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True Violence

Started by Da Gangstas, October 04, 2023, 07:00:35 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:21/11/2010 11:08 PMCopy HTML
Standing backstage in front of the usual backdrop is where Joe Dumar is and he sweat runs down his head, his breathing kinda heavy, appears to be he was just in a match. After controlling his breathing better Joe gets a rather intense stare as he now says.
I've been weighing over what happened on the last Extreme after coming so fucking close to winning that Underground Title and I hope I can have half the match against Bob one more time. Sucks Haz had to get injured, but he knows I'm here for him. Tomorrow night I get an opportunity to earn another title shot, this time at the International Title, a belt with just as much prestige and one I would love to claim as my first title in SEF!
A sorta proud look in his eyes now, but he snarls intensely and says.
Three others stand in my way, Matt Matlock, Johnny Camaro, and Grace Payne who has been the only one so far to express interest in capitalizing on this opportunity. Grace, I'm right fucking here, so no need to wonder where Joe is cause tomorrow night on Extreme I'll be in the ring and I know SEF all too well. Man or woman, Just Joe is just gonna kick your ass and show you what violence is all about!
And now he stretches his arms out snarling again and says.
Johnny can't wrestle a match to save his life anymore, hell, I'd wonder if he could even look good against Mack who had to carry his ass several months ago?! And Matlock, ya came back with a grudge, then seemed to make peace, now what, just float on through and finish off in SEF just like you entered, a nobody!
He lets out a scream and lowers his arms, shakes his head aggressively some what and with wide intense eyes he says.
Grace Payne...PAIN...you want to experience real fucking pain, then look no further than the Messiah of fucking Violence. I hear ya got a doctor in the family of yours Grace, so if ya do, then make sure their at ringside because when I get down with you, Matlock, and Camaro your all gonna need at least twenty four hours in a fucking hospital. This is a fatal fucking four way and this is S...E...fucking...F!
Joe beats against his chest and steps real close to the camera snarling and saying.
I want gold, I got the burning fucking desire eating a goddamn hole in my gut every night knowing I came this fucking close...
He raises his right hand with his index finger and thumb barely apart, like a quarter inch or whatever. Joe lowers his hand and stares intensely as he says.
I've come so close, I have busted my ass here for years, as a referee, jerking the curtain, warming up the crowd, seeing so many others go by me, but I stuck it out and continued to learn. Now the learning may continue, but its high time Joe Dumar got his fucking time, so I'm taking it tomorrow night. Extreme will be just that, its time SEF sees some of its own ol' school with pure, true, unadulterated...VIOLENCE!
And now he throws his arms up and out, rears his head back screaming, then snaps forward head butting the camera which fumbles down to the floor and to static, then fade to black.

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