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universal6 star tag team

Rage again

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 06:36:54 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:11-17-2010 8:24 PMCopy HTML

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inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

 Roleplay ;;;;Heading ;;;;~ You Clicked It || People ;;;;Featured ~ Read and See || Allies/Hit List ~ whoever he wishes/almost Everyone Else || Word ;Count ;;;;~ didnt count|| Post ;;;;Song ;;;;~None| MComments ~ They are in Nashville||
{We find Rage lacing up his gear.  He looks up as the camera comes in, gives a sad smile, and holds his hand up asking for a minute.  He finishes lacing his boots up and then stands up, stretches, and faces the camera}

Jayson Rage:"You know, I could really show the world why Rage is a family nick name, but then again, its what I expected from you Jake.  Then again, I've also heard all the snickers and comments about my mom before.  You think I haven't?  What rock have you been hiding under that you don't think I know what people said about her?  That doesn't make her my mom because she {he grits his teeth} was very into sex."

{his little brother walks in wearing a red and white letter jacket.}


{Jayson catches him and slings him to the bench he'd just been sitting on}

Jayson Rage:"Chill the fuck out, Sean!  I want to get my hands on those assholes too for what they said about Mom, but they aren't on my agenda tonight.  I'll take care of whatever Matt and Justin leave undamaged as soon as I get the chance.  The point is I have to face Shane Jericho after I failed to keep her safe on Extreme.  I promised him that I would have her back.  I didn't expect Lacey to go after her!  I expected Knox to get stupid or for them to have Jake, well Jake be Jake.  He's a dumbass anyway!  Shane may not blame me but I blame myself!  I know Gracie came off the apron to go after Gracie, but I gave my word that I wouldn't let anything happen to her.  Now when I face Shane, he may come to realize that I did make that promise and he's already pissed off.  It would only be right if he took it out againist me."

Sean Rage:"Whatever!  Just get me trained so I can handle these bitches myself."

{He stalks back out of the locker room}

Jayson Rage:"Uh yeah, like that's going to happen anytime soon.  {he turns back to the camera}  "I need to start carrying my share of the weight in the Kindred.  I may even petiton Tao for a new division or I may get in the hunt for Shady's Transcontiental title.  The point is that I am dating one half of the tag team champions and I don't want people to ever say that I'm trying to sleep my way to the top with the owner's cousin!  Now tonight Shane, you and I are going to go into this ring being pissed off for different reasons and one of us will emerge victorious.  We both need to get our priorities in gear and we both have our issues, but in the end I think we will both earn even more of the other's respect."
quєєnofhєarts_The layout was created by Ashley aka Queen of Hearts. Like it? Thank you, now go request one!

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