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Collecting what is mine!

Started by Midnight, October 04, 2023, 06:49:19 PM

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Date Posted:11-20-2010 4:47 PMCopy HTML

Midnight had arrived and many began to wonder what was her reason for coming back to SEF. Many rumors had been coming forth, one being that she was broke and was needing the paycheck. This rumor was untrue. According to sources close to her, she was called on to take care of a bounty that was placed of someone's head, one being that she had free reign to destroy them how ever she wanted. So Midnight came back to collect.

Midnight was weaving and diving through the shadows, when she stopped and started smelling the air. Her mind began to speak to her as she commented within herself.

"Mmmmm..that smell..that odor. I know of it so well. I smell that foul odor anywhere. Mack and his midget is nearby."

Midnight went further through the dark depths of the shadows hallway and then snuck inside a room that was well lit. She was in the office of management. Midnight looked around with her blood red eyes and then walked slowly towards a large filing cabinet full of wrestlers contracts and opened it forcefully. She fumbled through everyone's files and then stopped when she seen what she was looking for. Just then security came in and caught her in the act. She knew that he was there and acted as though he wasn't until he went to place his hand on her shoulder. Midnight quickly spun around and grabbed ahold of his throat, squeezing almost the breathe out of him and lifting him off a few feet off the ground. She spoke with a growl to her voice.

"Grrr..how dare you mortal try to stop me from getting what I need. I shall dispose of you at once and show everyone what fool you are."

She lets go and at same time foot sweeps him to the ground. She jumps up in the air and spins around landing dead rights on his massive chest, knocking the wind out of him and making him bleed from the mouth. She then spins around an leg drops him so hard, it crushes his windpipe and almost kills him. She then sneers as she spoke.

"You mortals are no match for me. I came her to collect my bounty and I attend to do just that without interference."

She then grabbed the file folder of the one she was collecting on and then disappeared into the darkness.



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Re:Collecting what is mine!
Date Posted:11-21-2010 10:48 AMCopy HTML

It was a few hours later and Midnight was sitting upon a large ledge overlooking the city. In the back of her mind she had all the intentions of following through in her quest to take down the unknown person she was hired to take out. The bounty on this person was to end his career to where they could never wrestle again. Then again, Midnight was perfect for this job as she knew the resources to use for such big task. Midnight studied the photo of the person and then closed her eyes, remembering back when this kind of job was the most dangerous. Back when the times was much more dangerous, she was hailed as the most dangerous bounty hunty in all of Romania. Midnight opened her eyes and then jumped up on her feet,spinning around in a crotch like position. She let out a low growl and then peered through the shadows until she seen the person that had contacted her for the big bounty. They chuckled before they spoke.
"Easy Midnight. Let's not attack the hand that feed you..haha."
She glared at him.
"Cut the crap! I am in no mood to listen to your mocks and jokes today asshole. I came here to do a job and that is what I am here to do."
The person chuckled. They slowly walked around Midnight as they spoke.
"Midnight, I do not doubt your skills, but let's be real here. How I know that you truely can finish them off?"
Midnight walks to him and gets close by their face.
"Because if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have that title around your waist jackass. I made that happen and you should be grateful that I didn't take your head off back then."
Stroking their chin they grinned.
"You have a point there. If you say you can do this, then I will take you at your word. But remember...I will not pay you until the job is done and done right."
Midnight gave a low growl.
"Trust me...they will be a footnote when I am through. Now begone from my sight before I change my mind..mortal!"
"As you wish Midnight. Remember what I said."
"And remember what I SAID..MORTAL!"
They left and Midnight goes back to the ledge and perched upon it, scene faded to black.

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