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The Interview With Shane Jericho RP #2

Started by Dean and Seth Moxley, October 04, 2023, 06:40:02 PM

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Dean and Seth Moxley

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Date Posted:11-18-2010 7:20 AMCopy HTML

When the comes back on the air it shows Shane standing backstage when an interviewer walks over to him, and the interview starts.


On Extreme your fiancee was DDTed by Dusty & Lacey, and I want to know. What do you think about that?

Shane Jericho

They had no business putting their hands on Brandy at all, and I want them in the ring that is right I want to fight both of them. You two want to do that to my fiancee, then you will pay for it. You just pissed off the wrong man, and if your women enough just accept the challenge.


Your facing Jayson Rage, and I got to know. Do you blame him?

Shane Jericho

No I don't blame him, but really I was distracted that is why we lost the match. I want to say sorry to both Grace and Cody, and I am sorry guys for costing us the six person tag team match. Jayson I am not mad at you, but those two shouldn't have done that to Brandy. They will get what is coming to them, and I want to let you know that you will always be a friend to Brandy, Cody and me. I am new to the whole marriage thing, so here it goes. Jayson will you be be one of my groomsmen for my wedding? Cody says I have some anger issues, and he is right. Something happened a long time ago that made me this way, and I hate it every single minute as I will see you out there when it is time for the match.


Thank you for your time Shane.

Shane Jericho

Your welcome.

Shane walks off, and the show fades to black.

TBC: No One

End of role play

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