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Shane's Going Into The Match Alone rp #1

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 03, 2023, 10:44:30 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Date Posted:17/11/2010 1:24 PMCopy HTML

Shane is still  upset about what happened to his finacee on Extreme, and now he is in his locker room with her. He looks at Brandy, and starts talking.

Shane Jericho

I want you to stay in the locker room, and watch my match.

Brandy Gibson

I want to go out there with you Shane, so come on why can't I. I love you, and I should be in your corner during your match

Shane Jericho

It is cause of what happened on Extreme, and I won't have you get hurt again. I will deal with those cowards later, and they will pay for DDTing my fiance that is who you are now stay here I can handle this. I love you 2, but I can't risk that again it could have been a whole lot worse.

Shane gets up, and goes to kiss Brandy until she pushes him away. He walks out of the room, and shuts the door. He heads down the hallway, and stops. He looks at the camera, and starts talking.

Shane Jericho

Now I am coming into this match all by myself, and cause of what happened to my fiancee on Extreme I want to challenge the ones that DDTed my fiancee for no reason. You see no one puts their hands on Brandy, and gets away with it. I hate the both of you, so if you were smart you would except my challenge. You made a huge mistake, and you will get what is coming to you. Now onto my match that I have on Wildside, and I am facing Jayson Rage. Look I have no problem with you, but if I come into this match full of anger I am gonna say sorry before the match cause there is no telling what I will do. Jayson I do hope we have a great match, and I saw the match you had with Cody. I know I come off as a guy that has anger issues, and that is true I do. I can't help it though, and let's just let the best man win.

Shane walks down the hallway, and the show fades to black.

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