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Maegan vs Oktober

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 06:55:24 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:11-21-2010 5:20 PMCopy HTML

For those of you who have weak stomaches or are offended easily, I advise you to not read any further! We have to remember here that roleplaying is all in fun and if you're offended that easily then maybe you shouldn't be roleplaying at all! This is your first and only warning!
|| Fighting Foxes|| {{Maegan Fox-Silva}} || Fighting Foxes||
{{{Maegan is seen in the midst of an FFE photo shoot.  She's wearing white on black gear with a cross over her cleavage to do a peek a boo modest thing with her breasts and matching white pleather pants and ring boots.  Her half of the FFE Wildside tag titles is over her shoulder.  Gracie is near her, dressed opposite with black on white rather than the white on black of Maegan's gear.  Gracie also is wearing her title on her shoulder.  The girls start to walk away from the photographer as they see Samantha approaching them but the photographer gets upset.}}}

Gracie:"Why don't we do some individual shots as well as tag team shots.  Then we can both do our promos for tommorow nights Extreme and you can still get your shots taken?"

{the photographer who is obviously gay is a little put out as he puts his hands on his hips}

"Uh then why would this be a photoshoot of the Wildside Tag champs when I only have one at a time?"

{Maegan smiles}

Maegan:"If you let us cut our promos then maybe Gracie will get Rage to take his shirt off?"

{The photographer claps his hands excited as Rage shoots Maegan a look}



{Gracie walks over and lays her head on his shoulder and looks up at him}

Gracie:"Please? For me?"

{Rage kisses the top of her head}

Rage:"You've got to be kidding me!" {Gracie leans up to whisper something in his ear and plays with her own top.} "You are awful!  {he rolls his eyes} Fine, but you owe me cuz I'm going to lose any cred that I've earned here."  {He pauses and then looks from her to Maegan} "Both of you and Grace better be the only one touching me!"

{She licks her lips suggestively and then turns to face him and he undoes her top first so that she can drape the title over her breasts.  Then she unbuttons his shirt.  Maegan giggles and then walks over to Samantha who glances a little appraisingly at Rage}

Maegan:"Sam?"  {she looks back at Maegan with a smile} "You know, I'm wondering where Oktober is.  She's been MIA since Wildside and tommorow is Extreme so I'm wondering if she's even going to show up.  I know she got her come uppance for thinking she could bully Taylor.  Then again if she shows up here and she beats me not only does she advance in the SEF's IC title tournement but she gains an advantage in the Wildside tag tournement that will happen next weekend at Saturday Night Special.  She'd have the momentum for her and Jessica againist everyone else.  It may even be a psychological advantage, but then again she has to not only show up but beat me too.  SEF is where all of the major opportunities are but FFE is where Grace and I have started to prove ourselves.  Tommorow night, I have a chance to step up and prove myself here.  The Intercontiental title has a lot of history and I want to be apart of it.  The Kindred have a lot of detractors and winning the IC title would begin to put the naysayers to rest, even if I have to face my twin or my cousin.  {she smiles big}  That would be so awesome since I've always faced them in practice and not in a real match!  So Oktober are you going to be a door mat or are you going to show up with your head on straight and fight me with the pride of a woman who wants to be listed amongst all of the legends that SEF has produced because that's where I want to be!  I will go into Extreme with the determination of a champion and come out with the victory of a woman who is determined to one day BE not just be a double champion but a future legend."
Envy is Ignorance...Imitation is Suicide. Now stealing on the other hand is illegal, do so don't do it. If you want a layout from Self Centered order one from her at Faceless Designs.

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