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Xtreme Cancelled & WAR Gets Bigger

Started by admin, March 05, 2013, 12:21:06 AM

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Frank E Dangerously was relieved of his GM duties for WAR, however he will remain as President of SEF and help run WAR with the new GM, Bill McLane. Xtreme has been cancelled in an effort to combined all talents under one brand in the WAR to produce the best show in the world. The Xtreme World Title will be defended on WAR against the winner of the tournament on the last episode of Xtreme and that will be the first of 2 World Title matches on WAR! The gauntlet match Mack defends his Showstoppa Title in has grown to include Earl and Bill Roberts as The Showsteala's opponents going from three to five. Mack recently said he could face more and it would seem Viper is holding him to it. In other action we'll see the Tag Titles on the line as former champs the West Coast Connection face Priceless Paine to try and regain the gold. All that and more including the return of the Internet Title when Tristan Darland faces Jordan Cut on WAR - March 6th

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