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Matt Extreme Promo 2

Started by Kristin Fox, October 04, 2023, 06:56:59 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:11-21-2010 11:54 PMCopy HTML

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{Get Ready to Fly hits the p.a.  A tron featuring some of the stuff that Matt Fox has done in his career both abroad as well a few things that he has done recently in SEF/FFE.  Smoke filters around him as he makes his way to the entry ramp and out to the ring} 

 {Pyro rains down in blue and silver as he walks out.  He's dressed in a gray suit and blue tie with sunglasses on.  He is also carrying a red and gold title.  He comes out and takes a micrphone that a tech has offered.}

Matt Fox:"I know that alot of people are wondering why I am carrying a title belt when I have yet to earn one in SEF.  It's actually a bit of FFE business that I will get to after I hype my match with Cody Jericho on Extreme 190.  So, {he turns to face the camera} Cody, you and I both seem to have our share of family problems don't we?  I hate to be callous but one of the things that I have learned from Viper is, the women who sign on to work at SEF and FFE know what they are getting into when they come in here.  Your soon to be sister-in-law was lucky that when she was targeted, it was by two women and not by one man, or ten.  I did notice that she was going to take Tao and the girls up on the offer to train at my brother-in-law's school.  Brandy, at least understands that she's not untouchable.  There are people on both brands that could care less who it is and I question Justin's decision daily to allow Katana to provide Wildside commentary when she was already a target, early in her pregnancy.  Then again, we do need to put all of that behind us because second only to the SEF hw title, the IC Title deserves our full attention and respect.  In this company very few titles can live up to the reputation of the HW title but the IC title holds its own.  So many people are vying for this title and its only the second round.  I could very well end up fighting my twin sister in the finals, my favorite cousins, or if I am exceptionally unlucky I'll get some serious neck strain trying to look up at Troy Storms.  I am not sure if even if his back was turned if I could do any damage at all with a Pele kick.  We all have our mountains to climb, Cody, and I'm the mountain in your path.  We are neither one an unstoppable force but I am pretty damn confident that when it comes down to it, I will be advancing to the next round of the IC tournement."
((This has been an official *MATT FOX * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED))

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