.
You see, to be a great teacher means you must excel and being a student and this profession of ours it holds true to a tee. I live for this right here, sitting backstage just waiting to go out in front of a crowd of people, I don't care if it's the first edition of a new brand just getting noticed or if were in the Tokyo Dome at Wrestle fucking X, I live for all of this. Sitting here in the moment leading to the moment where I truly return to the ring. Although its as I said before, winning isn't number one for me because it doesn't have to be. I wouldn't mind having that belt again as my reign was cut short, so I am not done with it. However, as I sat for those three months thinking about everything, re training myself, hell, perfecting a brand new move designed to go with the way I will win any match, by submission!
He gets a sort of serious look showing he means it and says.
Of course I already said too, hell I declared that the way it is before I had to leave just as I declared it Good To Be Super Shane Mack which continues to hold true to this day. The CNC is designed to cut you down and choke you out, but as always I am still collected, calm and cool!
He just smirks now and leans forward getting on to his feet and puts his hands on his hips saying.
Rick Reynolds, your facing a man with nothing to lose and nothing to gain, a man who is set out to do one thing and that is make sure that everybody watches him. The show was stolen three days ago and tonight I main event insuring nobody gets to steal it. Not saying anyone sucks cause we got good talent around here, but guys and gals, its just who I am, its what I do, excel at my chosen profession. Your gifted Rick, you learned well, so who knows, maybe I am hanging on to something I can't do, maybe the era of Mack is done. If so, then why can't anyone let go of me or let me go? Not even the almighty franchise Rick Reynolds can save SEF while Mack is gone, so what makes you think you have what it takes to beat me, especially since I am no longer injured?!
An arrogant smirk now and Mack does a few jumping jacks to loosen up, then leaps up and down throwing a few jabs and suddenly stops looking at his wrist as if a watch were there which only his wristband and says.
Oh man, its four twenty, I gotta run, wanna join me camera dude? Me and some local boys gonna chat outside, some good southern girls are out there too!
Mack smirks and walks off, the view turning to follow and stops turning around casually to say.
Oh yea, Rick, um, unlike those rip offs who coined my phrase a week or so ago, and oh yea, the Beautiful Bytches!
He grins big at the rib on Storms and Torres who also used it, but c'mon, their Mack's bros. Anyways, Mack continues.
I got just a couple words for you and your little DC boys who your going over a plan with as I speak to try and get out of this it sounds like, just two now, just two more words bitch, so KISS THIS!
And he does a crotch chop, then laughs and brushes his hair back arrogantly before turning and heading down the hall. He waves to the camera to c'mon and so it appears we follow, but then fade to black.

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