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Gabby meets the DC

Started by Kristin Fox, October 03, 2023, 09:21:19 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:03/11/2010 7:09 PMCopy HTML

Warning.x..This official Gabriela Rodgers roleplay contains sexual content, coarse language, violence, and other material not suitable for all readers. The young, innocent, immature and straight out stupid are advised to STOP, for those of you insistant on reading further remember, you have been warned...
Brit-britney-spears-2942217-1024-768.jpg picture by pegasusfeds10
Roleplay Title.x..Gabby meets the DC
People Mentioned/Used.x..??
Next Match.x..??
Out of Character.x Damn it actually works this time
{Carly Anderson steps out of a limo and turns and gestures for someone to get out of the limo with her.  Gabby Rodgers is looking unsure of herself in stileto high heels and a black spaghetti strap dress.  She hooks her arm through hers and guides her forward.}}
Gabby:"I'm not so sure about this."
Carly:"Look, it's been a week.  If your brothers were coming for you, they would have been here by now.  They know that you left with Lance so I doubt that even your dad is looking for you.  He saw what kind of hell Justin went through fighting Corez over Dusty.  They are giving you a chance to grow up.  Now I have, um, business with Rick so you go ahead and make nice with Thor."
{Gabby looks away, a little sad, and then goes into the building with Carly.  Carly goes in first and then nudges her forward to where Rob and Thor were sitting.  She then puts her in between them.}
Name.xGabriella Rodgers
Hometown.x.Dallas, Tx
Theme Music.x Overprotected by Britney Spears
Trademark Move(s).x..Kiss Me Goodnight
Finisher(s).x..Lady in Waiting
!DISCLAIMER!This layout was created by Majik Ninja and is free for anyone to use as they please. However if I find someone claiming this layout as their own work I will personally see to it that they wake up

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