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The Fighting Foxes working out (Wildside promo)

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 06:45:57 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:11-20-2010 9:24 PMCopy HTML

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Fighting Foxes work out
Maegan v. Oktober/4 way title shot
Multiple time wrestling/martial arts champ. Canadian National Soccer team
..x.{{All three of the girls who use the tag team name, "The Fighting Foxes" [Maegan, Sara, & Grace] are in a gym working out.  The Wildside tag titles are curled up on a bench in a corner near Maegan and Gracie who are using weight machines.  Sara is on ski machine as the camera comes into the room.  The girls are wearing skimpy black shorts w the Kindred logo, and red spandex sports bra type tops that say Foxy airbrushed across the front, and black Sketcher shape ups.  Sara laughs and then calls to the other girls}}

Sara Taylor-Fox:"Unless I'm missing my guess that's Samantha from the SEF interview crew and that means she's not here for me."

{Samantha smiles}

Samantha:"That would be me!  I'm here because Maegan and Grace have big matches on Extreme."

{Maegan and Grace stop working out and grab their tag titles.  Maegan grabs them both some gatorade while Grace grabs their towels.  After a a nice cold drink of winter blast, they wipe their hands and faces to come over to talk to Samantha.}

Grace:"Would you like a water or gatorade or something?"

Samantha:"Sure."  {Maegan grabs her a drink and waits for a question} "Well you guys were both succesful on Wildside how do you think that will play in when you Maegan are in a second round IC match againist Oktober, and you Grace in a four way match including Camaro, Mattlock, and Joe Dumar?"

{Maegan pops her neck and considers how to answer before speaking}

Maegan:"Well, I do not sweat Oktober.  I never have, not really.  She's been nothing more than an annoyance to any of us who are trying to prove ourselves here in SEF.  She's doing pretty well in FFE but here, I am not really sure that she's done as well in SEF.  She's going to have to do a lot better than some petty name calling and shaking her ass to entice the male fans to take me out of the IC tourny.  I am one half of the Wildside tag team champions!  Gracie and I earned these titles by defeating two of the top MALE stars in both SEF and FFE.  We defeated our family member and former SEF International Champion Justin Rodgers and a former multiple time champ in Johnny Camaro.  Oktober chose to back a losing team with The Clan O'Bannon.  She entered into a feud that has been going on for months here in SEF and for years outside of it.  As much as it bores us, {Gracie nods her head in agreement} they'll never let it end even though we've taken their precious fake titles and made them apart of a credible tag title division.  {Maegan smiles} Not to mention I made sure that Lacey Daniels will never forget my name as I laid her out on Wildside in a pool of her own blood.  Now Lacey, I know that you are sitting at home, curled up with Orton waiting on you hand and foot, seething because I finally crossed the line.  I lowered myself to your level and I took you out backstage.  {She smiles and raises an eyebrow at the camera} Now Oktober, if my childhood friendship failed so badly that my school chum is left laying in a pool of blood, what do you think is laying in wait for you?  You helped kidnapped my little cousin.  You couldn't use your common sense that making the members of the Kindred lose their tempers and attacking our family was hazardous to your health?  {shakes her head}  You know there is this cliche.  Revenge is a best served cold....well I say its served with fox, namely my finisher, The Fighting Fox."

{Gracie nods her blue eyes icy}

Gracie:"I wish I could get my hands on Jessica, Oktober, and Carly!  Gabby is my little sister!  Punishment for taking her should be dealt out by me!  Although I did get a little satisfaction when Sara and I teamed on Wildside againist Jessica and Tate.  Two of the O'Bannon skanks!  They seem to grow like weeds in an outhouse!!  I didn't get the full satisfaction of tearing Jessica limb from limb for coming up with the mistake of taking one of my sisters from me!  Now, if you have learned anything from watching Justin, at the very least, the last thing you want to do is to get my siblings or I pissed off!  We seem to work best when you get our blood boiling.  It's what drove Justin to defeat Knighthawk for the SEF International Title.  Now, I have no problems with Johnny Camaro.  I think he and Milan make a really cute couple.  He's actually a really great guy and I respect his in-ring ability.  We have worked together before and this should be an interesting match.  {She smiles suddenly} I also get the opportunity to prove that I deserve to be in SEF as I am the only woman in this match for a shot at the SEF International title, currently held by Julie.  As for Matlock?  After watching your past few matches, especially in the match that Justin defeated you, I think I have your number.  You're make yourself out to be much tougher than you are.  {shakes her head} "Although, I must admit I am most excited to face Joe Dumar, The Messiah of Violence.  I haven't had much of a chance to do any hardcore wrestling.  {she plays with her blond ponytail for a second with a smirk} My dad always said pretty girls had no place in hardcore matches even though he married my mom after she'd been in a match similar to a Prison Yard match and then had me.  My mom is still pretty and she did.  Of course, my idol won a Japanese Death match to become SEF HW champ and she's gorgeous!  So coming to SEF and defeating three men to face Julie for the International title is an important step towards my ultimate goal of winning the hw title!  So one way or another boys, be prepared to lose to the Divine Diva on Sunday!  I want to be the first Fox female to be a heavyweight title!"    

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